Tram Linh Ho already blowing it in Garden Grove…

Uh oh! It looks like Tram Linh Ho’s inexperience is already hurting her campaign for the Garden Grove City Council. Check out what one community leader had to say about her comments at the last Garden Grove City Council meeting:

To all Members and Friends of Main Street,

A woman by the name of Linh Ho spoke before the city council last night and stated that while she was in attendance of our fundraising event Saturday night, she spoke with several business and property owners who felt that they did not have a voice in the goings on and development of Main Street . She further put the question to the council as to what sort of space (or forum) will be provided to those individuals who are not members of the Garden Grove Downtown Business Association in order to have an equal say in the future and development of Main Street.

Incredible isn’t it? Does anyone know why she would go before the council and speaking adversely about the GGDBA publicly as if we were some exclusionary group of individuals refusing to allow admittance, participation or involvement in our Association???

This is the only district in the city that actually has two formal organizations formed and dedicated to the betterment and local control of their own geographical area. One, our merchants association, originally founded in 1953 by the business and property owners for the intent of stimulating economic development on Main Street through an ongoing and all-inclusive cooperative effort put forth by it’s members, and the Parking Commission, founded in 1955 by County Charter and whose duties include jurisdiction, charge, control and supervision over all of the parking lots which were originally purchased by the Main Street property and business owners following the formation of the merchants association. Both of these organizations pre-date the City and have been in existence for more than 50 years, so it’s not as if we’re some subversive, seditious or renegade operation in any way.

Furthermore we have not only a membership and participation level of approx 90% of the business and property owners on Main Street, but as you all know our association is also open to the public by way of an associate, non-voting membership status for any and all community members who know and love Main Street and would like to volunteer, help and support our functions.

I don’t know who these individuals were that she was talking with or why she would publicly speak against us.

Thank You,

Scott Weimer

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.