This should be of interest not just to our friends in the hotbed of Capistrano Unified School District, but all over this wild County, where the mysterious disappearance of political signs is epidemic. My friends Jane Rands in Fullerton and Diana Carey in Westminster are losing signs left and right, and they really can’t afford that. And those are just my friends, I know it’s happening to everybody. It’s time to crack down on this offense against democracy! What was that Travolta and his dealer said in Pulp Fiction about people who “key” cars – “The death penalty. Immediate. No judge, no jury.”
Well, Capistrano Unified troublemaker Chris Korpi busted a chick this morning openly and shamelessly stealing signs she disagreed with and shoving them into her SUV; Chris photographed her, challenged her, called the cops, got her license plate… and she just went on justifying what she was doing. Hopefully she’ll be made an example of, and then maybe the County’s other many sign thieves will think twice… but we won’t hold our breath.
I’ll let Chris tell the story from here…
Greetings defenders of public education:
As we all know, Steve Lang has stated that he wants to place cell towers at CUSD schools and move the OC Swap Meet to San Clemente High School. This morning signs opposing this effort were placed in SC asking voters to oppose Lang’s desire to violate the SC Village design with these health hazards. While driving through San Clemente this morning I personally caught one of Lang’s supporters tearing down signs and placing them in her SUV. I have attached copies of the original sign and pictures of her theft. I took these pictures myself.
I confronted her while she was taking these signs down at 7AM this morning and she defended her actions as acceptable because she knew Steve Lang and he’s a “nice guy.” [Excuse me, he’s a “nice guy?” And because he’s a nice guy, voters shouldn’t know what his positions are? And you’ll take it on yourself to not let them know? Never mind, I’ll be quiet again – Vern.]
This is the same Steve Lang that wants to put a Swap Meet and Cell Towers at CUSD schools AND convert San Clemente High School into a for-profit charter school. This is the same Steve Lang who wants to slash teacher’s salaries by up to 30% and supports the wholesale theft of his opponents signs and personal property. I called the OC Sheriff and filed a report on this “Lang Barbie.” They have this Lang Barbie’s picture and license plate number and were heading to her house after we met.
The most striking part of this incident is that she defended everything she was doing to me when I confronted her and was taking pictures of her car as “rituous” and when I asked how her Mormon Church addressed theft and lying she defended everything she was doing. I asked her how a carpetbagger with less than one year’s residence in SC could possibly know what was best for SC and she couldn’t answer and quickly drove away.
Friends, this is worse then Jennifer Beall and friends in previous elections because our opponents claim a divine right to steal signs and lie and steal. We need to fight back.
Do you need signs? View the “Stop Lang” signs at the link below and let me know if you need a sign to help stop cell towers in SC. Lang has been in SC for less than a year and has no kids in CUSD schools. He is completely unqualified to be a CUSD Trustee and we need to stop him before SCHS becomes a charter school with cell towers and a swap meet.
Let me know if you need signs for John Alpay or Amy Hanacek. We also need your financial help since Lang’s church is helping to finance this takeover of CUSD.
Chris, www.capounifiedchildrenfirst.com
Did we get a comment from Mr. Lang?
This is the same women down campaigning with Steve Lang down at the Chowder Fest two weeks ago. Notice it is dark and she is actually putting the sign in the vehicle. That is redhanded theft. Great example for our kids.
Lang has only lived in OC one year. He has no kids in CUSD schools. He is a tool of the Mormon church. His response would reboot something like ” i can do whatever I want “. The law doesn’t apply to Lang or his supporters
Well if you are going to steal signs, I think it is very important that the pink ribbons on your pigtails match your shoes. Dress in black for stealth if you must, but do it with style.
Are you positive Lang wants these things or are you just making it up. Where has he stated this? Calling someone a carpet bagger is so dramatic and rediculous. He has tons of grandkids in the schools. I’m an alpay supporter and a teacher but this artical just makes our side loose credibility. Very disappointing!
I sincerely hope you’re not a teacher, given that you can’t seem to spell.
Brand new nickle to the first commenter that points out the plank in writingguy68’s eye.
Don’t you know that cell towers bring students closer to God?
