High gas prices lead to retail chain store bankruptcy, is Pulido happy now?

Pulido loves high gas prices!

A clothing store chain called Steve & Barry’s filed for Bankruptcy protection today.  They have two locations in our area, at the Block of Orange and at Buena Park Downtown.

Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido recently said that the high gas prices we are experiencing are absolutely fantastic, but check out why Steve & Barry’s filed for bankruptcy protection: “High costs of materials and fuel prices have increased the company’s goods and operating costs. Customers are feeling the pain of high food and gas prices and declining home values, and many of them are being forced to shop closer to their homes and cut back on discretionary purchases,” according to the O.C. Register.

Does Pulido understand what the high gas prices are doing to our economy?  Most everyone knows that prices at the supermarket have skyrocketed.  Everything that has to be transported has gone up in price.  Airlines are going out of business and are failing to do required maintenance.  But Pulido says high gas prices are fantastic.  What a complete ass!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.