Urban legends tend to create excitement. The accusations of Donald Trumpet that President Obama was born in Kenya is a classic. “There are people……” says Trumpet Plaza.. “that believe otherwise!” when questioned by CNN Reporter Wolf Blitzer. “What people?” inquires Blitzer. “I don’t name names….” replies Trumper. “You’re sounding a bit ridiculous Donald….” says Wolf. “You are ridiculous Wolf and your falling ratings……..” replies The Donald. Our question of course is: Why is Donald Trump such a putz? He even managed to infuriate the whole country of Scotland over the placement of a Golf Course. Trump and Donnie Deutch seem to love being on the media even more than Don Imus and Howard Stern combined? Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardasian are probably contenders for the throne but at least they are attractive females. Maybe Donald should go on “Dancing with the Stars”.
Mitt Romney is in Newport Beach today….to do a re-run of what President Obama did a couple of weeks ago. Get out there, have a party at a rich guy’s house and collect millions of dollars from special interest money. It is so bad that the City of Newport Beach is asking President Obama for a cut of what he made in fund raising…..about $35,000 for police protection and overtime that they had to provide because of protesters. We can’t wait to see how much they will be charging Mitt and his campaign. These guys are oh so competitive types. What do you think….will Newport Beach want more from Romney or from the President?
Mitt Romney was born in 1947…the famous year of the Pig. Some of our closest friends by the way, were born in the year of the Chinese Pig. They are renowned for being generous and loyal to their friends, knowledgeable business people and on occasion….very mean. Pigs like expensive things and if you study their habits….they love to just hang out with their pals and family. In fact, the only people they seem to trust at all – are family. Then in most cases, Pigs tend to blame their family members for being ingrates, because their families never say thank you enough to please them. They give and give to their families and all they get are sly looks that say: “Thanks…but is that all we get?” Pigs can be creative, elegant and demand only the best quality in everything – even when that value may be based on reputation and friends or associates suggestions.
Mitt Romney is a Fire Boar: Fire will conduct powerful and intense emotions in this courageous Boar. He will display stouthearted heroism in all his endeavors and could follow his plans through with pigheaded determination. He could reach the highest level of achievement or fall to the lowest depths of degradation, depending on which path he chooses and how tight a rein he has over his immense energy and sensuality. The Fire Boar will never fear the unknown,; intrepid, optimistic and trusting in his own innate ability, he will try his luck at anything and succeed against vast odds. He is motivated by love and will try to accumulate weath in order to provide a gracious life style for his all-important family. He doesn’t mind doing favors for anyone, even strangers, and will be famous for his generous handouts to friends. When he is in his negative state, this Boar can be willful, bullying and guilt-ridden, but generally he is characterized by largesse and lack of prejudice. He will favor manufacturing or labor-oriented enterprises because he will enjoy emplying a large number of people if given the opportunity. (out take from The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau – which we heartily endorse!!)
President Obama was born in 1961…the famous year of the Ox. The Chinese Ox is a steady as she goes, conservative, logical, intelligent, pragmatic leader. They seem to understand the power structure and who to kiss up to and who not to. They will certainly dump any friend or acquaintance that disappoints them or fails to perform their duties. They can cut the cord with impunity. The Ox tends to do “the right thing” when it has to be done. The Ox has an acerbic personality and even though they appear relaxed can strike out decisively when necessary and step on folks that require “their corrective action”. The Ox is not easily swayed by others. The Ox only goes with the herd when there is a general panic condition. The Ox wants quality in all things and much that has to do with those that support their intellectual values and assessments.
President Barack Obama was born in the year of the Metal Ox: This type of Ox will ahve strong clashes of will with people, even his superiors, who do not agree with his views. He expresses himself clearly, intensely and resolutely and can never be accused of being vague about what he wants. He will stick tlo his guns at all cost; when necessary he can be quite eloquent – and he will use all his abilities to the full when he wants to forge ahead. He is not very affectionate by nature but could have scholarly inclinations and be a love of classical music and art. he has a strong sense of repsonsibility and can be relied upon to keep his word, which shouldn’t be too difficult as he or she will be a person of few words. At times, he tends to force issues; he can become a one-man army when he is obsessed with succeeding in his objectives. he can become a fanatic about them. Tough and arrogant, he does not know the word “failure”. A person of remarkable stamina, he will require little rest or diversion. He won’t mind working around the clock if that is what it takes to get things done. He can be narrow-minded and vengeful when he doesn’t get his way. (out take from The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau – which we heartily endorse!!)