Seriously — nothing against the LDS Church, but the notion that any religious group can just swoop in, spend big money, and take over a school district is disgusting. How do people defend the church’s tax exemption given actions like this?
What does the extra curricular membership have to do with this? If the individual belonged to some other tax-exempt group without the moniker of a “religion”, would your opinion change?
In other words, what’s God got to do with it?
I think that when you have the ability to excommunicate someone from the community that binds them to God, you have a huge hammer that the Kiwanis and the American Sociological Association and the Sierra Club and even the OCEA lack. Sorry, that’s just my religious side coming out. We at Democrats of North Orange County wheedle people to come volunteer every chance we get, but we never imply that their eternal salvation is at issue. (Well, rarely.)
So you want to regulate the speech of an institution based upon your beliefs about their beliefs?
No, to the extent I’d want to stop exempting them from regulation, it would be based on the qualitative difference in the sort of coercion and/or duress they can bring upon their members. And it’s more complicated than that, obviously — but I have a meeting to attend.
Exempting them from what regulations exactly? Those covered under the 1st ammendment?
I’ve always been fascinated by the argument that we should tax a church. I got into it in a very inappropriate Facebook discussion with some a-hole from Maine a few months ago . . . I guess I can’t help myself . . .
What exactly would they be? A corporation? Would you tax them based on total revenue or just the part they use to feed the hungry? Who would determine this– the IRS? How would we ensure that an audit applied to a Catholic Church by a Catholic auditor wouldn’t produce a different result if conducted by a Presbyterian? How about a Mosque? Where would the church incorporate– Delaware? Where would it be headquartered and why? Would different churches be treated differently by the state based on where their headquarters and center of incorporation are? Would the church be responsible for collecting sales tax and what exactly constitutes a taxable service? Does a baptism get a 8.25% tax or just the donation I made to rent the hall for a reception? What if the church couldn’t pay their property tax? Would the state confiscate the church? Then what, turn it over to an RDA? Are donations to churches no longer tax deductible? If they are, why? If they aren’t, aren’t we establishing the national religion as the Susan G. Komen Foundation? Put down your rosaries and save the tatas!
I’m happy to end your thread hijack here; however, I’d suggest that it isn’t the church that you want to “free from exemptions”; it’s the people in the congregation whose influence that you want to suppress– and that’s why the 1st amendment is written the way it is.
If you want to go out and play Morpheus to oppressed Christians, using the government to “free their minds” is about as contrary to the intent of separation of church and state as you can get.
Exempting them from taxation, of course. Let’s ask Boutwell what part of the tax code a church has to file under to keep its tax exemption — and what privileges it gives up in order to be able to do so.
I know some here are getting antsy about us borderline-attacking Mormons, but … geez … a lot of us remember Proposition 8 too well. It never would have passed like it did, our gay brothers and sisters would not still be without equal rights, if it weren’t for Salt Lake City money pouring into the Golden State that year. At some point, a church has to be thought of as another political actor.
Exactly right, Vern. I DO think of the church as a political actor and if you delve into their political history–including their involvement in stopping the ERA–I don’t think there is any doubt.
While I doubt her Bish would scold her for these thefts, they should; particularly for the breaking of laws set by the church itself which includes not lying.,
What church is trying to “take over” the school district? I’m a strong Alpay supporter, but let’s be real Greg. It’s one seat of seven.
Please, be accurate, it makes the discussion worth our time and your credibility above water.
There’s an alliance of candidates opposed to those who are in or who would support the current Council majority. Because there are now elected by district, you’d only see a sign for one candidate from a slate in any given location (except for at the borders, I guess.)
You guys are amazing!!! Lang is a neighbor of mine. The fact that some of Lang’s supporters are Mormon’s — is only based on the fact that they know eachother and nothing else. I know several Mormon’s and I discussed this with them. Neither their local or global Church leaders tell them what to do or not to do politically — or for that matter otherwise. Church members do what they do based on their own desires and with their own money. The fact that Lang is a nice guy and has served in his Church three times means that he knows people — and people know him. Apparently they know him to be honest, forthwright etc. When is that last time any of you gave 15-25 hours a week on a volunteer basis to ANY organization while also being a business owner, father and grandfather! Disagree with someone all you want — but pull your head out for a second!!!
