A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
WE DIDN'T START THE EATON FIRE! This piece is from the Fucking News. No, seriously, "The Fucking News" on Substack.…
Is Zelensky an American asset??
From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog https://closertotheedge.substack.com/p/what-else-could-a-russian-asset-possibly : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
Humor Archive
Gas: It’s America’s Crack! (video from “Mrs. Betty Bowers”)
Posted on October 2, 2008 | 1 Comment. . . Eventually I HAD to post a video from the wild “Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian.” Finally, one that doesn’t make fun of religion! Caution: naughty word […] -
My Concerns with the Palin Pick
Posted on August 29, 2008 | 55 CommentsUnderstandable as it is for Senator McCain to attempt to smooth over the problem of his extreme old age by reaching out to those of us, born in the 1960’s, […] -
What It Takes to be a Blogger in Orange County
Posted on June 16, 2008 | 27 Comments. . . . . Since I overwhelmingly won the poll the other day asking “Who is your favorite Orange Juice blogger?” (thanks by the way) it falls to me […] -
The Great Blog Migration of ’08
Posted on May 11, 2008 | 3 Comments. . . . . Some unfortunate bloggers did not survive the Great Migration to WordPress Pass, way back in two-thousand-aught-eight. We turned back to look at the fallen, clenched […] -
Did I ever tell you about the time…
Posted on April 21, 2008 | 6 Comments. . . . . Most people living in the 46th Congressional District have their very own Bizarre Dana Rohrabacher story—not something they heard somewhere, but something they experienced themselves. […] -
Blogosphere Hits ‘Peak Pixel’
Posted on April 17, 2008 | 4 Comments.. . . The petroleum-based pixel has hit an all-time high and we must keep things short as possible . Art’s family living in car due to runaway verbosity of […] -
Can’t we all just get along?
Posted on April 15, 2008 | 22 CommentsPedroza is the worst. In his own mind a relentless Ahab but in the eyes of the world a rabid badger, he pursues grudgematches long-since meaning-drained to others, with a […] -
Keith Bohr Trapped in Palindrome
Posted on April 8, 2008 | 4 CommentsNice-guy HB councilman Keith Bohr was the one abstention last night on the vote to post “In God We Trust” in council chambers. Although he spoke forcefully against the divisiveness […] -
HB: "White People Are Special!" (Pt. V of V)
Posted on April 7, 2008 | 10 CommentsOK, finally, what really bothers me most about this proposal is: The City Council Chamber is a temple of democracy, and should be as open and welcoming as possible to […]
Perhaps of Interest - https://youtu.be/EXwT_7HVmys?si=VNxBy6dDtYKr9usu