Until BNN can get their blog rankings right, we will continue to present the REAL O.C. Blog rankings featuring data from Alexa.com.
Here are this week’s updated Alexa rankings:
- The Orange Juice Blog, Ranked 176,229
- Red County, Ranked 279,083
- Flash Report, Ranked 557,390
- The Liberal OC Blog, Ranked 613,699
- Bolsavik, Ranked 616,439
- John Seiler Blogs, Ranked 759,416
Bolsavik is once again nipping at the Liberal OC’s heels. And John Seiler’s blog is holding on, right behind Bolsavik. Red County is once again the #2 political blog in Orange County – even though they are a statewide blog while the Orange Juice is an Orange County blog.
July was our best month ever with 27,291 visits and 80,043 page views, according to Google Analytics.
Our Sitemeter data wasn’t working part of today. The folks at Sitemeter are upgrading their software. According to Google Analytics we have had over 600 visits to our site today and 1,565 page views.
With regard to BNN, they ranked the Liberal OC #5 this week. LOC had 3,796 visits this week, according to Sitemeter. We had 6,149 hits this week, according to Sitemeter. We also had 18,410 page views this month. The LOC had 6,741 page views this week. Yet they were ranked ahead of us. Clearly BNN has issues with their ranknig service…
Art –
A mutual friend of ours compared our publicizing our numbers to pulling the curtain away from the Wizard of Oz!
BNN is messed up. How do we do outdo ourselves every week, but our rank goes DOWN? The BNN system is based on everything: comments, activity, crosslinks, visitors, and page views, but what most people don’t know is that it’s also calculated by a person, not a machine, so there must certainly be an unhealthy dose of opinion in the system.
Plus, the spin machines are in full gear and nobody wants to comment on or link to a site that peddles… (suspenseful music here) truth! *gasp*
Ever notice how the majority of comments on our stories come the day AFTER they’re posted? At that point, BNN is no longer tracking the comments for their ‘hot comments’ section, which I’d venture to say, is hurting our rank.
Fascinating that none of you had an issue with the BNN rankings when you were ranked higher.
It’s all too “inside baseball” for most of your readers anyway. Unless you’re making your living from ad revenues, who really cares?
#2 –
‘Fascinating that none of you had an issue with the BNN rankings when you were ranked higher.‘
We also weren’t paying too much attention to Alexa, so now we have a point of comparison that we didn’t have back then.
Well the BNN ranking you consistently refer to is called “Highest Influence”. When you first started touting this ranking (well over a year ago), didn’t you tell us that “Highest Influence” was about more than just the numbers? Yes, you did. So if your ranking has been low of late, then why dis it by citing ONLY Alexa numbers? Isn’t BNN essentially saying that your “influence” has declined, in spite of an increase in traffic? And doesn’t all that explain how Red County could receive fewer hits and still be ranked higher than you in “influence”?
As we have pointed out many times, Red County could settle the issue by posting their readership data. To date they have steadfastly refused to…the ball is in their court.
Is there a clamor for Red County’s readership data by anyone but you and Sarah?
The ONLY way we can settle this debate, re whether or not BNN and Alexa are reliable, is with Red County’s data. We know that the Liberal OC has lost half their readership since Sean Mill left their team, but all we know about Red County is what Alexa is telling us.
*Traffic is “transitory”….look up the Websters definition!
Say Paris or Lindsay…and the numbers go up right away!….Look out….there goes that skyrocket right now!
To date I have stayed away from this ongoing debate. However, as we are now in a presidential race, think about CNN, FOX, Gallup, NBC, Pew Research, Rasmussen, RCP or USA Today. Each of these firms/news agencies conduct polls with varying results as they are not contacting the same citizens.
Yes, in the early days we referecned BNN for our own critique of how we were doing. Just like going to a doctor when told you need major surgery, it makes a great deal of sense to get a second opinion. Hence Alexa.