“The fact that some of Lang’s supporters are Mormon’s — is only based on the fact that they know eachother and nothing else.”
Said clearly and confidently — but you cannot possibly know whether this is true.
I know more than several Mormons, including some wonderful Democrats. I think that the notion that the Mormon church has not tried to organize and direct some of its members political efforts (including contributions) in campaigns involving social issues became untenable four years ago, in the battle over Prop 8. Whether that’s happening here bears scrutiny. My head’s out, hoping to hear more.
You should ask your friends — I have asked mine. Does your Church direct you to take specific actions? Your Mormon friends will answer you no. I have asked — very pointedly around Prop 8 as well — and what they do absolutely say from Global Church leaders is to support causes and candidates that are in line with their beliefs and the doctrines of their Church. I also went to great lengths (as some of my friends were maligned) to read the donors lists on both side of Prop 8 — and no where do you see any Church congregation — only individual members.
In my opinion the reason that the Mormon’s are often united is that they all know eachother — because they see and interact with eachother all the time. A friend in San Diego explained to me in detail that their Church is very organized arounnd age groups by age for children and gender for adults. They have programs of outreach at the family to family level to support each other in times of need and challenge — all of these things make it very easy for them to get organized around a common cause.
If these signs were regulated and taxed (to cover cost of enforcement) and carried a CRV (to insure post-election recovery of signs) they could also carry a theft penalty too.
Oh guys, do you have to do the sexist BS? Barbi? What she did was just sleazily, that’s it. But the name calling is poor form.
Oh girl, we make fun of everybody equally. Have a little fun. It’s 2012.
I agree with the boys on this one. Shame on Barbi for stealing those signs. Hasn’t she learned anything about stealing? Theft 101 pamphlet says to remove signs in the middle of the night, not in plain daylight. Couldn’t you have placed her under citizens arrest? Stealing is stealing – all the Holy Books will agree with that one.
Yes, correct, this does go on everywhere – posted is example of my ongoing comment battle in the Lake Forest Patch regarding this issue from the last few days-and may I say from one troublemaker to another, BRAVA Chris, I’m taking notes!
Helen Wilson
“Nick, Your campaign volunteers have been spotted removing both Terry Anderson and Kathy Zechmeister signs along Bake Parkway (which is allowed by City of Irvine) and private property along Muirlands and Rockfield. Your signs are the only ones remaining on a daily basis. Do you really believe it’s necessary to steal competitor’s signs? Do you believe it’s okay to violate the City’s sign ordinance by placing campaign signs in the public right-of-way?”
Really Helen? so you actually KNOW that these were Campaign volunteers stealing signs, and for Nick, especially? Wow. amazing, did they have identifying tags on or did you all just use your psychic abilities? Maybe next time you may want to take some photos., because I don’t believe a word of this and I hope no one else does either, but I do believe you are working for Kathy or Terry or both since they both have the same people endorsing them. .
Jim G
“Hi Merijoe, You are correct. Helen Wilson was originally part of the Dixon-Herzog team that ruled the city for nearly 20 years. When she stepped down her hand-picked successor Merk Tettemer took her place. Now that Tettemer is stepping down and Dixon lost in 2010, Herzog will be all alone and permanently out of power. Hence he is running Anderson and Zeichmeister in an attempt to get back the 3-2 majority he enjoyed for so many years. Wilson is part of the team endorsing and supporting Anderson/Zeichmester (whom a wag has suggested we call Andermeister to save time).
there are so few good looking women in politics, on either side, that my vote is to give her a pass
Would that be a pass on her looks or honesty?
geeze-us willie-if I stand close enough to you I bet I can hear the ocean.
it’s politics, screw the honesty, i just appreciate something good to look at
Yuh pore depived chile! Get a copy of the Weekly and check the back pages. (Uh, better wait until Thursday.)
sitting at the pick up sticks waiting for my fried rice, i actually did read the oc weekly, the one with the article about mr diamond. i think that mr diamond has misrepresented the nature of the ads in the weekly. i found the majority to be about medical marijuana and lawyers fighting dui’s. i could only find one or two pages with escorts. i was depressed which is why i need to look at attractive sign stealers.
if the moxley/diamond cage match goes forward, maybe sign stealing girl can carry the ring cards
Has the Weekly really changed that much since the last time I picked one up? (Shit, when was that?)
