Team Pulido says “She’s the Devil!”

Team Pulido, which is largely comprised of the “Usual Suspects,” is up to full venomous speed…and it’s only August!  The chismes coming out about Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s upstart opponent, Councilwoman Michele Martinez, are truly unbelievable.  I have not seen such unmitigated bile since, well, two years ago when they did this to Councilman Sal Tinajero.  Ironically Tinajero is now one of Pulido’s biggest cheerleaders!  That is how our City Clowncil rolls…

The tales about Martinez are not going to go away, so let’s have a look at what Team Pulido wants us to believe about Martinez…

Behind Door #1 is a truly outrageous tale that also involves former Pulido acolyte Al Amezcua.  The chisme goes that recently Amezcua and Martinez were caught by the SAPD while engaged in some sort of indiscreet activity, while in a car parked at Santiago Park.  This story is profoundly vomitous, but you have to laugh at the scene of the crime.  Pulido himself is said to have been found at Santiago Park pulling a “George Michaels” with some unknown dude back in the day. THAT particular sordid bit ends with “the police are keeping a secret file on Pulido – with pictures – which is why he HAS to do what they tell him to, particularly with regard to raises.”  And what is Team Pulido saying about the Martinez/Amezcua chisme?  That the info is being kept in a “sealed file.”  Aye Dios!

Next up is the “F Troop” scheme to take over Santa Ana!  We all know that Martinez used to be a Trooper, but Team Pulido would have us believe that her plan to win involves getting all the former Troopers and all the current ones to vote for her.  Imagine that – getting out the gangbanger vote!  It has never happened – and I don’t see it happening now.  But this chisme is perfect for scaring off the white voters that Pulido can’t win without.

And behind Door #3 is the most imaginative of these tales being spun against Martinez.  We are being asked to believe that Amezcua has a client in La Habra who is the head of the Mexican Mafia.  Apparently Amezcua is fighting to keep him out of jail.  So the grateful mafioso is going to pump thousands of illicit dollars into the Martinez campaign coffers – and into the campaign of Valerie Amezcua, who is Al’s daughter.  Valerie is running for the SAUSD School Board.  This particular tale is a double-dinger as it allows Team Pulido to attack TWO Latina candidates in one fell swoop.

So there you have it.  And we are only in August.  I can only imagine what sordid chismes that Team Pulido will unveil in September.  And October.  You see you don’t challenge Pulido unless you are okay with being not just defeated but utterly destroyed.  That’s how Team Pulido rolls…


Here we go again!  Another Team Pulido rumor erupted today,  This time the chisme was that Martinez had dropped out of the race.  But hold the presses!  She already filed her nomination papers.  She can’t drop out now.  And she has no interest in doing so – she left me a message to that affect.

We will be putting up a separate post tonight announcing a major fundraiser for Martinez.  So no, I don’t think she is pulling out…but nice try Team Pulido!  Back to the drawing board…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.