Since this article is all about Urban Myths and Legends….let’s ask a few questions regarding what our world will look like with an Ox or a Pig as the leader of the Free World. Which one of these two personalities will be able to deal with other world leaders in a meaningful way? Which one of these two leaders can turn the world economy around and create jobs and energy independence here in the United States. Which one of these two personalities will be able to correct the Global Banking Crisis? Which one of these two personalities will be someone we can look back on and determine them to still be likeable after four years?
It is interesting to note that Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich are still out there pumping their fists like Tiger Woods after a not too recent birdie putt. Are there or could there be other reasons that The Donald and The Newt…… continue to scream so loudly? In any event, their actions are not that attractive to suit our concept of entertainment! Hopefully, Newt and Donald will be at the Balboa Bay Club tonight with their $25K in hand for a good table at the Romney Event!
We do know one thing: The coverage of this 2012 Ox vs. Pig – Presidential Election is going to be very boring should the standard lies, misrepresentations and media attitudes prevail and continue unabated. For those that are interested in knowing about their own birth years and what Chinese animal they might be…we encourage you to do so. After all – This is the year of the Water Dragon…..very auspicious our great and venerable ones!
*Which one is the Alaskan Soccer mom?
I have to admit some ignorance here…. what is the fascination of the Republicans with astrology?
I thought that the Religious Right thought that astrology was akin to witchcraft, but, we find that several past Republican Presidents didn’t do anything major without consulting an astrologer.
How does that jibe with being “Born Again” or just plain old Christian.
I mean it’s well known that Reagan was deeply influenced by astrology, and so was Nixon. It just doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the party platform.
It supposedly can be used for one’s personal profit and to do things like use supernatural and arcane information to control others without their knowledge. And you really wonder about its fascination for Republicans? Plus, it’s anti-conventional science — and readings cost money! The only thing that could make it more attractive to Republicans is if it were a scam. Ahem.
Once you will be aware of yourself appearance in your environment Golem and will notice that you have hanging tongue, open mouth and are mouth breather than you will be conscious.
Once you extend your conscious further than your mouth and nose and will realize that you are living in an endless bubble and that everything in that bubble is perfectly organized until the left-liberal-progressives will try to reorganize it, you will become IQ sufficient to study the relationships of the events and wonders in the universe bubble, locality and non locality.
You may even discover that, in oppose to you, there are actually intelligent Jews who promulgated quantum physic and interesting hypotheses about who you are, why are you here and what happen to you when you are not here in that endless bubble. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat
Usually moron mongoloids, like you Golem, must reincarnate many times until their intelligence evolves and becomes a part of this endless bubble and will expend it an inch.
In meanwhile think of yourself as the non-kosher one with the lipstick.
It’s almost like you’re trying to communicate something. Don’t strain yourself.
“It’s almost like you’re trying to communicate something”…….. Hmmmmm
Key word: “almost.”
*The Chinese have about 1.4 Billion people. They will soon be buying more autos than the US auto industry could make in a lifetime. Their influence on natural medicine will transform American Society in the next 10 years from an AMA, Big Pharma based healthcare into an affordable self care and self medicated model. Chinese Astrology has nothing to do with Vedic or so-called Indian Astrology…which represents another 1.1 Billion people. Chinese Astrology also is not what is considered to be Western Sideral Astrology…developed in Europe.
Astrology of all types is considered a tool to understanding. Self discovery finds its basis in the original Babylonian and Egyptian Astrology that was further supported during the 1960’s by the Freudian – sex consciousness – and Jung variety psychology. The study of astrology is well over 2700 years old…and includes the Romans, the Classic Greeks, The Druids of England and the Vikings. Each school has their own variance of understanding which can be found added to the study numerology, psychic trance, devining, Crystal Energy uses and of course the Classic Crystal Ball.
Charletans of any and all ilk have attempted to misuse every known so-called unconventional philosophy that wasn’t Catholic based Christian since the birth of Christ. The findings of the Muslims and several thousand other sects of religious studies all include a strong astrological premise. Even Scientology and Mormonism.
Buddism and Confusiaism all include the premises of Chinese Astrology and include
the primary reason why this year: The Year of the Dragon is an auspicious one and many Chinese married or want to have their most important children in this year.