Fried rice, willie? I’d figured you for some dish made out of dolphins and spotted owl.
Except for the one I autographed (and I forgot to look in the back pages) I haven’t read a physical copy of the OCW in months — maybe longer. Moxley said something about how backpage.org is not part of Voice Media (“any longer,” I think one would say.) Maybe their
human traffickingescort ads are way down.the dolphin tartar with spotted owl sauce was lunch. i am trying to cut down on the high cholesteral meals at dinner
That’s absurd. It’s not like you can’t afford replacement organs!
You should go for the freshly clubbed baby seal.
The elevated testosterone in this dish is a good pick-me-up, but is much gentler on the liver and kidneys than a Red Bull.
The skins make for a nice anchor rode for the yacht as well.
gentlemen, thank you for the wonderful suggestions. i think that this proves that, despite our differences, we can come together, we can all get along
Up early, Willie! Off to play cricket on the greens?
polo doesn’t start till nine, but i had to go by the office to short some greek and spanish currencies
You must not understand Alpays true intentions.
EVERYONE involved in commenting here, please read: “CAPO’s Alpay Threatens District for MORE Pay!”
Alpay could care less about anything more that his political career and the UNIONS who pay to get him there.
Too bad this is more BS than you’d find mucking stalls.
I noticed Alpay’s signs disappear everyday in San Clemente. Wonder what “The other side” would do if a teacher was caught doing what Mormon Barbie did. Torches and pitchforks I’m sure. The Register would make it a front page story.
I wonder what all the residents of SC would think, and will think…… when everyone finds out that Alpay walked with Yolanda McNamara down to the registrar, to place her name on the ballot. Only to withdraw votes from a serious contender.
Alpay is a turn coat who for some reason teachers and union officials deem ok to get behind this time, because they had nobody else to turn too. Even though, he came out against our teachers union and us teachers during the Recall. Im so ashamed to have him on our side, and to see people support him like this. Yuck. Yolanda lives this close…..yes. I know her, and him. its disgusting what he is doing.
Here’s the directions. See for yourself
wow…..thats heavy….
Well all this sign stealin’ actually started when Mr Alpay’s people started taking down Lang signs and putting Alpay signs in front of the Lang signs weeks ago. Then last week the Lang banner off the Hermosa I5 exit was torn down and ripped, apparently because it was too tall??? Huh? But Alpay’s sign, which was cheesy collage of the little yard signs ziptied together to look like a banner, was untouched, and was put on the property without proper authorization. It was replaced with another one. Then on Thursday it was clipped off at the bottom…with the same muddy footprints around it that were around the Alpay sign. Then today, Steve Lang actually photographed Alpay’s campaign Manager cutting it down, and flipping him the bird. Ya keep it classy Alpay……thats the kind of behavior and example CUSD officials are setting for the kids here? Horrible…..
Let’s see the pics.
Ill post em here if u send em,.Im fair that way. (posted from my stoopid smart phonr)
What you wrote is 100% false . This story is staged to look like one is connected to the other. Someone posted those pictures two weeks ago and the pictures of me repairing John’s sign together to make it look like they are connected. They are not.
This is unlike the women who campaigns with Steve at the Chowder Fest and is seen putting a negative Steve Lang sign in her vehicle.
This is stupid! Everyone needs to stop messing with the signs I’m getting tied of repair them.
Here’s a link….
where else can i send them Vern….?
[UPDATE from Vern – these 4 photos were taken down by Craigslist for being “false and malicious.” Basically because the two of them that showed Alpay’s sign guy by a fence were totally unrelated to the other two pics of trashed Lang signs, which were taken on a different day.]
Well, there it is, folks, you can see a guy on the other side of a fence flipping someone off, it’s claimed that’s Alpay’s campaign manager. And there’s a picture of his car. And there’s two pictures of a trashed Lang sign. I guess this is the best they could get. Maybe this fellow DID trash that sign(s), I don’t know. Maybe he is Alpay’s cm, I don’t know. I do suddenly feel like going to the beach though.
