About Author: Rogue Elephant


Posts by Rogue Elephant

  • The lawless Obama administration is stonewalling a civil rights investigation by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.  The commission is investigating the Justice department’s last-minute dismissal of a voter intimidation […]

    Obama Stonewalls Civil Rights Investigation

    The lawless Obama administration is stonewalling a civil rights investigation by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.  The commission is investigating the Justice department’s last-minute dismissal of a voter intimidation […]

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  • If Meg Whitman clinches the Republican gubernatorial nomination, who will be on the ballot – Good Meg or Evil Meg?  Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster recently testified that are two Meg […]

    Meg Whitman: Beyond Good and Evil

    If Meg Whitman clinches the Republican gubernatorial nomination, who will be on the ballot – Good Meg or Evil Meg?  Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster recently testified that are two Meg […]

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  • Jack Black burns down the Chancellor’s house in Orange County, the Movie “No justice, no peace,” chanted berserking Berkeley protesters attacking and torching the Chancellor’s home.  Governor Schwarzenegger has condemned […]

    Berserk Berkeleyite Terrorists Torch Home

    Jack Black burns down the Chancellor’s house in Orange County, the Movie “No justice, no peace,” chanted berserking Berkeley protesters attacking and torching the Chancellor’s home.  Governor Schwarzenegger has condemned […]

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  • WANTED: NURSES. MAKE BIG $$$.  The California state prison system is one of the nation’s largest providers of inmate rehabilitation services. California prisons place a priority on keeping prisoners healthy […]

    Prison Nurses Wanted: $187,000 Per Year

    WANTED: NURSES. MAKE BIG $$$.  The California state prison system is one of the nation’s largest providers of inmate rehabilitation services. California prisons place a priority on keeping prisoners healthy […]

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  • It's a rare thing when the GOP should agree with John Burton.  California Democrat Chair Burton has come out against confirming Abel Maldonado as Lt. Governor.  Progressive blogger and Democrat activist Robert Cruickshank disagrees, but suggests that Democrats should "[step] out of the way" of Maldonado's confirmation.  The GOP should likewise step out of the way because they have little to gain by Maldonado's confirmation.

    GOP Should Join Burton Against Maldonado

    It's a rare thing when the GOP should agree with John Burton. California Democrat Chair Burton has come out against confirming Abel Maldonado as Lt. Governor. Progressive blogger and Democrat activist Robert Cruickshank disagrees, but suggests that Democrats should "[step] out of the way" of Maldonado's confirmation. The GOP should likewise step out of the way because they have little to gain by Maldonado's confirmation.

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  • The Citizen Power Campaign to end public employee union corruption is now officially gathering signatures  to qualify the Citizen Power Initiative for the November 2010 ballot.  Campaign leaders expressed pleasant […]

    Paycheck Protection Campaign Gathers Signatures

    The Citizen Power Campaign to end public employee union corruption is now officially gathering signatures  to qualify the Citizen Power Initiative for the November 2010 ballot.  Campaign leaders expressed pleasant […]

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  • “I’m going to come out and say it,” declares GLBT activist Dante Atkins, “I believe that John Perez’ sexual orientation is playing a role in the ongoing fight over who […]

    GLBT Activist Opposes Perez Gay Litmus Test

    “I’m going to come out and say it,” declares GLBT activist Dante Atkins, “I believe that John Perez’ sexual orientation is playing a role in the ongoing fight over who […]

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  • In case you missed it, Christmas as we knew it is over.  The elves union, SEIU (Santa’s Elves for Independence Union), has ousted Santa in a hostile takeover.  In a […]

    SEIU Cancels Christmas

    In case you missed it, Christmas as we knew it is over.  The elves union, SEIU (Santa’s Elves for Independence Union), has ousted Santa in a hostile takeover.  In a […]

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  • Taxpayers must stop Obama’s Big Labor slush fund cover-up.  Big Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is helping cover up Big Labor slush fund contributions by not requiring Big Labor to complete […]

    Help Stop the Big Labor Slush Fund Cover-Up

    Taxpayers must stop Obama’s Big Labor slush fund cover-up.  Big Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is helping cover up Big Labor slush fund contributions by not requiring Big Labor to complete […]

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  • The President's Afghanistan speech has sparked partisan debate over that military conflict.  Today marks an important anniversary in the historical context of the Afghanistan war.  Historical context raises legitimate questions over what U.S. policy should be in a conflict that looks like a no-win situation.  It seems undeniable that Afghanistan is a

    Today in History: Taliban Seeds are Sown

    The President's Afghanistan speech has sparked partisan debate over that military conflict. Today marks an important anniversary in the historical context of the Afghanistan war. Historical context raises legitimate questions over what U.S. policy should be in a conflict that looks like a no-win situation. It seems undeniable that Afghanistan is a "no win" in the conventional sense. But, the threat of nuclear jihadism is not mere right-wing "fear-mongering". Turning your back on very real threats doesn't make those threats disappear. Historical context suggests that the problem is very real, very old, and very persistent (a "no-win"). But, does "no win" mean "no action"?

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  • Either California’s budget woes are solved or prison overcrowding is about to get a lot worse, if a San Clemente man gets his way.  A local businessman intends to put […]

    California Truth Police

    Either California’s budget woes are solved or prison overcrowding is about to get a lot worse, if a San Clemente man gets his way.  A local businessman intends to put […]

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  • Loretta Sanchez’s holiday card is further proof how disconnected she is from the plight of struggling Californians.  In her card, Sanchez, clad in a glistening designer gown, waltzes with her […]

    Loretta Dances While California Burns

    Loretta Sanchez’s holiday card is further proof how disconnected she is from the plight of struggling Californians.  In her card, Sanchez, clad in a glistening designer gown, waltzes with her […]

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  • Redistricting fever is sweeping the Golden State faster than swine flu hysteria.  California voters have taken redistricting from the legislature's greasy palms, and put it in their own sweaty mitts.  Now, you too can draw legislative districts (no previous experience required) by signing up for the Citizens Redistricting Commission.  Special interests of every shape and size are scrambling to stake their claims at the State Auditor's new website.  Don't get left out of this gold rush, sign up now!

    Redistricting Fever – Catch It!

    Redistricting fever is sweeping the Golden State faster than swine flu hysteria. California voters have taken redistricting from the legislature's greasy palms, and put it in their own sweaty mitts. Now, you too can draw legislative districts (no previous experience required) by signing up for the Citizens Redistricting Commission. Special interests of every shape and size are scrambling to stake their claims at the State Auditor's new website. Don't get left out of this gold rush, sign up now!

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  • Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Carly Fiorina is all talk (and no action) when it comes to California's public employee unions.  She raises the issue in every interview, but offers no solution.  Even as taxpayer activists with the Citizen Power Campaign march forward to fix California government by stopping the public employee unions from using taxpayer money to block needed reform, Fiorina refuses to support the most important reform since Proposition 13.  Fiorina is telling voters loud and clear what she stands for - all talk, no action.

    Fiorina All Talk on Public Employee Unions

    Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Carly Fiorina is all talk (and no action) when it comes to California's public employee unions. She raises the issue in every interview, but offers no solution. Even as taxpayer activists with the Citizen Power Campaign march forward to fix California government by stopping the public employee unions from using taxpayer money to block needed reform, Fiorina refuses to support the most important reform since Proposition 13. Fiorina is telling voters loud and clear what she stands for - all talk, no action.

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