About Author: Rogue Elephant


Posts by Rogue Elephant

  • “A 2009 study by economists at California State University, Sacramento, and commissioned by the California Small Business Roundtable found implementation costs for AB32 ‘could easily exceed $100 billion’ and that […]

    Arizona quits climate (suicide) pact

    “A 2009 study by economists at California State University, Sacramento, and commissioned by the California Small Business Roundtable found implementation costs for AB32 ‘could easily exceed $100 billion’ and that […]

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  • Never mind that Arnold guy, have a look at Meg! California can’t afford another Pete Wilson mistake.  Wilson was Governor Schwarzenegger’s campaign chairman – epic fail.  Now, Californians face a […]

    Pete Wilson and Meg Whitman – wrong again

    Never mind that Arnold guy, have a look at Meg! California can’t afford another Pete Wilson mistake.  Wilson was Governor Schwarzenegger’s campaign chairman – epic fail.  Now, Californians face a […]

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  • The state’s standoff with the prison guards union shines a light on how the state’s public employee unions brazenly abuse taxpayers.  The California Correctional Peace Officers’ Association (CCPOA) owes the […]

    Who guards the guards?

    The state’s standoff with the prison guards union shines a light on how the state’s public employee unions brazenly abuse taxpayers.  The California Correctional Peace Officers’ Association (CCPOA) owes the […]

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  • “Raise your hand if you’re a liberal!” Governor Schwarzenegger should spare overtaxed Californians the costly legal battle that will result if he swears in Abel Maldonado as Lieutenant Governor.  Win […]

    Governor should drop Maldonado

    “Raise your hand if you’re a liberal!” Governor Schwarzenegger should spare overtaxed Californians the costly legal battle that will result if he swears in Abel Maldonado as Lieutenant Governor.  Win […]

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  • You must act now to save California! It is time for each of us to do our part to save California. The state is teetering on the brink of financial […]

    Citizen Power Rally to Save California

    You must act now to save California! It is time for each of us to do our part to save California. The state is teetering on the brink of financial […]

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  • With Obama’s forced unionization bill (“card check”)  in jeopardy,  Obama is now attempting to ram forced unionization through by executive fiat. Loretta Sanchez sponsored the bill eliminating the secret ballot […]

    Obama, Sanchez backing forced unionization

    With Obama’s forced unionization bill (“card check”)  in jeopardy,  Obama is now attempting to ram forced unionization through by executive fiat. Loretta Sanchez sponsored the bill eliminating the secret ballot […]

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  • “The buck stops anywhere but here.”  That’s the essence of the Deficit Reduction Commission bill under consideration by the Senate.  The Obama administration (who has quadrupled the budget deficit in […]

    The buck stops anywhere but here

    “The buck stops anywhere but here.”  That’s the essence of the Deficit Reduction Commission bill under consideration by the Senate.  The Obama administration (who has quadrupled the budget deficit in […]

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  • Arnold was never the same after his 2005 ballot measures tanked “Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger got it right”  is not something you hear much these days.  The governor’s poll numbers (like […]

    Schwarzenegger got it right

    Arnold was never the same after his 2005 ballot measures tanked “Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger got it right”  is not something you hear much these days.  The governor’s poll numbers (like […]

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  • Democrats, reeling from their stinging Massachusetts' defeat, have relaunched their populist “Wall Street v. Main Street” rhetoric. Their push for a massive regulatory overhaul poses dangers for the GOP, who should not fall in the trap. Voters are justifiably angry over government bailouts of the banking industry, who played a central role in our economic mess. The GOP should not defend the indefensible, and would do better to channel voter outrage into exposing the Obama administration's role in banking bailouts, and the fraud that is the Federal Reserve.

    Investigate before you regulate

    Democrats, reeling from their stinging Massachusetts' defeat, have relaunched their populist “Wall Street v. Main Street” rhetoric. Their push for a massive regulatory overhaul poses dangers for the GOP, who should not fall in the trap. Voters are justifiably angry over government bailouts of the banking industry, who played a central role in our economic mess. The GOP should not defend the indefensible, and would do better to channel voter outrage into exposing the Obama administration's role in banking bailouts, and the fraud that is the Federal Reserve.

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  • Is Obamacare style healthcare coming to California? Sacramento Democrats are doubling down on the deficit.  In the face of a $20 billion deficit, Democrats are pushing to double the state […]

    Democrats double down on deficit

    Is Obamacare style healthcare coming to California? Sacramento Democrats are doubling down on the deficit.  In the face of a $20 billion deficit, Democrats are pushing to double the state […]

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  • Why does the left despise your freedom so? The left is in an uproar over the Supreme Court’s decision to protect political speech in Citizens United, with some comparing the […]

    The second oldest profession

    Why does the left despise your freedom so? The left is in an uproar over the Supreme Court’s decision to protect political speech in Citizens United, with some comparing the […]

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  • The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United appears to leave the Citizen Power Campaign unscathed.  In Citizens United, the Court overturned limits on corporate political expenditures.  In doing so, it […]

    Citizen Power Campaign Survives Citizens United

    The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United appears to leave the Citizen Power Campaign unscathed.  In Citizens United, the Court overturned limits on corporate political expenditures.  In doing so, it […]

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  • It what can only be a satirical essay, UCLA Film Prof. Chon Noriega recommends sentencing inmates to college.  Noriega points out how prison spending has grown as a percentage of […]

    Cash for convicts

    It what can only be a satirical essay, UCLA Film Prof. Chon Noriega recommends sentencing inmates to college.  Noriega points out how prison spending has grown as a percentage of […]

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  • Sacramento is again driving up healthcare costs, putting insurance out of reach for more Californians.  Sacramento’s latest costly mandate dictates shorter waiting times to see doctors.  Good news for consumers, […]

    Sacramento drives healthcare costs higher

    Sacramento is again driving up healthcare costs, putting insurance out of reach for more Californians.  Sacramento’s latest costly mandate dictates shorter waiting times to see doctors.  Good news for consumers, […]

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