All in all, we couched this article as “Urban Myth” as a disclaimer. As they say: It is for entertainment purposes ONLY. The truth of what was said however is no doubt very correct.in a broad sense.
We did a great show with Joan Quigley who was and is Nancy Reagan’s astrologer. She was quite involved in the early days of the Reagan Administration and there is little doubt that her consulting probably greatly contributed to saving President Reagan life. Once she was outed in 1982 by the press, her public exposure became extremely limited.
Go to our website: http://www.cuttingedge-atalkshow.com (you can find it in the archived videos.) In Conversation with …Joan Quigley.
I don’t want to have to dig through what I’m sure is a fascinating interview, but I have to ask you to please elaborate on this:
*One important clarity: Vedic Astrology is part of the Hindu….religion.
*Dr. Diamond, “too deep”….the pool is “too deep”….don’t try to swim there…in our
opinion..either watch the interview or don’t… no biggie…. it’s just history.
“there is little doubt that her consulting probably greatly contributed to saving President Reagan’s life.”
OK, I see that I need to clarify: could you elaborate on that sentence without repeatedly using the word “narm”?
I think that I’m responding to Anna Winship here…
I’m sure that your history of astrology will be educational to a lot of people, it is well done. As you said, it is the oldest framework for the study of the human condition, currently defined as psychology. The only thing that I would add is that Vedic is practiced widely in India, integrated into their spirituality, and discussed probably as much as the weather. Also their main focus is based on three important dates in their lives: date of birth, date of marriage, and date of death.
I watched the interview with Joan and found her to be a bit self-serving in her responses, saying that 3 out of 4 astrologers are wrong, but she is always right. That sounds like somebody starting their own religion or trying to make a lot of money.
You should interview some of the current astrologers that are a lot more cogent in their views. You might interview Steven Forrest, Gary Christen, or for someone with a really good sense of humor-Michael Lutin. These are the modern faces. Quigley wouldn’t answer several of Ron’s questions, much like you haven’t answered mine:
How does Republican dependence on astrology square with the Born-Again/Christian devotion?
Well, I would say, there are a few Republicans I can think of that I haven’t heard blather on about Jesus, and that would include the Winships, Richard Nixon, and Nancy Reagan.
To me, the only thing more absurd than the idea that everyone born in a certain month shares a lot of important defining characteristics, is the idea that everyone born in a certain YEAR shares a lot of important defining characteristics.
But I always remember the cynical Edmund’s great line about astrology in King Lear:
“An admirable evasion of Whoremaster Man, to lay his goatish disposition to the charge of a star!”
“To me, the only thing more absurd… blah… blah… blah”……… Hmmmmmm
Classical Marxist Leninist thinking….. but cool!
More like, Enlightenment-era rationality, comrade.
“More like, Enlightenment-era rationality”……….. Hmmmmmm
Prove it!
Vern..that’s a cultural hurdle that took me most of my life to clear. Goes against my scientific based thought process. I mean there’s no scientific proof of astrology! Well, there is no astrological proof of science, either. And we all know how science has been wrong in the past.
Just because we don’t understand something, does not mean that we should discard it. The lodestone or compass was used for two thousand years before we understood the earth’s magnetic field.
If you have never experienced astrology, and you claim it is all bunk, is like relying on a travel article by somebody who has never left their house. Keep an open mind.
You’re sounding more like ANOTHER famous Shakespeare line, from Hamlet: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
“If you have never experienced astrology, and you claim it is all bunk, is like relying on a travel article by somebody who has never left their house”…….. Hmmmmm
Yes Gröfaz, if you have never experienced hooker, and you claim it is all bunk, is like relying on a porno article by somebody who has never stooped masturbating.
So are you the first example, or the second?
And is he saying that one needs to STOOP while masturbating, in order to understand and appreciate the hooker?
He might have meant SHTOOPED. We all know his spelling is atrocious.
To answer either would be an oxymoron!
“And is he saying that one needs to STOOP while masturbating, in order to understand and appreciate the hooker?”………. Hmmmmmm
Never STOP masturbating!
Just lift your ass of the couch and get the hooker, or astrologist to see how long you have to keep masturbating or find the hooker.
“We all know his spelling is atrocious”……… Hmmmmm
The English language is the only language in the world out of which a spelling is the sport called “Spelling Bee”……
Rules are simple: A six years old spells correctly a word which 100% of an adult audience have no clue how to spell.
