That was because of the aberration that is Trump. If Kamala had won, Zelensky would be doing just fine.
Remind me how the U.S. prevented Ukrainian famine in the early 1930s. The U.S. ignored its own laws to help…
Can you elaborate on this? I wasn’t even remotely aware of the whole situation until that night when fat fuck…
Just to clarify, that wasn't me playing along with Vern in the video, that was actually our friend, Luis Zuniga.…
The jury asked to go home early.
Switching allegiances to the long-term enemy and main global nuclear rival is "Realpolitik"? In what universe? Not helping Armenia retain…
Pam: It may or may not be "stuck" -- Friday afternoon is a prime time for juries to reach verdicts…
2 things to take away about American foreign policy and sovereignty. Don’t believe what U.S. officials say about protecting you.…
High burden of proof. Good defense team. Need to decide first charge before they can consider lesser charges. It’s Orange…
39th Congressional District Archive
CA-39: Analysis of the Race and Why I’ll Vote for Jay Chen (UPDATED w/ video – Sharon endorses Jay!)
Posted on January 26, 2018 | 17 CommentsGreg makes a compelling case for the progressive military veteran. -
With Ed Royce Out of CA-39, ‘King of the North’ Jay Chen Steps In
Posted on January 9, 2018 | 26 CommentsGreg's first reaction to the Royce retirement - Chen may be our most formidable Democrat. -
Breaking: Ed Royce to Retire, North OC turns “LEAN DEM!”
Posted on January 8, 2018 | 51 CommentsThe first of our breaking stories on the rash of Republican Congressional retirements. -
2012 Election Day Live-Blog 2: Orange County Results!
Posted on November 6, 2012 | 47 Comments. SOME LOCAL RACES WE’LL BE WATCHING LIKE HAWKS, starting around 9 or 10 tonight: The Congressional race between Alan Lowenthal (our fave) and Gary DeLong, in the 47th district […] -
Everyone Loves a Winner — y Todos Saben que Jay Chen es un Ganador!
Posted on October 30, 2012 | 9 CommentsI get a lot of press releases. I don’t like printing them “bare,” if I even do so at all. Most of them don’t especially move me. Sometimes I work […] -
Chicken Ed Royce Lies Low, Squawks, and Flies Away from Health Care Forum
Posted on August 15, 2012 | 2 Comments. This past Monday night, Congressman Ed Royce was to have appeared at a forum hosted by the Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council (the unincorporated neighborhood’s equivalent of a City Council) […] -
Chicken a l’Orange County: Royce Clucks & Ducks Jay Chen at Health Care Forum
Posted on August 10, 2012 | 26 Comments. I don’t know whether this is more hilarious or pathetic, because it is just so much of both. The news came out earlier this week that Rep. Ed Royce […] -
Guest Post: Why I Am Voting For Jay Chen (by Stephany Yong)
Posted on July 16, 2012 | 6 Comments. It’s an unpleasant time to be a young adult. The cost of a college education continues to soar; one in three of us will move back in with our […] -
$33 TO $1: Ed Royce’s Misleading Victory Over Jay Chen
Posted on June 6, 2012 | 31 CommentsElection results can be deceiving — none more so than the result in CA-39. Ed Royce walloped Jay Chen last night by 25,000 votes, 65.7% to 30.5%. Looks awful, right? […]
Your comment about Ukraine is nonsensical. What makes you think that Ukraine can "guarantee" its own safety? It's clear that…