We here at the Orange Juice Blog are always looking out for our readers so when the news about Bristol Palin being pregnant came out we decided to look into the matter. Unfortunately what we have here is just another example of the Liberal Media influencing this election in their diabolical ways. We all know that Hollywood has donated lots of money to both Hillary and Barack but now it has become evident that they were also targeting Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol for the last few years.
One only needs to take a look at the Hollywood hits in the teen community over the last few years to see the evidence. In 2007 two of the biggest grossing films were Knocked Up and Juno. Knocked Up was about a man and woman that “hook up” one night after getting drunk at a Club together. The film grossed over 200 million dollars so I won’t bore you all with the details of a film that I’m sure most of you have seen. Anyway it glamorized getting “knocked up” it makes it seem like getting pregnant is funny and you find a way to make things work. You end up with a wonderful person that turns their life around because of how awesome a person you are.
The worst and most diabolical scheme of all is Juno. Juno deals specifically with teen pregnancy. The movie was total crap, but what would you expect from something that is catered to teenagers, here’s the basic story. It’s about some girl, oddly named Juno who has sexual intercourse with this guy one time and she ends up getting pregnant. Instead of freaking out, she sets up her living room outside his house and is sitting there looking totally suave when she tells him that she got pregnant, but that he needn’t worry because she was going to “take care of it.” He responds with “wizzer, go for it” or something ridiculous like that.
Juno goes to the clinic where there is an Asian girl protesting outside, the girl is repeating “all babies want to get borned.” (I personally found this rather offensive) Then inside the clinic we have the only reference to condoms in the entire movie when the receptionist tells her to take one because they’re boysenberry flavored and they “make her boyfriend’s junk smell like pie.” Juno changes her mind, finds parents to adopt the baby and then tells her parents that she’s pregnant but not to worry because she is going to give the kid up for adoption.
Throughout the rest of the movie Juno proceeds to live like nothing is wrong and she’s just totally cool with the whole thing and it’s no big deal. She has the kid and gives it up for adoption and then Juno and the boy that got her pregnant get back together. She says that he is a “boss” boyfriend. Then they sing a duet together with their guitars on the porch outside his house…roll credits and we have a movie that grosses over 200 million dollars.
This movie was obviously targeting Bristol Palin. She was the same age as the main character and…where exactly does Bristol live? The capital of Alaska which happens to be Juneau; how much more evil can the movie industry get?
Or, perhaps the McCain “consultants” merely took advantage of a media trend at the movies? Hmmm…we may never know!
To send comments/fan mail/questions/hate mail to El Luchador please send an e-mail to el.luchador@rocketmail.com
Here are two reasons why Palin’s daughter matters:
1. it shows yet another example of how abstinance only is a relatively useless curriculum and how any candidate that supports it (like, why Palin herself!) is blindly tied to a failed ideology
2 it shows a case where what goes on behind someone’s closed doors, if it has no impact on me, is completely private and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Like gay marraige.
So, in short, the pregnancy represents not one, but two shining examples of hypocrisy in action in your presumptive Vice President. Please consider this when deliberating on who to vote for President.
Is the story about what the Republican Party considers immoral and is willing to embtace privately while demonizing it publically?
Thats the Democratic Platform! That and what the Republicans embrace that the Dems consider immoral.
Does anyone else find it offensive that the unwed mother is redeemed only by marrying the teen father? Hope he treats her right or he’s out of a job. Right Gov?
Here’s a great quote from the Democratic underground “What’s galling is this: When the subject is a pregnancy to an unwed, minority teenage mother growing up in some ( presumably Democratic ) urban area, that pregnancy becomes fodder for lectures from conservatives about bad parenting, the perils of welfare spending and so on. But when the subject is a pregnancy to an unwed, white teenager from some small town in a Republican state, that pregnancy is…a celebration of the wonders of God’s magnificence–and choosing life!” Thomas Schaller One can only marvel at the audaciousness of this hypocrisy.
Umm… Bristol Palin wasn’t pregnant when this movie was made and released, so it couldn’t have been based on her. Maybe you were being sarcastic, I don’t know.
But I do know one thing: Palin has canceled her appearance at the RNC tonight. I thought there was a possibility of a revolt; maybe McCain had to reconsider his pick… but now I don’t think so:
Palin did not reschedule her appearance at an anti-abortion rally today. Interesting. It’s 1991 all over again! Roe v. Wade is the law of the land. Period.
It would have ‘taken a Clinton to clean up after a Bush.’ Why Dems, WHY?!
What I find ironic is that reproductive rights were the foundation of the womens movement, that and equality that was denied because we were meant only to bear children. Even if Palin doesnt agree with reproductive rights, I think it’s safe to say that the trail she took into politics was made possible,in part, by others who took up the pro choice issue. I would love to know what the conservatives are sending as a wedding gift to the young couple.
C’mon, leave the candidates’ kids out of politics. As any veteran parent knows, even when you know you’ve done your best bringing them up, after about 15 years old, they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do.
I personally think of Dick Cheney as a bully and a collosal political jerk, but I admired his response when some reporters tried to make an issue of his adult lesbian daughter, when he replied that he loved his daughter, that he was extraordinarily proud of her accomplishments, and that she had a wonderful partner who he considered part of their family. Good job on that one, Dick. He’ll stick it to anyone who crosses him, Democrat or Republican. He’s still a jerk, but a good example for “leave the kids out of politics”.
SAHS Teacher, just who CHOSE to thrust HER DAUGHTER’S pregnancy onto the national stage? Sarah “it’s all about me” Palin, that’s who and that’s the REAL scandal!
*”Whatever happens in Alaska…..Stays in the
National News!”
NEWSWIRE–The 17-year-old daughter of vice presidential running mate Sarah Palin is five months pregnant. She plans to have the baby and marry the father.
Juno made its film debut
About an unwed teenage mother.
Alaska has a Juneau, too.
As well as one of the other.
Light verse, ripped from the headlines
Absolutely useless article. Idiotic comparisons and conclusions. And btw – both the movies were good.
I hope the poor girl is off the hook for marrying into that (other) druggie family since her mom is doomed to oblivion anyway. Too bad Sarah couldn’t lose the election soon enough for a quiet abortion.