That speaks for it self!
I bet you would never make it near first 100,000 finalists……. so?
You are a moron mongoloid who spells worse than a six years old.
“Never stop masturbating.”
So that’s why you’re always saying Hmmmmmmm.
You think that he hums while …
I have to get out of here before I give this another moment’s thought.
“So that’s why you’re always saying Hmmmmmmm”……….. Hmmmmmm
No, I open my moth and let my tongue hangout, while drooling, like Golem dos it in public.
So when I masturbate, I have same expression in my face like Golem on all of his pictures posted here and elsewhere.
Uh … OK.
Vern sounds like a taurus….
Bingo, maestro!
*Demagogue – we are impressed. You have an shocking awareness, we previously did not grasp. Joan Quigley is perhaps an iconoclast. She was way ahead of the game, when she was a kid and came out with “Astrology for Adults”. It is still a definitive elemental work which does explain in less esoteric language actual planet placements in the chart. We tend to rely on the tried and true; “Predictive Astrology” by Sakoian and Acker. Their “Astrologer Handbook” is certainly also a suggested definitive need. With well over 100 of our different astro books to chose from, you have to start with the Sabian Symbols and very good selection of Matrix or Star Fire software and a great desire to keep an open mind. The Natal, The Progressions, The Transits and the Numerology Age Digits…all help in understanding the process elementally.
*And to think this stuff all started because the Babylonians wanted to know when to plant their crops!
*Side note: Joan did a very good job of answering what she could at the time. Reagan had just been declared mentally deficit with his Alzheimers and much of what we asked …..attempted to keep “their relationship” at arms length for several reasons.
**We do use “The Book of Pluto” by Steven Forrest….but even that one has a tendency to use far too many euphemisms for our liking. The A to Z Delineator is
still too nasty for our liking – even though you need to read it…but that one was from the 30’s…and a much darker time! Also, a good 2010-2019 Ephemeris. Tools of the trade..
Thanks for watching….the Joan interview is still a classic….much as she still is!
Third time might be a charm…….
How does Republican dependence on astrology square with the Born-Again/Christian devotion?
*Non-Partisan Dr. Demagogue…..non-partisan. There has never been any dependance on Astrology except by Adolf Hitler in recent memory that was reported by the press. Maybe 10,000 Hollywood movie stars…but those hardly count for much. Sly Stallone’s mom is huge into Astrology. Think she is probably another Obama supporter. So, we have to disagree that there is any so-called “Dependence” Factor by any or most Republican voters or supporters. Many are more likely to voice the thoughts of Chairman Vern and his total distain for anything he can not swallow whole.
Like a donut….for example. Maple bars however are challenging to be sure.
We suppose the most truthful answer to your question is: Toleration..we suppose.
each group totarates each other in a non-verbal quasi, half-hearted approval process.
We will say that many Peace & Freedom, Libertarian and American Independent voters definitely are into astrology – in a big way. As opposed to the small way of just
looking in the paper every day…..or signing up for Astrology.com for their free reading.
Toleration is probably a good word for it. If one were being political then it would more likely be defined as pandering which both parties are apt to do.
I think that most of the people that I have met who admit to being fans of astrology are not Republicans, but more likely to be Democrats or liberals.
The panel at the UAC in the Crescent City all agreed that Obama was going to get 4 more years. Not with out a bit of controversy though, as Mercury goes retrograde the day of the election. But, we didn’t need astrologers to tell us that.
*Did we forget the Decline to State people? Bunches of those folks follow astrology and some even get their nails done and take their dogs to various Dog Wash Facilities.
We know we are forgetting plenty of others including South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford…who as you might be reminded of: Found his Soul Mate through a Karmic Process of getting lost on the Appalachian Trail and then found his way onto a Private Jet to Buenos Aires, Argentina for a quick Steak on the Pampus! All at Taxpayers expense of course! Then there was Elliot Spitzer who after spending several hundred thousands of dollars trying to find a soul mate….had his astrology chart done for $100 dollars and now has found himself in a very small media market….but happy!
