Election 2012 OX vs. PIG

Urban legends tend to create excitement.  The accusations of Donald Trumpet that President Obama was born in Kenya is a classic.  “There are people……” says  Trumpet Plaza.. “that believe otherwise!” when questioned by CNN Reporter Wolf Blitzer.  “What people?” inquires Blitzer.  “I don’t name names….” replies Trumper.  “You’re sounding a bit ridiculous Donald….” says Wolf.  “You are ridiculous Wolf and your falling ratings……..” replies The Donald.   Our question of course is:  Why is Donald Trump such a putz?  He even managed to infuriate the whole country of Scotland over the placement of a Golf Course.  Trump and Donnie Deutch seem to love being on the media even more than Don Imus and Howard Stern combined?  Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardasian are probably contenders for the throne but at least they are attractive females.  Maybe Donald should go on “Dancing with the Stars”.

Mitt Romney is in Newport Beach today….to do a re-run of what President Obama did a couple of weeks ago.  Get out there, have a party at a rich guy’s house and collect millions of dollars from special interest money.  It is so bad that the City of Newport Beach is asking President Obama for a cut of what he made in fund raising…..about $35,000 for police protection and overtime that they had to provide because of protesters.  We can’t wait to see how much they will be charging Mitt and his campaign.  These guys are oh so competitive types.  What do you think….will Newport Beach want more from Romney or from the President?

Mitt Romney was born in 1947…the famous year of the Pig.  Some of our closest friends by the way, were born in the year of the Chinese Pig.  They are renowned for being generous and loyal to their friends, knowledgeable business people and on occasion….very mean.   Pigs like expensive things and if you study their habits….they love to just hang out with their pals and family.  In fact, the only people they seem to trust at all – are family.  Then in most cases, Pigs tend to blame their family members for being ingrates, because their families never say thank you enough to please them.  They give and give to their families and all they get are sly looks that say:  “Thanks…but is that all we get?”  Pigs can be creative, elegant and demand only the best quality in everything – even when that value may be based on reputation and friends or associates suggestions.

Mitt Romney is a Fire Boar: Fire will conduct powerful and intense emotions in this courageous Boar.  He will display stouthearted heroism in all his endeavors and could follow his plans through with pigheaded determination.  He could reach the highest level of achievement or fall to the lowest depths of degradation, depending on which path he chooses and how tight a rein he has over his immense energy and sensuality.  The Fire Boar will never fear the unknown,; intrepid, optimistic and trusting in his own innate ability, he will try his luck at anything and succeed against vast odds.  He is motivated by love and will try to accumulate weath in order to provide a gracious life style for his all-important family.  He doesn’t mind doing favors for anyone, even strangers, and will be famous for his generous handouts to friends.  When he is in his negative state, this Boar can be willful, bullying and guilt-ridden, but generally he is characterized by largesse and lack of prejudice.  He will favor manufacturing or labor-oriented enterprises because he will enjoy emplying a large number of people if given the opportunity. (out take from The Handbook of Chinese  Horoscopes by Theodora Lau – which we heartily endorse!!)

President Obama was born in 1961…the famous year of the Ox.  The Chinese Ox is a steady as she goes, conservative, logical, intelligent, pragmatic leader.  They seem to understand the power structure and who to kiss up to and who not to.  They will certainly dump any friend or acquaintance that disappoints them or fails to perform their duties.  They can cut the cord with impunity.  The Ox tends to do “the right thing” when it has to be done.  The Ox has an acerbic personality and even though they appear relaxed can strike out decisively when necessary and step on folks that require “their corrective action”.  The Ox is not easily swayed by others.  The Ox only goes with the herd when there is a general panic condition.  The Ox wants quality in all things and much that has to do with those that support their intellectual values and assessments.

President Barack Obama was born in the year of  the Metal Ox:  This type of Ox will ahve strong clashes of will with people, even his superiors, who do not agree with his views.  He expresses himself clearly, intensely and resolutely and can never be accused of being vague about what he wants.  He will stick tlo his guns at all cost; when necessary he can be quite eloquent – and he will use all his abilities to the full when he wants to forge ahead.  He is not very affectionate by nature but could have scholarly inclinations and be a love of classical music and art.  he has a strong sense of repsonsibility and can be relied upon to keep his word, which shouldn’t be too difficult as he or she will be a person of few words.  At times, he tends to force issues; he can become a one-man army  when he is obsessed with succeeding in his objectives.  he can become a fanatic about them.  Tough and arrogant, he does not know the word “failure”.  A person of remarkable stamina, he will require little rest or diversion.  He won’t mind working around the clock if that is what it takes to get things done.  He can be narrow-minded and vengeful when he doesn’t get his way. (out take from The Handbook of Chinese  Horoscopes by Theodora Lau – which we heartily endorse!!)

Since this article is all about Urban Myths and Legends….let’s ask a few questions regarding what our world will look like with an Ox or a Pig as the leader of the Free World.   Which one of these two personalities will be able to deal with other world leaders in a meaningful way?  Which one of these two leaders can turn the world economy around and create jobs and energy independence here in the United States.    Which one of these two personalities will be able to correct the Global Banking Crisis?  Which one of these two personalities will be someone we can look back on and determine them to still be likeable after four years?

It is interesting to note that Donald Trump  and Newt Gingrich are still out there pumping their fists like Tiger Woods after a not too recent birdie putt.  Are there or could there be other reasons that The Donald and The Newt…… continue to scream so loudly?  In any event, their actions are not that attractive to suit our concept of entertainment!  Hopefully, Newt and Donald will be at the Balboa Bay Club tonight with their $25K in hand for a good table at the Romney Event!

We do know one thing:  The coverage of this 2012 Ox vs. Pig  – Presidential Election is going to be very boring should the standard lies, misrepresentations and media attitudes prevail and continue unabated.  For those that are interested in knowing about their own birth years and what Chinese animal they might be…we encourage you to do so.  After all – This is the year of the Water Dragon…..very auspicious our great and  venerable ones!





About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.