Solorio claims that it takes 700 gallons of water to make a cheeseburger

Political events in Sacramento are usually laughable, but get a load of the latest misadventure involving Assemblyman Jose Solorio, “Assemblyman Jose Solorio (D-Anaheim), Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and other state legislators welcomed several Central Valley mayors and hundreds of California farm workers to the Capitol steps yesterday. The rally’s focus was to urge legislators to let voters decide on a water bond proposal.”

Farm workers? Oh sure, that will really motivate the voters to pass another bond and put our state further in debt.  And check out what Solorio, who is a vegetarian, had to say at this staged event, “Did you know it takes 700 gallons of water to make a cheeseburger?”  I suppose if that burger included an entire cow that might be remotely true, but give me a break!  How much water does Solorio waste washing his humongous pompadour everyday?

Chisme has it that Schwarzenegger had to pick Solorio up so he could reach the microphone (see the picture above).  Maybe if Solorio had eaten a few more burgers while growing up he might not have stunted his growth.  And hasn’t anyone warned him that eating too many soybeans can have bad results for men as the soybeans are rich in estrogen, or female hormones?

“Governor Schwarzenegger and U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein proposed a $9.3 billion bond recently to finance water infrastructure projects and save Delta wildlife. If the Legislature approves, the bond measure will be on the November ballot.”

Even if we DO need to invest in our water infrastructure, it is hard to believe that voters will be willing to sink our state further into debt during the Bush recession.  And it is even harder to believe that anyone thinks Solorio is a good spokesperson for anything.

Wasn’t Solorio on the Santa Ana City Council when the City administration ignored our decaying water and sewer pipelines?  Now he suddenly cares about water infrastructure?

Why in the world is Schwarzenegger wasting his time on this guy?  Doesn’t he know that Solorio is being opposed by a Republican this November?  You can find out more about Solorio’s opponent, Cam Mangels, at this link.   I will definitely be voting for Mangels.  He may not have much of a chance, but at least he doesn’t run around making outlandish claims about using 700 gallons of water to make a burger.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.