WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
Is Zelensky an American asset??
From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog https://closertotheedge.substack.com/p/what-else-could-a-russian-asset-possibly : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
cash for clunkers Archive
Clap and Fade?
Posted on October 21, 2011 | 2 Comments. . . Yesterday was historic. The California Air Resources Board passed comprehensive Cap & Trade Regulations. Without trying to be too dramatic, it is guaranteed to kill thousands and […] -
Exclusive – Lee McGroarty fires back at Congressman Gary Miller.
Posted on May 5, 2010 | 10 CommentsWe are pleased to provide a platform for 42nd-district Republican candidate Lee McGroarty to respond to the comments of notoriously crooked RINO incumbent Gary Miller, who gets all the press […] -
Schism on the Right! Gay-Hater vs. Mexican-Hater
Posted on November 27, 2009 | 4 CommentsFor your Oscar consideration: 9-1/2 minutes of friction between a Minuteman and a Westboro Baptist, outside last year’s Saddleback Church Presidential debate. Can the GOP hang together in spite of […] -
Cap & Trade…nah….Cap & Gown!
Posted on October 3, 2009 | 1 CommentSaving the Environment is a big job, but someone has got to do it. Whether its the President of the United States, Governor Arnold or some whacko from Denmark…..there must […] -
The Electric Flag!
Posted on August 14, 2009 | No CommentsYears ago they used to say: “Hell, sell it to the government..they’ll buy anything!” Well, we have bailed out Chrysler and General Motors and evidently have made a committment to […] -
Getting ready to trash your Health Care?
Posted on July 31, 2009 | 4 Comments“Cash for Clunkers” came to a screeching halt Thursday, after only six days on the road. In a shocker, the government announced it would suspend the program at midnight because […]
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…