*Dr. Demagogue,
Yep, we have found Predictive Astrologers to be very iffy in the correctness of their
predictions. Most of the time, they take credit ….way after the fact….so that most folks won’t check to see if they actually made the correct prediction. It is the belly of beast in that those that do astrology for money……well, there always seems to be a moral or ethical question involved. The so-called psuedo-science is intended to help folks work out their problems by understanding the forces at work – for or against them at a specific time. Some folks do in fact have hard luck charts but like all things, those same challenges can work to reward those that understand the energies and work around the problem areas. The true “art” takes years of study, without any other reward than helping folks make it through another day sometimes. Most of the people with the serious problems suffer from denial in most cases and don’t want any help. They would rather just complain and claim they are victims of the situation, the society or whoever happens to cross their paths.
Understanding ones weaknesses might be more valuable than knowing ones strengths. You’re right that some people are beyond help, and that is sometimes by choice. Some people just have a few wires crossed, and the most favorable chart in the world wouldn’t help them.
As far as the UAC panel’s prediction, well they predicted the presidential election outcome in ’08. That makes them right four years in a row!
*Dr. Demagogue – Don’t forget the Transit of Venus which is coming on the 5th between 4pm and Sundown in about 15 degrees of Gemini. If you know the symbolism of a Transit of Venus…would like to know it. Coincidental that it is on the day we Vote?
*The first rule of Astrology: The Star impell not compell….. We all have a choice of what we do with our lives and we all have that as a responsibility to ourselves and those we love.
June 5 (15 Gem 45) – Venus Transit; Inception Phase begins. Venus is at her top retrograde velocity, cazimi or “in the heart of the Sun,” and also at perigee. Of course the Venus Transit is a rare version of an inferior conjunction, being also visually observable as well. Together, these factors create an extreme dispensation of feminine consciousness, something I hold to be quite positive and independent of individuals’ responses to it.
*Someone’s opinion…we thought you might entertain….
Venus Transiting the Sun
In my work with the Venus-Sun synod or “light-cycle”, the inferior conjunction marks the changeover from one synod to the next.(14) Today sees the final breath of the former Scorpio cycle (since 28 October 2010) and the first breath of the new Gemini cycle. The sign of a cycle characterizes the overall or collective intention of the feminine dimension of earth and humanity, however one may work with it. Within this 19-month period, many shorter sub-periods exist, such as the entire morning-sky period, the period between inferior and superior conjunctions, and so on.
Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the Transit event is the inversion of means by which she is visible to us. Rather than reflecting to us the Sun’s light as her own, sometimes dramatically so, here she “presents” herself by standing out amidst the engulfing rays of the Sun. During a Transit, we see not Venus but her shadow, her outline, reminding us that our feminine nature contains our interior depth (Venus as black orb). As Venus crosses the Sun’s disc, she is an outwardly-illuminated, yet vacuous marker of that same depth within us. It is hard to miss the Gemini symbolism of this image: opposites or twins (i.e., dark/light or form/field) which necessarily rely on one another for their existence; the principle of duality; and its transcendence. Yet in this case, we should not look for events of a transcendent nature but those of immanent nature, this being feminine Venus after all.(15)
The Sabian for 15 Gemini: Revealing one’s social passions. The inner battle between the masculine and the feminine. Taking it to the streets. Announcements. – Hill, Lynda, The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle, White Horse Books, 1995, 2002.
Venus crossing the Sun’s disc from Earth is an astrophysical representation of a lesser-known archetype known as the solar feminine. This way of rendering the Transit event crept into my thinking after first viewing a computer animation of Venus forming a reverse-Z shape perfectly aligned to both Horns of the Bull. While every inferior conjunction of Venus and the Sun invokes a solar feminine array of energetics for us, a Transit is clearly the most intensified type. If Venus is our interior reality of feeling, body and place, desire for comfort and beauty, then she is our unavoidable, magnetic attraction to life and being connected with the world. If the Sun is our light force, indiscriminately shining in all directions and animating our physiology, then it horoscopically signifies our personal mode of radiating trans-personal energy back out into the universe. Combining Venus and the Sun in this way, we come up (or down?) with something like:
Venus + Sun = Light Found Within
Wholeness from Inside Out
Enlivened Femininity
Illuminated Feeling
Light Body
Mundane or natal aspects and the house position of the Transit will naturally speak to specific manifestations, which are beyond the reach of this short article. The core transmission of energy and information from the Transit event will manifest through us for the next 19 months of the Gemini light-cycle, through 11 January 2014 when the next Capricorn cycle starts.
==============================*The insight…perhaps?
*The last one….promise….very good.