You – all can click on that link to see the pictures. I could post them up here, but it would take me fifteen minutes or so and I’d rather not, easier for you-all to just click.
the craigslist caption: “Here is John Alpay’s campaign Manager flipping Steve Lang the bird on 10/13/12 after he had just clipped Steve’s campaign banner down off the Hermosa exit of the I-5…….who puts surf racks on a Benz?? Keep it classy guys…… “
Obviously, John Alpay made a mistake by hiring this man and I really hope this is not the norm down here in SC. I have plenty of teacher friends who support Alpay and we would not be caught doing something like this. I did receive his latest mailer, and wanted to know why he is throwing the idea around of Closing SCHS down? Or turn it into a Charter School? SCHS has been around for my kids, and my grandchildren!! To see a sitting Trustee throw an irresponsible idea like this around really scares me. With the current scandal at Oxford going on, the idea of another charter just isn’t a good one. Plus it takes kids away from a great education, and great teachers! What are his actual intentions? Maybe he should have remained anti union like he did in the recall. We don’t need this type of person representing us.
I think, you’re getting Alpay confused with his opponent Lang? John is not talking about doing any of that to SCHS.
Or are we still talking about sign removal? I just got this from Alpay’s side, does this apply to what his campaign manager was (allegedly) doing? :
“Today in San Clemente, the opposition to John Alpay’s re-election placed thousands of signs on public right of ways in San Clemente in support of their candidate. The City of San Clemente has estimated that their cost for removal of campaign signs placed on public property is up to $10/sign. Over the past few weeks the anti-teacher/CUSD campaign has placed, and had removed at the city’s expense, over 3,000 signs, This means that the taxpayers of San Clemente have spent up to $50,000 to remove signs placed on public property. Residents of San Clemente, this money comes out of YOUR pocket! In response, the anti-teacher effort asks that teachers take a 30% pay cut to pay for their anti-public education campaign and their stated goal to privatize public education.This is a direct attack on teachers in SC and public education.”
Thats a load of garbage….3000 signs??? not even 300 how does 3000 x $10 = $50,000??? if you are doing any correct math over there on the school board….hahaha…then Alpay has placed at least 6000 and all in public right of ways…whats that cost the taxpayers??? By Alpay math that must be $100K right? According to Here We Go Again his signs are disappearing everyday, so the city and taxpayers must be racking up a bill on the Alpay campaign. And how about his unauthorized banner off the Hermosa exit? We have spoken to the VOLUNTEERS that remove campaign signs. Citizens that do it because they dont like them.
And where does the misleading and unfactual information that Lang is anti-teacher or anti-public education?
its so funny, does Alpay employ the same campaign press liars as Obama?
Nice try though Vern …its alpay that wants to turn SCHS into a charter school…you read it right Cheryl….
So people have a problem with Steve suggesting putting cell towers on schools when the CUSD was already going to do it? Seriously the lies and hypocrisy never ceases to amaze….
see what his voting record is like…see WHO DOESNT vote in favor of the kids and wastes board member time squabbling over trustee compensation and calls parents that offer their opinions during public school board meetings a “political circus”……San Clemente….you deserve better than this…dont settle for less. America has done that for 4 years and look what its done…dont do it here!!
You sound like you want Lang and ROMNEY, and also like you think Romney’s campaign isn’t the lyingest one in history.
Yes Vern, it is Alpay bringing these ideas up. I was speaking to some of his volunteers on Del Mar street in San Clemente last weekend. He had a booth set up. For some reason, charter schools was a hot topic of conversation, and they spoke about addressing the options of Charter schools and possibly a transformation for SCHS. What a terrible idea I told them!! SCHS is a great school. Could it use some funds to clean buildings, fields, etc…. Yes! But what campus couldn’t.
I don’t follow your other points in the response. People who clean up the political signs are volunteers, who use city transportation to acquire the signs. I have a couple friends who do this on a weekly basis. The signs are delivered to city hall, where the candidate can pick them up. For a fee of course. The city actually makes money doing this. Which is great, because I think the signs are a big distraction to our beautiful city.
We need to let John know to stop floating these ideas! And to please focus on what is important.
