Looking for a few good Hemp-and-Cannibis-Friendly Democrats!!!


Three Democratic champions for medical marijuana in California – you’d think there’d be more – Lite Guv Gavin Newsom,  SF assemblyman Tom Ammiano and State Senator Mark Leno.

This was passed on to us by old Orange Juice friend and Democratic cannabis warrior John Paul Lucas, who has NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT on this important issue!  He’s trying to quickly help put together, within the  California Democratic Party Central Committee, a “Hemp and Cannabis Caucus” to push the Party and state toward progress on this burning civil rights and fiscal issue, and counteract the more reactionary forces in the Party. 

So we’re trying to help him and his comrades here – they need THIRTY-FIVE “A-DEM” MEMBERS TO SIGN UP BY NEXT MONDAY, the 13th, and I’ve uploaded and linked to the form.  A-Dem members?  Apparently there are twelve in each assembly district, so the OC itself has 7 X 12 = 84 – we could get the 35 we need in our own back yard!  Hey – I know some of these people!  At the bottom of this post I will list all of OC’s A-Dems;  I’ll call the ones I know and you call the ones you know, and let’s get ‘er done!  First, a letter to prospective members, from Lanny Swerdlow, another Democratic activist for medical marijuana:


Dear Democratic Party Member:

Thank you for expressing your interest in the proposed Hemp and Cannabis Caucus of the California Democratic Party.   It has the potential to become one of the most transformative caucuses ever chartered by the California Democratic Party.   Proposed bylaws are being drafted, provisional officers are being sought, and the relevant official forms that urgently require your signature are attached to this email.   The key factor that will make the Caucus a reality is YOU and your participation.

As you know, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and many other elected Democratic officials have called for the Democratic Party to recognize and support the need for reform of our nation’s archaic, unfair, and inhumane marijuana prohibition laws.   Every recent poll now shows that Democrats and Independents are overwhelmingly in support of reforming our nation’s marijuana laws.   Since 2011, the CDP has been on record as officially supporting “Creating New Jobs and Tax Revenues with a Californian Cannabis and Hemp Industry” (California Democratic Party RESOLUTION: 11-07.10).   Thus, the time is ripe for the Hemp and Cannabis Caucus of the California Democratic Party to organize and promote sensible and rational programs and reforms.

In order to be chartered, Declaration Forms from at least 35 members of the Democratic State Central Committee must be submitted.   As a delegate to the state convention, you are a member of the Democratic State Central Committee and as such, you are qualified to sign a Declaration Form and become a provisional Charter Member of the Hemp and Cannabis Caucus of the California Democratic Party.

The linked Declaration Form, once submitted, will affirm your support for the official recognition by the California Democratic Party of the Hemp and Cannabis Caucus, and confirm that you share a common identity, demographic, or interest in the Caucus and its purposes: protecting the rights of medical marijuana patients under California law, repealing marijuana prohibition, ending the wasteful, so-called War on Drugs, and supporting the Democratic Party.

Here at this link are both the Declaration Form and an application to become a Charter Member of the Hemp and Cannabis Caucus of the California Democratic Party.   (Your status as a Charter Member will be provisional until the Democratic Party officially charters the Caucus.)

Please take advantage of this unique and historic opportunity to play an important role in this dynamic and growing movement by filling out and sending in the linked Declaration and provisional Charter Membership forms.

The time frame for this action is very short.   The final deadline for turning in the forms to the Central Committee is Monday, May 13. Please proceed in downloading, filling out, and signing the forms now.   Then, submit them either by email, mail, or fax no later than May 12 (see details below).   You will then be a Charter Member of the first official Hemp and Cannabis Caucus in the history of our Democratic Party and our nation!

To submit signed forms:

Fax to: 951-782-9898

Scan and email to: lannyswerdlowrn@yahoo.com

Or mail to:
Lanny Swerdlow (Caucus Coordinator)
PO Box 918
Cabazon, CA 92230

Thank you,
Lanny Swerdlow, R.N., L.N.C.
Dan Rush, Director, Medical Cannabis and Hemp Division
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union


I know some of them – the ones in bold – and I will bug those.  If you know any of them, you do the same – times a-wastin’!   (in progress)

AD 55 (Brea, La Habra, Placentia, Yorba Linda)

Sanobar Baig.  Theodore Cha.  Bina Kamdar.  Douglas Doner.
Peegye Jackson.  Steve Koffroth.  Dot DeLeon. Clark Lee.
Brandy Carter.  John MacMurray.  Ida MacMurray.  Calvin Sung.

update – Dot-check!

AD 65 (Fulerton, Buena Park, La Palma, some Anaheim, Cypress, Stanton)

Drew Cornick, Charles Doll, Gladys Mares, Peter Anderson,
Claudia Perez, Silissa Uriarte Smith, Rashad the Happy Arab, Pam Keller,
Christopher Sanchez, Paula Williams (Greg Diamond’s friend), Arnel Dino, DeAnn McEwen

AD 68 (Irvine, some Anaheim, Lake Forest, Orange, Tustin, Villa Park)

(John Paul Lucas), Michael O’Neal, Ted Perle, Greta Rice,
Cecilia Flores, Fatima Dadabhoy, Mani Kang, Tracey Clark,
Michael D Fox, Ambereen Dadabhoy, Beatriz Fernandez, Gabriel Orea

update – Mike Fox-check!

AD  69 (Santa Ana, some Anaheim,some Garden Grove)

Marcial Fernandez, Renee Hernandez, DR Heywood, Elaine Hoffman,
Irma Macias, Alejandro Moreno, Tish Leon, Julio Perez,
Jeanne Tran, Boyden Pantone, Maria Brena, Al Jabbar

AD 72 (northern HB, Seal Beach, Westminster, Fountain Valley, Los Al, most GG)

Mark Hollenbeck, Ray Cordova, Denise Velasco, Marti Sheldon,
Jamison Power, Mark Sheldon, Karen Hinks, Charlotte Pirch,
Jennifer Siegert, Joe Shaw, Anna Velez, Phil Silverthorn

update – “Godfather” Cordova-check!

AD 73 (Laguna Hills & Niguel, Dana Point, SJC, San Clemente, RSM, Aliso)

Minea Gracia, Michael Stone, Rosemarie Allaire-Bosson, Steve Nelson,
Michael Weinell, Eileen Boylan, Steve Stewart, Judith Rice,
Jason Varvas, Linda May, Linnette Garber, Mike Getto

AD 74 (southern HB, Costa Mesa, Newport, some Irvine, Laguna Beach)

Anila Ali, Peter Kaltreider, Hershel Will, Dinah Frieden,
Andrew Gallagher, RJ Victoria, Richard Armendari, Iyad Afalqa,
Kendall Vaught, Jennifer Muir, Katherine Reedy, Heide Krueger

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.