Sadly, this debate really does not apply to 90 percent of our traditional readers. It does have value for seeing how we stack up against other blogs for our own edification as well as current and future advertisers as they consider where they will get the “biggest bang” for their buck.
Are you guys still on this? Alexa also ranks Red County higher that OJ, yet that never gets mentioned.
But how can that be, if OJ gets more traffic than Red County? Oh yeah — Alexa is a screwy system.
The ONLY way we can settle this debate, re whether or not BNN and Alexa are reliable, is with Red County’s data.
That’s horse puckey. There are plenty ranking systems out there. You choose to worship the notoriously problematic Alexa.
You’ve long chosen to play web traffic exhibitionist game, we never have. This is Art’s way of trying suck info out of us.
And I notice you still hold back your Absolute Unique Visitors metric.
Even if I did post my unique IP hits you STILL would not post ANY of your data, would you? So why should I? Why don’t you post your data first, at least using Sitemeter. In fact I PROMISE to post my unique IP hits if you add Sitemeter to your site and make your readership data public, as we have from day one. How’s that?
Exactly the response I expected.
‘Exactly the response I expected.‘
… and that’s exactly the response I expected. The ball really is in your court Matt.
Even if I did post my unique IP hits you STILL would not post ANY of your data, would you? So why should I?
I have always been very clear that we do not disclose our data. Never have.
I did not promise readers complete access to my Google Analytics metrics — you did.
You’ve selectively publicized some of your Google Analytics metrics, yet conspicuously refuse to publish to most telling one. And you blame me for it.
The ball really is in your court Matt.
When I raised the point that Art never disclosed his Google Analytics metrics to his readers — not to me, but to his readers — I never promised any sort of quid pro quo.
So for you to pretend one does exist and that the “ball” is somehow “in my court” is disingenuous.
I made no promises of complete transparency with my readers as pertains to site traffic. Art did. That he instead dribbles it out selectively is telling.
I never promised to put up all my Google Analytics info. For one thing there is no automatic way to do that. But we do spend several hundred dollars a year to put up extended Sitemeter info. We are the ONLY blog in the OC that puts up extended Sitemeter info.
And you put up NOTHING. So brag about your blog all you want. Your words are as empty as your brain appears to be. If you want to say you are number one then prove it – or shut up.
I never promised to put up all my Google Analytics info.
You certainly did, Art, and you did so while criticizing Red County for not doing so.
But we do spend several hundred dollars a year to put up extended Sitemeter info.
How? SiteMeter Premium is $6.95 a month?
We are the ONLY blog in the OC that puts up extended Sitemeter info.
Good for you — and so what?
Well, it took a little digging but here’s the post in which Art promised to share all his traffic data with readers:
“We also added a widget for the Alexa blog ranking system, and we signed up for Google Analytics.
We want to know how we are doing – and we want to share all of that information with our readers. You won’t find ANY such ratings on Red County/OC Blog’s site. Their information is a secret – much like Cunningham’s secret identity “Jubal” used to be until OC Weekly outed him.”
Art’s words, not mine.
It’s from June 2007, when Art was full of praise for BNN’s ranking system.
Then, it a tit-for-tat with a commenter, Art immediately back-tracks on his promise.
Look, I already said I would post the data you are looking for IF you post your data first. I am not even asking you to put up your unique IP info. Just add Sitemeter to Red County. What the heck are you afraid of? Is the truth that no one is reading your boring red blog? Is that it Matt?
Art, what is so hard about simply keeping your promises? You keep adding conditions and quid pro quos to suit your purposes.
Then again, that could be a good campaign slogan for you: “Promises Made. Promises Broken…and Changed…and Revised Along The Way.”
I never made any such promise, Art. You did.
Boys, boys, look.
Matt has no obligation to post his numbers, but since he hasn’t, he has no right to demand that Art release any specific numbers. Since we can’t agree on which is the number one blog, and since that is because of Matt’s apparent obstructionism, people should judge each blog based on its dedication to truth and transparency, and then they should apply that to Art Pedroza’s campaign for Santa Ana City Council because Art has proven time and again that he is all about the free flow of information and net neutrality, while people like Matt are paid to spin counter-clockwise.
