Earlier today I watched a 75 minute seminar video by Lindsay Williams. Who is Mr. Williams you might ask. After watching the video regarding his allegations of the power brokers who control oil pricing and profits, and transcribing some of his presentation, I went to Google to inquire about the man and his book entitled “The Energy Non Crisis.”
Following is from the author write up. Lindsey Williams who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a Missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams love for the country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the “pipeliners,” he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company.
Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information that is documented in his book and the video which can be seen at the link below.
According to Mr. Williams they struck the largest pool of oil in North America at Gull Island that we will never have access to. The Gull Island discovery, according to Lindsay, was immediately designated as “classified.”
In that 75 minute presentation he alleges that (back in the 60’s or 70’s) former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger traveled to every oil producing country in the world telling Arab leaders that “I will cut you a deal.” Adding that “we’ll buy oil from you so long as all oil sales are in US dollars.” He also claims that Dr. Kissinger said “you can have a certain percentage for development of your country” and “you must take a certain percentage of our national debt.” Paraphrased.
One of the two countries who refused to accept this proposal was Saddam’s Iraq. You need to watch the allegations of that refusal and his references to presidents Bush 41 and Bush 43.
Let me jump ahead to the final few minutes of the program where he makes the following statement:
“President Bush cannot allow oil from the North Slope of Alaska, to come to the United States of America..because, if he did, the oil producing countries of the world who signed on the dotted line in the days of Henry Kissinger would not be obligated to take a certain portion of everything we give them in payment for oil and turn around and buy our national debt and the pork in Washington,, D.C. And the $8 trillion debt would collapse the American economy and the American dollar. Therefore our administration today cannot afford to allow you to get oil from Gull Island pool because if they did, and brought it out of the ground at $3 a barrel, and allowed American refineries to refine it, gasoline at the gas pump, within one years time, could come down to $1.50 a gallon or less but Bush and the others in Washington knew it would collapse our economy.”
OK Juice readers. Is he a quack or is he the real thing? I’ll let you decide.
The following eight links take you to the U-tube series of this lecture.
While I watched a continuous video you can take this one bite at a time.
Note: Notice I am not revealing who he claims is the real power in the world today. Watch the videos, hear it directly from Lindsay, and let me know if his message is fact or fiction about a very serious national policy issue.
I just love crackpots and conspiracy theories.
Keyser Soze
Looks like we have a couple of clowns as commenters #1 and #2.
Instead of talking on the issue, both these bozos avoid the subject just like their idol Bush does. The “others” Lindsey refers obviously includes that lying rat bastard Cheney.
If you actually watch the video, you can see that it was taped OVER SIX MONTHS ago. Either this guy is a prophet or he might actually know the inner workings of Big Oil. Take your pick
Just make him stop TALKING! He has the cadence of a drilling rig. He may not be crazy but he could make you crazy. Still, some of the things he says are an easier explanation of recent events than the official story so I kinda think Lindsay has the edge in believability for me, the problem is what do you do with it?
*For those who watched Paulson and Bernanke at
the Congressional Banking Committee..yesterday…
Lindsay really has it together. The Fed and our
Treasury man want “regulations to change”…only
not until next year….when all their cronies can
bail safely from the dirty business they are doing right now. Our Congressman John Campbell,
had the temerity to ask if “the boyz” needed some quick assistance from Congress! The answer: “Yes,
we do….but not too fast!”
IMF and World Bank…..where do they have their
money again? Lindsay is right on. What don’t you
believe about Nixon, Kissenger and back room deals – again? Oil, has quickly cranked back up
$7 to $10 bucks on “war speak” with Iran! Bull.
email reply:
What a bunch of CRAP. There is NO such thing as ‘Chaplin on the pipeline’. Half truths & absurd statements . Where is this Gull Island. I have never heard of it. Another urban myth.
