In the late 1990’s, as Orange County was working its way out of its 1994 bankruptcy filing, a media firestorm erupted regarding alleged sexual harassment and other “inappropriate behavior” involving a high level official in the Sheriff’s Department. The allegations involved Assistant Sheriff Dennis LaDucer. A recent article by John Seller of Cal Watchdog about disgraced officials receiving pensions provides this description: “Former Assistant Sheriff Dennis LaDucer was fired in 1997 amid allegations that he sexually harassed and groped female sheriff’s employees. The County paid more than $1 million to settle five harassment lawsuits against him, according to a 1999 report in the Los Angeles Times. As one of the top retirees, LaDucer got $10,251 in May, for a projected annual $123,012.”
Following that situation the County launched a training for all managers in all departments and agencies on the topic of a hostile work place, what it is, how to avoid it, and liabilities if you don’t. Attendees learned that sex is but one element of a menu of bad behaviors that create a hostile work environment. All kinds of bad behavior, including demeaning employees in the presence of other employees, angry outbursts, favoritism and retaliation can lead to a finding that a hostile work environment exists. The result can be personal liability of the person displaying such behavior and of course liability for the employer.
If you have been following the news about Orange County government and the sexually charged atmosphere that has been reported as swarming around Carlos Bustamante and now a fellow who heads the county dump operations, you may be thinking that all of County government is a hostile work environment. Especially when you read reports that the County Supervisors have been aware of some the inappropriate activity and may not have acted with diligent determination to investigate and root out any hostile environment creators.
So, it seems some 15 years after the LaDucer situation and the following effort to improve the culture within Orange County government we have history repeating itself, perhaps in a more wide-spread way. Sexual harassment is apparently alive and well in at least some parts of Orange County government, and other indicators of a hostile work environment seem to abound. It is time to dust off the County’s files from the late 1990’s training on a hostile work environment, update that material as necessary and train all current county executives, managers and supervisors. The elected officials should be required to attend as well. Above all, this training should start with the Board of Supervisors and their personal taxpayer paid staff because it is they who, through leadership or lack thereof, determine the organizational and operational culture of our County government. What they have allowed to occur on their watch is unacceptable.
*What do they say about the Oldest Profession in the World? Just when you think you have elected strong ethical folks to represent your interests……you find out that we are just the fifth, sixth or seventh priority….after their list of self interest issues!
What make this situation very disturbing is what happens to people who report
conduct that is not proper. What happended to the OC Waste Human Resources Manager is a good example of how forces at high levels conspire to ensure that staff who report illegal and improper behavior are subject to having their careers destroyed.
now i know why all the senior management people were always smiling when i went over there. and i thought that they were just happy to see me
Where can I get one of the sex-cycles?
Why is that chik on the washer and dryer?
Well… I don’t know. For space reasons I removed her head and breasts, but she did look very happy up there. OBNO, Eddie Rose, and the Winships are bloggers “of a certain age” who don’t know how to put up images, so me and Greg race to find the most best images to illustrate their stories which is sometimes kind of fun. When I read OBNO’s title, I went looking for Google images “sex washing machine” – there was a lot more than I would have expected – I guess it’s a popular thing to take advantage of those vibrations! This was just about the most tasteful one I could find… not really even “sex,” but certainly suggestive.
The clicks on this post say “yes.”
Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout? “Willis”?
Forget it — I answered my own question: No links coming in from craigslist.
No. ALthough I think I will craigslist the Oracle post … folks out there love the astrology stuff. An honest title, “Astrologer reveals disturbing truths about Mitt Romney.” What towns should I advertise in, I’ve got seven e-mail addresses to use. Sedona AZ, Portland OR, what else?
Oh … I get it, sex cycle / wash cycle.
Does one lay down on a sex-cycle and pump?
All one County Manager seems to have needed was a desk. I guess they call that
servant leadership. Many of the managers in the county have gone thru the Chapman University “Servant Leadership” program. The latest spew of scandal tells you how effective that progam has been – left a real imprint. Maybe they have servant leadership confused with “good vibrations”.
Insider, if you drill down on Chapman you will find it is heavily linked through its Board and donors to the same Republican hiearchy that seems to have been able to move “up and coming” young politicians, like Bustamante, to 6 figure jobs in County government. (I have wondered if Chapman was selected to offer this training through a competitive bidding process, or if it was a sweethart deal of some kind. ) Perhaps someone should review the curriculum in light of the work environment problems within County government to see what is missing in tha ttraining. Regardless, what appears to be the most glaring missing factor is a Board of Supervisors culture of ethics and leadership, with Board members and thier staffs not just talking the talk, but walking the talk. All the employee training in the world cannot overcome actual practice at the top.
As for the photo, I wash my hands of any responsibility for that dirty laundry – Vern has explained that one.
*Amazingly….no one will teach us how to add photos on this blog…after all these years.
Is there a reason? Are we conspiracy theorists?
Baby steps Winnies. First learn to use the Reply button when you comment!
No serious… come to the Regatta one of these Fridays or Saturdays, and afterwards I’ll drop by your place and show you both those things.
Big Deal….
Vern – for once I agree with the Winships – how about an on-line tutorial that includes info. about where to find an array of available photos in the first place? One of the marks of a leader is to help build the skills of your colleagues and supporters! BTW, are those Maytags?
I Think it would of been a matter of time before the sleezeball Former Asst Sheriff George Jaramillo would have been caught doing the same acts Laudcer got fired.
In my expert opinion they are the LG brand washer and dryer as in Life is Good or Looking Good or as in hopefully Long Gone as in Bustamante……