Trannies, Jannies… and now “Arties (AKA ‘The OJB Cabal’).” Our time is NOW.
Matt has no obligation to post his numbers, but since he hasn’t, he has no right to demand that Art release any specific numbers.
I’m not demanding anything. I just referred Art to his own promise: “we want to share all that information” is pretty inclusive, Sarah.
because Art has proven time and again that he is all about the free flow of information and net neutrality
Like the above promise he made but keeps finding excuses not to keep?
I see you’ve turned into the Manchurian Blogger: “Art Pedroza is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever met.”
while people like Matt are paid to spin counter-clockwise.
Really? Paid by whom? To spin what?
Read back on this thread, Sarah. The spinning is coming from you and Art as you go into contortions making excuses why he doesn’t have to keep a commitment he freely made.
Don’t be coy. You are a paid consultant. Have you forgotten that?
As I have stated repeatedly I will post my unique IPs when you put Sitemeter on your blog. The sooner YOU do that the sooner I follow up accordingly.
So settle the issue. Man up and put Sitemeter on your site. What are you hiding Matt? Does no one read your red-faced blather?
Don’t be coy. You are a paid consultant. Have you forgotten that?
Don’t be stupid. Sarah was doing much more than identifying my profession.
BTW, do you know many “unpaid” consultants?
As I have stated repeatedly I will post my unique IPs when you put Sitemeter on your blog.
If you want to go back on your word, that’s your business, Art. But it will make it kind of hard for you to beat up Carlos as a liar.
Man up and put Sitemeter on your site. What are you hiding Matt?
Retreating to “when did you start beating your wife” tactics already?
RC has always treated site metrics as our own business to be used for internal use. You’re being hoisted on your own petard, and now you’re flailing around trying to illogically hoist me on it.
The funny thing is that our unique IP hits are pretty good. About 70 percent of our hits are unique. I bet only 35 percent of your hits are unique.
The funny thing is that our unique IP hits are pretty good. About 70 percent of our hits are unique.
Whatever you say, Art. That’s why you keep them under wraps, despite one of those vaunted Pedroza pledges.
I bet only 35 percent of your hits are unique.
Whatever you say, Art. Lack of knowledge has never stopped your from spouting off before.
All this coming from the guy who has trouble correctly understanding his own metrics and why OJ traffic has increased lately.
‘If you want to go back on your word, that’s your business, Art. But it will make it kind of hard for you to beat up Carlos as a liar.‘
… and isn’t this the real reason you’re still arguing this point.
‘BTW, do you know many “unpaid” consultants?‘
I do: me. I’m not being paid yet for my work on OJ or Art’s campaign. I do it because I believe in our cause. What do you and your buddy Carlos believe in other than the almighty dollar?
… and isn’t this the real reason you’re still arguing this point.
No, it’s not. Just trying to hold Art to his word, which can be like catching a greased pig.
I do: me. I’m not being paid yet for my work on OJ or Art’s campaign.
You’re the exception that proves the rule, Sarah. Plus, since neither OJ nor Art’s campaign have any money, it’s not like you have an alternative.
What do you and your buddy Carlos believe in other than the almighty dollar?
Somehow, Sarah, I don’t think Carlos Bustamante considers me his buddy. Can’t you do better than aping Art’s rhetoric?
And yes, I believe in plenty. I also have a family to support, and am able to earn a living as an independent public affairs consultant. Apparently, it hasn’t crossed your mind that the two things aren’t incompatible. Just because I am able earn a living as a consultant and you apparently aren’t, doesn’t confer you with moral superiority.
Matt –
I guess you have us all figured out oh great Swami. We’re broke and talentless and you’re 100% correct about everything – whether you know what you’re talking about or not.
So much for my supposed moral superiority. What about yours? You don’t think your comment is just slightly self-aggrandizing?
Please don’t by whiny and self-pitying.