Well, I collected my nominating signatures yesterday and will be dropping them off at City Hall today. I also need to come up with $2,513 for the candidate’s statement. If you are inclined to support my campaign against incumbent Councilman Carlos Bustamante, please let me know if I can pick up a contribution from you today. There have been a lot of pledges already, which I really appreciate.
I am not sure if anyone else has filed, but as of right now it looks like Steve Rocco, the Orange Unified School District school board member, has qualified. I’m sure Bustamante will finalize his papers today, if he has not done so already. I am told that Ana Valencia-Verdin has not yet turned in her papers.
Email me at this link if you can help out today. You may also call me at 714-606-7622. I thank you in advance for your support!
You deserve all the support you can get. You are the right person to serve for Ward 3 hands down.
Do you have an online place to receive donations. That would be the fastest way for me.
Art got my check this morning.
I hope everybody that can will donate whatever they can to help defeat Bustamante.
Red –
We’ll be setting that up today as well as tying up some loose ends on the website. A lot of things will become operational over the weekend.
Sorry, I have changed my mind and have stopped the check.
I will support Steve Rocco
I hope you do understand.
Hope you got your papers in Art.
Thank you all for your support! It means a lot to me.
It is nice to have all the papers turned in. I am SO tired! But I am also excited and looking forward to next week’s “Birthday Party/Fundraiser” which will be held at my home on Tuesday night. You will all have to take a whack at the Busty pinata!
Be sure to check out Gustavo Arellano’s article about my campaign at this link: http://blogs.ocweekly.com/navelgazing/notes-from-the-banana-republic/art-pedroza-an-appreciation/.
Aww dammit! I still won’t be in town…
Can you do me a favor and send me a pic of the Bustamante pinata?
You’re joking, right?
Dear Readers,
I just spoke to Sean. The person that posted as him at comment # 5 was not him. He is still backing my campaign.
You have my full support and I will financially support your campaign now and in the future.
As I have said in the past, replacing Carlos Bustamante is priority number one for me. Carlos is not the type of person I want representing my city.
It will be an uphill battle, but it is a battle that must be waged.