“Comment like the Winships” weekend open thread.


Happy first weekend of December!  In case you didn’t remember, this is the time of the year when, in the spirit of “Talk Like A Pirate Day,” we celebrate the coming holidays by commenting in the style of that dear senior grandfathered blogging couple of ours – the quaint, moderate-Republican, Corona Del Mar couple Ron and Ana Winship, who have been writing on the Orange Juice longer than ANY of us – since the early 1940’s I believe!

This is an open thread, so please discuss anything you’d like to, locally, nationally, globally, personally, medically – but you must write in the style of Ron and Ana or your comment may very well be deleted, in the spirit of this weekend.

FREE ASSOCIATION is the number-one rule, free association and name dropping.  Whatever point you are trying to make, illustrate it with “Ever heard of …” followed by a free stream of political and celebrity names from the 50’s to the present.  If you find someone disagreeing with you, or possibly even only expressing a slight quibble, address them by a nickname, probably their name followed by “-Boy.” – eg.  “Demo-boy” or “Skally-boy.”  Please also be sure to back up your historical points with a Hollywood movie.

And whatever you do, be sure to start your comment with a magical asterisk.  Not starting a comment with an asterisk on this thread will be the surest trip to the spam filter!

Here are a few recent, characteristic Winship comments to give you inspiration.  On the subject of Dana Rohrabacher’s getting banned from Afghanistan:

*anon – Dude, please …you are not going to be invited to Karzai Palace in spite of your kudos for the peerless leader and his very expensive brother or brother in law He is far too busy….insulting other visiting dignataries to send out invitations to people who have only seen “The Man Who Would be King”….with Sean Connery.. He probably gets free time share stays in Pakistan that he wou’t share too! “Your cave or mine?” is probably on his cell phone when you call.

Defending Wiley Drake from Diamond’s criticisms:

*Now now friends and neighbors …just feeling quite neighborly and unfazed by those out there wiling to scream mice in a crowded church.

Save yourselves for the big guys that are really dangerous. How about Karl Rove? This guy is contemptible! How about Sean Hannity? This guy is pretty duplicitous! How about a wide majority of sleezy media muffins that know how to accuse everyone but haven’t got any answers except those allowed by Grover Norquist and Karl Rove.
Even our pal Dick Morris and Dennis Miller cannot tolerate the obnoxious lies their ministers want shouted in the Media Theatre. God bless them at least.

No, no ….you have plenty of blaggards out there. Just start shooting your darts at the major targets rather than the occasional week-end biker in leathers!

Educating us about the BAD old days in California:

*What do they say? You don’t remember the history…you are bound to repeat it.
Those wonders of Social Egalitarianism that you highlight included Senator Tunney,
Alan Cranston, Gray Davis as Jerry Browns first Lt. Governor., Wilson Riles and of
course you failed to jump on board the Jess Unruh bandwagon of hits. Willie Brown
was a power broker of the first order that used every dirty trick in the book to force members of his own party to sell out and members of the opposite party to disappear
when contenscious issues raised their ugly heads. Gun Control was one of Willie’s
Biggies and me made grown men cry…..by intimidation, exhortion, threats and real time withdrawal of even office space. No vision of sweetness there. The list of Socialist Commies was huge during the Pat Brown years. No so much Pat, but those he had around him.

Don’t forget that the John Birch Society said that Eisenhower was a willing dupe of the Communist when he appointed Earl Warren to the Supreme Court. Argue what you will, today’s values……but then……very red…..very.

Meanwhile, Wilson Riles ousted our bud Max Rafferty and toasted California Education by selling out to the Teacher Unions…..way early.

In anger at Demagogue who disagreed with them on some details of GMOs and beef:

*Demagogoue; Now we have you figured….you are either po white trash or a high yella that thinks your stuff don’t stink. *Have another at Pat O’Briens on us. We are not suggesting put any money on the horse…by the way…because this not going to be Thriple Crown winner… especially eating Louisiana Blue Grass. It is Kentucky Blue Grass you nerd cake….Kentucky! Meanwhile, don’t be trying to swim that Indian River with 50 pounds of chain either..

In the meantime, get on down to Biloxi and tell ‘em Ron & Anna sent you! They actually sell Corn Fed Midwest Beef. Lightnin Hopkins woulld tell you along with Jimmy Reed…..but like everything else…you have too much Cajun Blood to listen.

I’ll find some more tomorrow, there are better ones out there – but for now, enjoy your Weekend Open Thread!


About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.