How can Romney have the most dishonest campaign in History when Obama is on his 2nd, or rather just an extension of the 1st?….Romney would need to be on at least a 2nd election to garner that distinction. I prefer to be against administrations that foster their own hidden agendas and deception of the people by using dishonesty and disrespect for the people they serve and for those that died serving for this country.
Ah. One of these days you’ll have to tell me what Obama’s “hidden agenda” is. That should be rich. Don’t wanna hijack this thread with nat’l politics though.
go see 2016…its all there…in case it wasnt already obvious enough.
ok so to update the bird flipper incident…its not Alpays campaign manager, but it is his campaign large format SIGN guy, friend and now vehemently loyal guy, who was ready to sell out his services to every candidate….but after he got caught taking Steve’s down he is all pissed off….making profanity laden comments about his sign getting taken down…..cuz its an unauthorized sign perhaps? and it was Alpay people that trashed Steve’s first….so chill out R.S……
LOL, not the campaign manager, thanks for admitting that…
But still…
surf racks on a Benz?? Keep it classy!
Got a call from the bird flipper guy, who had the craigslits pics removed for being false and malicious. Basically because the two pics of trashed Lang signs were from a different day and had nothing to do with what bird flipper guy was doing. He is an Alpay supporter and spends time every day REPAIRING John’s signs, but far from trashing Lang signs, he has offered to show Steve how to attach his signs properly so they stay up better.
You people are kind of juvenile down in San Clemente, aren’t you?
Oh, about the surf racks on the Benz. This is his OLD Benz. He would NEVER put surf racks on his NEW Benz, it would screw up the paint!
To all,
The whole Bird Flipper scene was a staged event. The bird flipper guy was repairing John Alpay’s sign in broad daylight on one of the busiest street in San Clemente. The down sign pictures were posted from two weeks ago posted by one of Steve Lang’s people. The story is totally false. It has been pulled from Craig’s List and my attorney notified. Steve Lang and I have talked. Both camps need to stop the stupid criminal activity & respect each others property, remember god is watching. I have notified the police and installed cameras on site to protect everyone’s signs. May the best candidate win. Campaign not destroy signs. Remember, this is all setting an example for our kids.
Yes the photos of the destroyed Lang sign was from the week before….when Aplays people tore it down….and his was put up at the same time (does The Truth know anything about that???)….so this “staged event” didnt include Steve’s sign being cut down at the time when the bird flipper was caught on camera walking away from the scene? please describe how this was a false story since we have had to replace Steve’s sign once, replace zip ties that were cut once and then rehung after it was cut down again….so ya lets have a little Truth and accountability from The Truth….smh….
This is amazing. The two pictures of the destroyed Steve Lang signs were posted two weeks ago in Steve Lang’s webpage. Either you staged this whole event to make it look like this guy destroyed the sign or he destroyed the signs the exact same way two weeks in a row. He must be an amazing magical guy to be able to do that.
The picture of the guy shows that he is touching the first sign on the right of all four banners. Isn’t that John Alpay’s sign? Yes, Truth is he was fixing John’s banner again and did nothing to Steve Lang’s sign or Steve would have picture of that. He doesn’t have that picture.
Steve, if you are going to falsely frame someone of destroying your sign, use fresh pictures.
But this morning’s picture of the Blonde Barbie you campaign with had a Steve Lang sign in her hands is proof as she stole it.
Once again proving you are a fraud!
Yeah, the Blonde Barbie of the Chowder Fest – SC’s lady of the lake.
I’ll have a new piece for you all today or tomorrow, to continue these riveting discussions. Teaser – are there already cell phone towers on Capo campuses or are there not? And who really wants to put up more? Stay tuned…
Can you hear me now?
Ya that was stated that the 2 pics of the torn sign were from the previous week to show the JUVENILE behavior of whoever it was from the Alpay side that started this nonsense….never said it was the bird flipper…but it WAS the Bird Flipper who cut it down on Saturday right Truth, since you out yourself as being the bird flipper guy in your initial post..see if you can find where you did..its pretty funny..did you help with the math on sign removal too?….. cmon sack up!