To me the transit of Venus across the Sun in Gemini simply means that we are going to have a mental shift towards the feminine side in both actions and acceptance of behaviors. We will all get in touch with our feminine side, and it will be okay for there to be role reversals in all aspects of our society.
We already have begun that transformation as such a major shift starts before the actual transit itself.
I’m sure that you know the story of the recording of the Sabian symbols down in San Diego’s Balboa Park. They can be quite accurate, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around how they work. I’m a student at best.
“I’m a student at best.”……….. Hmmmmm
I believe that you have misspelled “SABIAN”.
The correct spelling is SYBIAN.
“but I’m still trying to wrap my head around how they work”…………. Hmmmmm
Here is how it works: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/80643601/
Using all of my predictive astrological skills, I prognosticate that there is no Mrs. Exile, and furthermore portend that it will be another night of roughing up the suspect for The Exile.
*Demagogue – we are all Students. As third Generation Astrolgers….we know there is always more to glean and understand.
The Sabian Symbols are esoteric enough to not be easily construde as “self fullfilling prophesy”. Assigning “a twist” to planetary placements or the four major angles for example, are very good tools – above and beyond normal aspects and sign placements.
Back to current events…….as rare as the Venus/Sun transit is, it is taking place against the much bigger backdrop of the Uranus/Pluto waxing square.
On Monday we have the full moon with a partial eclipse at 14 Sagittarius, which symbolizes beliefs, perspectives and vision for the future. The Sabian symbol for Uranus at 8 degrees of Aries (the Revolutionary) is “a seer gazing into a glowing crystal ball”, symbolizing the importance of working out problems in advance through inner visualizations.
The Sabian symbol for Pluto (entrenched institutions) at 8 deg Capricorn “On a rocky crag backdropped by the stars, a shining woman is standing with the national flag draped over one shoulder and a lyre in her hand. A man is climbing, enraptured, toward the light,” further reinforces the importance of political and social visionaries blazing towards a new universal ideal. Embedded within the symbol seems to be the recognition by the man that the woman (the feminine) embodies the soul of the nation. He follows her light.
These Sabian symbols are from Martin Goldsmith’s “Zodiac By Degrees”, not the more common Mark Edmund Jones version. It works better for me….more contemporary.
My point is that the full moon eclipse on Monday, the June 5th retrograde Venus conjuncting the sun, and the upcoming 1st of 7 Uranus/Pluto squares (lasting until March of 2015) are all part of the same story emphasizing the importance of imagining a better world, and refining our personal visions for the way we think the world should work. We probably have different ideas of how that should be. I see a world devoid of racism, and a society that uses it resources to take care of it’s sick and poor, instead of starting and waging endless wars. If you want to rethink your perspectives and vision for the future, the Sagittarian lunar eclipse, Monday at 4:12am, is the perfect time to reconsider.
*Demagogue – Stimulating thoughts to be sure. From a purely philosophical perspective the macros and micros always seem to become intertwined with a resulting complexity and too many times some mixed messages. As we look as what are considered the greatest moments of history….or the most life changing….in most cases they ahve occurred over a greater period of time. When Pluto not to long ago, entered Capricorn from Sagisttarius…almost everyone could feel a sea change that demanded that folks pay more attention to what they were doing and buckle down to the responsibilities at hand. The free and easy ways of the past during the optimistic Sagisttarian days was and is over. Their will be a reconning which will require a strict adherence to making pragmatic decisions with very tangible results as opposed to just some “great ideas that might work” from Sagisttarius. Pluto in Sagisttarius created the Virtual Economy in our opinion. The time may have come for the “piper to finally be paid” – with any luck.
All of your points are well taken however; We are always hopeful that a new day is coming and the “times they are a changin” to a more positive, kind and caring result.. In order for that to happen however, the old ways need to go away a bit. Perhaps, some of the old ways and perceptions just need some readjusted targeting.
We have used the “An Astrological Mandala” the 1974 Dan Rudhyar work: “Degrees of the Zodiac” by Ester V Leinback 1972 is also very good. Two of the more recent works include: 360 Degrees of Wisdom by Linda Hill 1995 and “Inside Degrees” by Ellias Lonsdale 1997. Hey, we don’t have Goldsmith’s but we will get it. It’s always good to have all of them when it comes to “research”.
Appreciate your insight….well done Demagogue!
Lets see who wins this battle. the ox or the pig.