Our friend Greg Diamond has already shared his views on this minor gaffe becoming a bigger deal than it should have been, primarily Greg wishes that the typo were reality. Living in Anaheim, I have to selfishly tell Diamond to butt out — we NEED Mayor Tait to be Mayor for another term and sweep the crony capitalists clean, thank you very much. Before we go much further, let me use the traffic this is creating to brazenly pimp for the event, and for those who wish to attend, it is:
Monday December 16, from 5:30 to 7:30
Anaheim White House Restaurant
The cost is $1,900 to serve as a Campaign Host, $1,000 to support Tait as a Reception Host or $500 per person to attend.
Should you wish to support this very, very worthy cause, guests are invited to bring an unwrapped toy for children in need (that whole kindness thing at work again) and you may RSVP to Phyllis Schneider at 714-368-0260 or Phyllis@phyllisschneider.com
Never let a good crisis go unused. But I would like to replay the issue just to highlight the flip side of the argument being made by those who oppose Tait.
We know that earlier this week, an invitation went out for a fundraiser for Mayor Tom Tait’s re-election campaign. We also know that a very human error crossed some text between two campaigns, and thus the invitation promotes Tait as a candidate for an office for which he has no intention of running. The mistake is understandable; it is not the end of the world — and indeed as Matt Cunningham opines on it he admits to knowing how it happened. And yet, it didn’t stop Mr. Snark from posting an article pointing out the mistake.
Now it is possible that Cunningham truly considered the need to highlight the very understandable (if unfortunate) mistake, perhaps in an effort to show that his own typo-packed career is somehow excusable in light of one oversight from an otherwise diligent professional. But I suspect the post simply offered an excuse for his pool of incestuous commenters the opportunity to run down the Mayor of Anaheim — as though they need an excuse beyond “the sun rose this morning.” And that, in essence, is the entire purpose for the Chamber of Commerce’s funding of the AnaheimBlog, is it not?
As Cunningham says,
“Since the invite says to make checks payable to “Tom Tait for Mayor 2014,” I suspect this is a whopper of a typo. His fundraiser, Phyllis Schneider (whom I have known for many years and does very good work) is also doing the fundraising for Sup. John Moorlach’s campaign for the 45th Congressional District (the seat from which Rep. John Campbell is retiring), so I suspect that is the source of the “Tait for Congress” headline.”
So can someone please explain to me: where is the story? Is Cunningham’s intent to highlight the very human and understandable error of the fundraising professional he claims he has “known for many years and does very good work?” That doesn’t seem to fit the profile of kindness he demands the rest of us follow — his definition of kindness of course being that we all kindly look the other way while his friends steal us blind via the city coffers.
If we want to make a big deal of typos, Matt’s work is certainly ripe for the picking, although writing about his typos would be a full-time job that none of us could bear.
Instead, I offer the ultimate in fundraising “typos” for our enjoyment, and yes, this is a true screen grab from the campaign website of Council member Kris Murray.

(Note from Greg: until I recognized the address, which you’ll find featured prominently at anaheim.net, I had thought that Cynthia was making fun of referring to “employeer,” which I imagined was just a Disneyfied term combining “employer” and “Mouseketeer.”)
Perhaps Cunningham would like to opine on this … and you may discuss among yourselves on this glorious Southern California Friday. (Props to blogger Jason Young for spotting this page.)
I get the feeling the Kleptocracy is starting to get hyper-tetchy about having their scams unveiled.
I posted about it because it was funny in and of itself, Cynthia. Lighten up, Grim Reaper.
Hello. Glad you could stop by for a visit.
Now that you have deigned to visit OJB, will you please explain for us why the City of Anaheim still hasn’t completed the audit of your client, the Chamber of Commerce, on its alleged management of the Anaheim Enterprise Zone? It’s a year late, you know, and some uncharitable folks believe the Chamber’s revenue from it pays you (ignoble thought!).
I guess your first 4 words, “This isn’t a joke” were……….poor choice of words?
Well I have one for you… Do you know how the Idiot Blacksmith’s Apprentice became the Blacksmith? The Blacksmith’s last words were ” Now look you idiot, get this straight – I’m going to hold the horseshoe in the fire with the pliers, and when I nod my head,…YOU…hit it with the Hammer!…..OOOOOOOOWWWWWW!”
David – we have seen Matt’s 700 form and he is indeed on the Anaheim Chamber’s payroll.
Yes, that’s understood. Of course the set up was originally to do fluff pieces on Murray and Eastman and the glories of Pringledom. Now it just seems to be mostly a vehicle to say mean things about Tom Tait. My suspicion is that “Anaheim Insider” is either Cunningham himself or somebody else working directly for Pringle.
It’s beyond ironic that the Chamber that never bothered to pay a blogger before only did so after it got all that Enterprise Zone gravy. The money has been laundered but actually smells a lot worse.
