Hoag Medical Center Stops Offering Elective Abortions


Hoag decided to stop performing elective abortions May 1st. A spokesperson for Hoag said that the reason is because they do not have enough requests for them. But the LA Times reported, it’s because they went along with St. Joseph Health System’s statement that they do not allow elective abortions. Hoag is now partnered with Catholic healthcare provider St. Joseph Health. Richard Afable, a top executive at St. Joseph Health who runs the joint health network, said that St. Joseph made it clear to Hoag that the abortion ban was “sacrosanct” and “required of ourselves and anyone we would work with.”


A spokesperson for Hoag said ” ….the partnership would lead to broader, more integrated healthcare services in the county…” — except for those women seeking an elective abortion, they will be “ass out” (my words)


This is just another example of a non-profit hospital run by a religious (dogmatic) group that thinks they know what “God” wants and are willing to trample on the rights of women to get it. Well, HELLO…Roe-v-Wade settled that way back in the 70s.  Women’s right to an abortion are eroding all over the US and women have to speak up! Abortion rights do not affect me personally anymore — I am a little over the child bearing age — but when I was 25, I had an abortion and I am speaking up now for women who are of child bearing age and who want the right to decide for themselves what is right for them– not some hospital administrator who happens to have a different religious ideology than their patients.


I called Hoag to get the name of their CEO/President — his name is Robert Braithwaite. His assistant is not able to give out his email address — wonder why that is?… but here is Hoag’s phone number (949-764-4624) …call them and tell them what you think about their “women’s healthcare plan.”  I did.

About Inge

Cancer survivor. Healthy organic food coach. Public speaker. If you have a story you want told, contact me at iscott.orangejuiceblog@gmail.com/