To the above comment I went to Google to see if there is such a place. They do show an island
Another Google entry reads:
“A huge quantity of crude oil and natural gas exists under Gull Island, located in the waters of Prudhoe Bay in Alaska, says Williams. He cited key British Petroleum memoranda and related the statements of upper echelon oil officials who told him that Gull Island would be kept under wraps, limiting domestic supplies so Americans would someday see prices hit up to $10 a gallon at the pump.”
Note: Fellow Juice blogger, Cutting Edge-a talk show producer, Ron Winship first advised me of this story which triggered this topic post.
Can you burn “snake oil” in your car?
The song this guy is selling is quite old. The actor Steven Seagal talked about this at the end of his 1994 movie “On Deadly Ground”
There’s a sucker born every minute, CQT96.
While doing research for the earlier posts on energy and gorebal warming, I ran headlong into this story about Lindsay Williams and Gull Island and the ANWR reserves as well as the huge reserves in the WY-CO areas. While Lindsay Williams stories are compelling and interesting, there is little to back up his claims. For those who believe in the one world order conspiracies, et all, they are the words of a prophet.
I however, would like to see more substantiated facts before I can buy into the ideas that there a huge conspiracy to fix energy prices at an artificially high level. However like other great companies within there own industries, such as De Beers and diamonds, it can be done short term. While the business model can work within a small raw material market, it’s practical usage with a non controlled market place, one that is openly and publicly traded, one that has many small suppliers, has sever problems. The application of which in the open market is difficult at best. Even De Beers is having problems with it’s own business model and they are arguably the very best example there is, in cornering a raw material, distribution and labor added market. For those who don’t know, De Beers vaults more raw and finished diamonds than they sell yearly. By production numbers (carat weight) gem grade diamonds are only semi-precious. There value grossly inflated by the perceived value of the market place, where in, De Beers controls the release of gem stones into the market to keep the prices artificially high. Many other semi-precious and colored stones are produced in smaller quantities and at much lower prices.
The controlled business model of De Beers is straining against the increasing production from small producers in Canada and Russia and the cutters in Israel and India. It may not be much longer that diamonds are no longer highly valued.
As I said, the claims of Gull Island are interesting and information about Gull Island is available online however, the sources are hearsay and conjecture without much scientific basis or substantiation. Is Gull Island a cover up of the largest oil field in history? I doubt it very much. The deeper I dig the more it smells… and that isn’t oil I smell either.
Lindsey Williams surely generates curiosity as indicated by the reader comments as well as who knows how many whom have not added their opinions to this or your prior post. That’s our role as bloggers. Or at least I think it is. Flush out policy related stories and let the readers weigh in with their thoughts.
There are many other blogs covering this conspiracy or factual account on the web.
To date I am unable to get directly to retired Atlantic Richfield executive Ken Fromm whom Lindsey references as his “deep throat” source.
I’m sure both of us will let everyone know what we find on this little tidbit. There is lots of rumor and finger pointing but the basic raw data, if any is out there, is scant on any substantial oil field around Gull Island. I’ve spent about 10 hours trying to dig up information on it. Very little scientific evidence by reputable sources is available.
I must admit if it IS a cover-up they have done a pretty good job of it.
Kind of makes me wonder too. If the government gets so many of the mundane things wrong so often, how is it some folks put so much stock in their abilities to cover so much up…?
The city’s frightening now. That’s the basis of my reaction to Las Vegas. It’s not the city I wrote about. It’s not the same place at all. You’ll notice that even the – what do you call them? – milestone or trademark casinos are now gone.HunterS.ThompsonHunter S. Thompson, on “modern” Las Vegas, when compared to the Las Vegas of the early 1970’s
Hello fools! I see your posts were in July. Whats the price of feul now you fools? Looks like Lindsey was right? But you keep living in your dreamworld. In the next year, when you’re starving because your worthless paper wont buy you your GMO foods, don’t come on my land for food. You’ll be met with guns. You stupid fools are in for a rude awakening. You havent sene anything yet..but you will!! Mark My Words FOOLS!
Well Irene, it’s been over 2 years since your dire forecast and the world is still here. Fool.