A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
Is Zelensky an American asset??
From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog https://closertotheedge.substack.com/p/what-else-could-a-russian-asset-possibly : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
crime Archive
An Brief Update on the Blog Threat
Posted on March 16, 2011 | 5 Comments. . . Remember a few weeks ago when some bonehead made a threat against Fullerton cops on our blog? Well, the Friends have finally reported a crime that the […] -
Sign Thief Making Slow Getaway!
Posted on March 11, 2011 | No Comments. . . By Joe Sipowicz Remember the thief who got caught jacking campaign signs for Pat McPension last year? We tracked him down and turned in all the evidence, […] -
What’d we say about DAVE ELLIS? What’d we say? Ooo, is he in hot water now!
Posted on March 10, 2011 | 32 Comments. . . When we – and that’s the royal “we” – wrote at the conclusion of our War and Peace-length litany of OC Fair Board chairman Dave Ellis’ misdeeds […] -
Unarmed and Afraid: Police Shootings in the OC
Posted on March 1, 2011 | 11 Comments. . . . . . On Feb. 17, 27-year-old Santa Ana resident Travis S. Mock was shot by an Anaheim police officer in a quiet Anaheim Hills neighborhood. Authorities […] -
The Red Light Skeletons of Harbor Boulevard
Posted on January 21, 2011 | 2 CommentsSeveral years ago this blog documented the shameful saga of Fullerton’s red light cameras, which were shut down after a judge declared that the city had been operating them illegally. […] -
Hey! Wait A Minute!
Posted on January 10, 2011 | No CommentsYesterday, we received this anonymous e-mail from somebody who obviously reads our humble blog regularly: I’m sure you heard about the vicious political attack against Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona. It […] -
Meet the Pink Pistols
Posted on January 2, 2011 | 5 CommentsAre you gay, lesbian, bi or transgendered and want to defend yourself against bigots? Are you sick of people telling you to rely on the police for your protection while you remain a sitting duck for people who want to do serious harm or kill you? Here's an organization that may help you defend yourself. -
Violent Crime Unchanged for Santa Ana – Other Claims & Way Forward!
Posted on December 11, 2010 | 19 Comments. . . . . . [Originally published Oct. 31, 2010, and then deleted the next day by Art who strenuously disagreed with it, over Vern’s objections. Without taking a […] -
Who is Boss Tweed in the OC?
Posted on December 2, 2010 | No Comments. . . For those that have been watching Boardwalk Empire on HBO…the prevailing wisdom might be as former Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O’Neill once stated: “All […] -
Mistakes Were Made: FPD Locks Up the Wrong Kid for 5 Months
Posted on November 15, 2010 | 1 CommentJustice requires both integrity and diligence, but sometimes that’s just too much to expect. And it goes without saying that nobody deserves to be thrown in jail for a crime they […] -
Cops Offer $10,000 Reward for Capture of Sign Thief
Posted on November 9, 2010 | 2 CommentsWell, not our cops. But up in San Jose they take political sign theft seriously. That’s why the police and fire unions have offered up ten grand for information leading […] -
Just in Time for Halloween: “Hoagy’s” Misplaced Ad (and Priorities)
Posted on October 30, 2010 | 11 CommentsYou’d think for a candidate coming out as a Trustee of the Anaheim Union High School District, Thomas ‘Hoagy’ Holguin would be for balanced budget priorities if entrusted with a […] -
The Criminal Mentality
Posted on October 27, 2010 | No CommentsIt’s sort of funny how the “public safety” unions are always telling us that if it weren’t for them everything would be chaos, a sort of post apocalyptic nightmare with […] -
Like Father, Like Son? Sign Thief May Already Be on Probation… for Food Poisoning!
Posted on October 25, 2010 | No CommentsThere’s an old adage that goes: the apple never falls far from the tree. Remember when we traced the “No McKinley” sign thief’s white van back to Roland Chi’s supermarket […]
Perhaps of Interest - https://youtu.be/EXwT_7HVmys?si=VNxBy6dDtYKr9usu