Why did you feel the need to flip off Steve with his grandkids in the car if you werent feelin guilty or caught doin something janky? Or do you just flip off everyone with a camera or a phone? Your credibility here is shady at best. Must be a really tough job having to repair that Alpay sign everyday…or just once. Hope you are billing him accordingly. Good thing Vern came to your rescue to add to the incorrect info…there has never been an issue with Steve’s signs being attached poorly (done exactly the same way Bird Flipper the Truth does it)…just with people cutting them down
“The picture of the guy shows that he is touching the first sign on the right of all four banners. ” now what does this refer to? what picture? Please let us know…..There now that thats all straightened out, maybe the juvenile types that instigated all this to begin, which has been stated umpteen times will cease…. and no need to attack Steve with your comments….he isnt writing this…
now if we can address the issues…i’ve thrown some points out that no one refutes so I guess that means they are true…
old or new surf racks on a benz is kinda meager
Now prove your integrity!
Steve Lang,
Thank you for admitting to me on the phone that someone in your campaign combined two separate sets of pictures taken two weeks apart. One of your destroyed banner on the ground that was on your webpage for two week later prior to the guy repairing another banner that one of your supporters cut up. I believe you when you said you had nothing to do with posting this story.
Now prove your integrity! Blind Copy (BCC) me the email you said you would send out to your supporters that false stories, lies, destroying banners and signs will not be tolerated in your campaign. I will post it this blog. That will prove your integrity and honesty worthy of being on the school board. It will send a powerful example to your supporters and parents you are a man of your word. We both agree that god is watching all our actions. Thank You Sir!
The Bird Flippin Truth is, and has been STATED how many times above that the 2 pics of the torn banner werent from the same incident…. This was to re-emphasize that the malicious actions had been taking place before the bird flipped. Steve’s integrity is legit. He speaks the truth. He didnt write the story. He’s informed his supporters. You wont have “work” at fixing your sign again. If you do, it will be internal sabotage. And God is watching. He takes care of those who take care of themselves. See ya in the surf dude. 😉
Here We Go Again….no pitchforks and torches….the Alpay campaign is shooting themselves in the foot….their shenanigans with the signs has been childish and borderline criminal considering the cost of these banners. And I see by the commentary above some folks have been practicing their bigotry for the upcoming elections…on all levels. Since the Stop Steve Lang signs are actually misleading and false, why wouldn’t she take them down? Steve’s comment was taken way out of context…but that’s not surprising considering the type of campaign thats being run by Alpay….nothing new to offer and just character attacks and destroying and tampering with campaign materials….top notch candidate….
So then. Tell us about Steve’s comment about cell phone towers and swap meets, and how it was taken out of context, and what it really meant. We’re all ears…
Vern — just a heads up…..cell towers have been on CUSD school campuses for 25 years…I can gladly post an attachment if you like….Mike Winsten was laughing at Alpays signs because of this. Stupidity at it’s finest…the next smart person I meet associated to Alpay’s campaign will be the first!
So you’re saying there already are some, but Lang just wants more?
Yep — and basically — Lang wants to find creative solutions to look at all ways to bring in more revenue on a local level — not to railroad an idea — but rather to address the shortfalls and see if there can be agreement to find creative solutions.
Where are the existing towers? Wow someone actually cares what Mike Winsten thinks?
I find all of this to be really amusing. Middle aged men and women stealing signs and spreading rumors. Am I in high school again? You’re all just glorified ASB dorks. Talegan transplants have officially ruined SC.
Its totally amusing..yes you are in high school…with the type of gossip, lies and shenanigans that the Alpay side is up to .More Distractions from the issues…..
like his voting record
Ummm…You might wanna scroll up and take a look at what this story is about.
no need….thanks though…
Better yet where is it on record that he did he say it ? Guess its just hearsay.
Goto whoisjohnalpay.com.
Did u wake up one morning and quickly write down the wacky dream you just had? We get the sign stealing part but the other claims?? This blog post is nutty!
Well in sign news this past Friday, the Alpay sign at Hermosa is down for good!!! Legally or illegally, the property owners were disgusted when they saw the bird flippers picture on their property. The Alpay sign was never approved and they dont support him. So Bird Flipper the Truth had to take it down…the actual truth prevails…not someone claiming it…..
the notion that any religious group can just swoop in, spend big money