North OC Elected Democrats Status Report


If the OC Republican establishment have ANY hope of getting their seat back, they should take a break from daydreaming and register for Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva‘s SQS Newsletter.  Her flurry of events, public meets, and fundraisers show a dedicated legislator who’s not taking her success for granted.

Westminster is in increasingly better hands. Councilman Sergio Contreras won his election as the top voter in his race, and surprise,surprise, has not resorted to kissing tremendous amounts of republican ass whilst serving.  Sergio, despite being well known as one of the nicest, kindest people in elected office, has never quite gotten the attention he deserves from OC’s Political class… but like all people who have actually had to work for their office, he wasn’t just waiting to be anointed.  And apparently 11,715 voters in Westminster weren’t willing to wait either.

In Garden Grove, Trustee Bao Nguyen shocked most insiders with his surprise endorsement AND EMBRACING of Vietnamese gays wanting representation in the Tet Festival.  The discriminatory politics at work in this whole deal are complez, wonkish, and really quite slimy, but long story short, Bao was approached and moved by the biggest names in Gay OC politics, and not only did he come out in strong opposition to the Tet Festival’s Organizers pocket veto of Gay participation, but he MANAGED TO CONVINCE THE BOARD to withdraw district resources from the Festival unless they changed course.  And what reason did the board almost unanimously decide to use as their prevailing logic in the matter?  “We must set an example for the children we serve, despite our personal opinions on the matter.”   PROGRESS!


In Anaheim, Jordan Brandman doesn’t seem to be having a very good few weeks. First news about his possibly sweetheart contract with the clerk recorder’s office leaked… then, Voice of OC’s story broke about his wikipedia-baseed ‘created writing’… then various Supervisors started requesting tax payer’s hard-earned dollars back, (check out for video)… which really is kind of a no brainer. Even Jordan’s harshest critics never would have imagined that impressively calculated Jordan would slip like this;  however they, and everyone else who might have voted for Jordan, including myself, are now eagerly awaiting the submission and release of this obviously (?) superfluous report. Jordan’s not a ‘bad guy’, but perhaps this is karma for all the Republican colluding he’s been doing lately?  Who knows.  On that matter, I will say that he’s never been a liberal… and has never claimed to be.  When will we stop projecting that liberal glow onto Anaheim’s lone Dem?

About Luke Skywalker