According to someone in the know, The city of Anaheim’s 2009 Tournament of Roses parade float entry has a budget of $150,000 which is the same budget and vendor as their prior floats. Their 2008 governor’s trophy winning entry entitled “the World’s Celebration Destination” was designed and constructed by the Phoenix Decorating Co. Therefore it is not necessary for the bedroom community of Mission Viejo to spend twice that amount to have a winning entry. In fact, is that what this is about? We will not be satisfied unless we bring home a trophy to collect dust in some glass case. I thought the concept, whose justification I do not agree with, was to promote togetherness!
Sorry to keep this series going. It’s called “benchmarking” of sorts. Check out what others are doing to compare yourself Vs comparable products and firms. In this case it’s to see how much money others are spending in the Tournament.
Keep it going Larry. Spell it all out. Connect the dots. Tell how a recall is done. Tell how a complaint is made to Attorney General Brown, who I think would like to address corrupt politicioans and administrators.
Good morning anon.
Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle responded last night notifying me that they also won the “mayors award” in 2007.
Notice that you can enter the Tournament of Roses Parade with a float costing $150,000, (and even win awards for your entry), while the city of Mission Viejo needs to spend $300,000 because we want another plaque for Keith or Dennis’s office.
While many of us are often stuck in traffic, this city council, and city manager, are driving a runaway train containing taxpayer money going non stop to Pasadena.
Larry, get out of the way or we will run you over.
So thats $300,000.00 (plus $$ I immagine) from MV.
Less $150,000.00 for the award winning float (winning turns criticism into carping).
That leaves $150,000.00 split, what, three ways, maybe four ways?
Whats this seed money for Frank Ury’s next morality crusade?
Thanks Larry, this stuff needs to be rooted out wherever it is. You were sharp to spot the set-up and did a great service to your community. I’m sure you’ll get lots of heat from this and lots of favors will be called in to get you to back down but dont give it up.
Let the people of MV know what they have to do to take their city back. I hear its a popular thing to do this year.
Keep up the good work. Public accountability crosses all racial, ethnic, and social lines.
Amazing that these clowns (MV City Clowncil-cousins of the Santa Ana City Clowncil) attempt to engage in this behavior while in the public eye thinking that no one will discover it.
Personal ethics?……..HMMMMM
BTW: what was the auto museum that you talked about several posts ago??
Frank Ury isn’t fit to serve. Please let all Mission Viejo voters know that he’s up for re-election on Nov. 4. Hit the reject button.
Did you indicate “hundreds of volunteers” will work on the float? I doubt it. Almost everyone is either too busy or too smart to get suckered in. As for employees getting paid to work on the float, not only do they get paid, they’ll get overtime if they’re “hourly” workers. Check out the newly revised employee guidelines that indicate “volunteering” is a criterion for personell evaluation.
Mission Viejo is run by corrupt council members and city hall creeps.
Some people are very good at spending OPM. The Ad Hoc team of council members Trish Kelley and Lance MacLean, and I am certain they were supported by Keith Rattay and Dennis Wilberg, selected Fiesta Floats because they had been the vendor of the Mission Viejo Company floats over 20 years ago.
Instead of giving serious consideration of the 2008 award winning float vendor selected by the city of Anaheim, we took a different route. To repeat, Anaheim’s winnning float budget was half of ours at $150,000 Vs $300,000.
Readers. That is the proposed contract amount to Fiesta and does not include the added costs of transporting and feeding hundreds of volunters as they are bussed to Irwindale in 10 trips.
PS: As six of the already scheduled trips fall on weekdays, will staff be included in this volunteer group? If so, are they taking their vacation time to participate? Those are questions yet to be addressed.
We need to continue monitoring every major expenditure of our city staff and council to see if there are any questionable invoices. I have one in my sights now but will need to hold off that discovery until a later date.