David, it’s amusing to read when you — who has absolutely no knowledge about the subject — opine on my relationship with the Anaheim Chamber.
But that’s par for the course around here.
No knowledge? You were hired to stroke the Pringle Puppets into full arousal. We all get that.
FOWL. FLAG. David goes to the penalty box and can’t post for an hour.
You can call Matt out on plenty, but not on intent. It should be absolutely irrelevant why a person is making a particular argument; only the words matter. Arguments fuel the democratic process and attacking the underlying speaker scares off future participation among the community.
Moreover, I venture to say that no one on this thread would be willing to list all their underling motivations alongside any particular post.
Dan, don’t wade into this one.
Ryan, you need to accept my FB friend request before I accept your unsolicited advice. (That’s suppose to sound friendly, not bitchy.)
Provoked, I will continue pontificating:
Presumably, people are reading this thread who do not know the long lovely history between you crazy kids. At least, we’d all like to think normal people read this stuff. If so, all they see is one guy getting seriously trashed by a mob.
Why the heck would anyone want to jump in and give their two-cents? I’d like to hear what other people have to say, maybe other don’t…
You’ve spotlighted our perception issue correctly. We look like a pack of rabid dogs.
Alas, I assure you, no one with the rabies cares.
Just get some popcorn and enjoy the fireworks. The only thing that would make it better is if Dan C popped over and made a comment, but then I think someone would lose twenty bucks and/or some sacrifice would have to be made to atone for breaking some sort of vow.
Some day we underlings will have to get a cage match for the blogging titans of the sphere to settle their long running blog wars of keyboard and mouse. Maybe the boys at the Weekly could host.
Man, that’d be good. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY, Cunningham vs. THE WORLD.
Anywho, I applaud your optimism. Stay on the shore before the swamp draws you in, lest you join our undying quest for braaaaiiiinnnnsss.
DZ and RC, I’d say more than ‘LOL’ If I could stop! Off for popcorn!
I’m sorry… You all suck. I think I’m actually dumber after following the back and forth on this one.
Oh, come on, don’t go away mad! … How about a cartoon?
I can’t wait to see what CATER has in store for Matt and his pals.
Read up on the Brown Act, my friend.
The Brown Act that says 3 council members can meet if one of them only stays for pastries?
It’s a little-known provision. It comes right after the one exempting breakast meetings: the cereal meeting clause.
Sorry Jason you must wait just a little while longer…
Cynthia. Good catch on that mailing address for the donations. I do have to note that whoever made the mistake probably attended the Santa Ana Councilwoman Michelle Martinez School of Fundraising. Claudio Gallegos wrote about her similar error in 2010.
Greg and Vern, no I’m not trying to pump up traffic to a 3-year old post.
Chris I have to give the credit to Jason Young, he caught it, I was just lucky enough to screen grab it before she switched it, which she did after Jason outed her.
Never be shy about doing that, Chris. Our “institutional memory” is better when we work together.
No problem, Chris. What sort of dork would worry about that sort of thing, anyway?
Daniel, your compassion is misplaced, Matt wouldn’t know what to do with courtesy if it hit him upside the head….be still my hopeful heart….Since Matt Cunningham finds the public humiliation of a fundraising professional who made an honest mistake “funny”….how about we take a look at Matt’s illustrious career and see how often he has dropped the ball on spell check and proofing before sending out a message?
I believe we CAN speak to motive, when we look at how passionately Matt defended and promoted Tom Tait when Cunningham was on THAT payroll, and now fast forward to being on the Chamber’s laundered check list and he has flipped completely around. I believe Matt posted that piece to allow the hateful little chihuahuas that inhabit his blog the chance to nip at Tait’s ankles for yet another perceived sin against humanity. That is why Matt is there, to attack Tait as his masters see fit.
So Cunningham, since you find typos funny, care to opine on the rather significant gaffe from Mrs. Murray?
“You can call Matt out on plenty, but not on intent.”
Daniel, I can, and will.
This individual does not make arguments he attempts to spin and deflect with half truths or outright falsehoods none of which looks anything like a real discussion on an issue. Some one one put it better than I can: he goes crabwise across the truth.
He publishes hit posts against Tait at the behest of the Pringle Ring. It’s all spin and deflect. His intent drives the content and it needs exposing.
When Cunningham posts on the total waste of the ARTIC swindle or the idiotic street car, of the absurd framework of the Moreno MOUs, or whether or not Pringle already has a contract with Moreno we would all have a much different opinion.
Note to Matt Cunningham, I can tolerate humor just fine, it is assclowns I have no time for.
The likes of Cynthia Ward, Greg Diamond and Matt Cunningham should to BOX AZTECA. Perhaps the might be shaken into reality.
David I am so happy that you are on Team Tait.
I prefer to think of myself as being on Team Anaheim, of which Tait is a member.