So – How Stressful is YOUR Job?

Employee Benefit News is a web site and magazine that focuses on information to assist employers and their HR professionals to develop and administer HR programs that will attract and keep qualified, competent employees. Think of it as a HR industry house organ. The information on its web site is free, if one does not mind the incessant advertisements that pop up:

Their electronic newsletter of January 14, 2014 contains a slide show titled “The 10 Most Stressful Jobs” as compiled by an organization identified as When one visits the site you also find a list of the “10 Least Stressful Jobs”.

There are some surprises here. Perhaps the most surprising is the salary levels shown for some jobs – for instance the median salary for a police officer is $ 55,270 and for a Fire Fighter is $ 45,250. Guess we need to keep in mind this is a national study and California’s famously high pay levels for police and firemen are much higher that these figures.

So, here is the list: of the top 10 most stressful jobs:

1 Enlisted military personnel – median salary $ 28,840
2 Military General – median salary $ 196,300
3 Firefighter – median salary $ 45,250
4 Airline Pilot – median salary $ 114, 200
5 Event Coordinator – median salary $ 45,810
6 Public Relations Executive – medina salary $ 54,170
7 Senior Corporate Executive – median salary $ 168,640
8 Newspaper Reporter – median salary $ 35,870
9 Police Officer – median salary – $ 55,270
10. Taxi Driver – median salary $ 22,820

And, for those launching a career and desirous of avoiding stress, the list of the 10 least stressful jobs is also provided:

1 Drill Press Operator – median salary – $ 35,580
2. Multimedia Artist – median salary – $ 61,370
3. Librarian – median salary – $ 55,370
4. Medical Records Technician – median salary $ 34,160
5. Dietician – median salary $ 55,240
6. Seamstress/Tailor – median salary $ 26,280
7. Tenured University Professor – median salary $ 64,290
8. Jeweler – median salary $ 35,350
9. Hair Stylist – median salary $ 22,7050
10. Audiologist – median salary $ 69,720

I thought it disappointing that elected official, political hack, lobbyist, DMV worker, Judge, blog site operator, school teacher, City Manager or retired person did not make either of these lists. And, wehre is the all too common category of “unemployed due the Great Recession but looking for work”?  It makes me wonder just how thorough the research that went into these lists really is. And, how did they define “stressful” anyway?

About Over But Not Out

A retired Orange County employee, and moderate Republican. The editor seriously does not know OBNO's identity as did not the former editor, but his point of view is obviously interesting and valued.