I think you're arguing with claims I didn't make. No worries about the comment. I still have access somewhere .…
I expect that she could, but why should she want to? She's been very successful and consequential in government work…
It’s not that she is pretending. She is not like us. She couldn’t earn a living without being on the…
His plan is to back down on something previously thought to be very important to him at least once each…
Ryan, first I apologize for your post going to spam; the system has been doing that sometimes of late. Happens…
I'm sorry that I had to miss it, but having not sought membership in the Anaheim Dems Club this year…
What Bullockus said at the meeting (invoking society's stereotypical view of Twain's character of N____ Jim) was a bad choice,…
Nothing, as long as you aren't pretending to be an academic while actually being a career politician. Keeping one to…
That's a very fair analysis! I think it will be a very very long shot, but crazier things have happened…
jubal Archive
Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham gets blown up!
Posted on July 15, 2009 | 7 CommentsPoor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham. He takes himself ever so seriously but time and time again he just can’t help looking like a weenie when folks write about him and he […] -
What Is the Lorri Galloway “Candidacy” All About?
Posted on July 14, 2009 | 12 CommentsRed County Lorri? We have received a request to publish a post written by Friend and frequent commenter Joe Sipowicz and we reproduce it below, verbatim: First, I want to say that I […] -
Is Jerbal being paid to shill for Rep. John Campbell on his Red Klownty blog?
Posted on June 29, 2009 | 28 CommentsZing! O.C. Register blogger Steven Greenhut noted that Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham has been doing a lot of shilling for Rep. John Campbell over at the Red Klownty blog – ever […] -
Ed Royce Endorses Shawn Nelson
Posted on June 5, 2009 | No CommentsUS Congressman Ed Royce has endorsed Fullerton City Councilman Shawn Nelson in his bid to replace outgoing Chris Norby as the OC 4th District Supervisor. Click here to read the […] -
Is Harry Sidhu a threat to Tom Daly’s supervisorial campaign?
Posted on May 22, 2009 | 2 Comments[poll id=”163″] Why is Red Klownty’s Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham trying to discourage Anaheim City Councilman Harry Sidhu from running for Orange County’s 4th Supervisorial District? Jerbal had this to say […] -
Carlos Bustamante gives OC GOP heartburn as he shills for unions
Posted on May 12, 2009 | 7 CommentsPriceless! Apparently Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante, who is a Republican, “voted at the May 4 council meeting in favor of a resolution supporting the federal Employee Free Choice Act, […] -
The Liberal OC joins the Red County in blog futility
Posted on May 10, 2009 | 3 CommentsIt’s official. The Liberal OC has joined Red County in being overlooked by the BNN Top 20 ranking for political blogs in California. The “Big 3” are no longer in […] -
Is the fix in to make Todd Spitzer our next O.C. District Attorney?
Posted on May 4, 2009 | 1 CommentYou know those O.C. public employee pensions that are costing us a bundle? The pension spike that the O.C. Supervisors are suing to overturn because it was retroactive? Todd Spitzer […] -
Jerbal openly shills for Democrat Tom Daly while dissing Lou Correa
Posted on April 23, 2009 | 5 CommentsPity poor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham. Apparently his masters at Red County have locked him up in a cage and he can’t come out and play anymore. However, that isn’t stopping […] -
The fall of Red County?
Posted on April 19, 2009 | 16 CommentsI used to enjoy reading the OC Blog back in the day, but once they were acquired by Red County I had a feeling they would eventually decline – and […] -
When Jerbals attack!
Posted on April 8, 2009 | No CommentsYou know the other blogs in town are slow when they have to resort to writing about me, and the Orange Juice blog. Dan C., over at Blue County, wrote […] -
Jerbal looked the other way for Carona, but now he wants jail for Rocco
Posted on April 3, 2009 | 4 CommentsChapman University professor Fred Smoller produced the “Who is Steve Rocco?” clip above O.C. District Attorney Tony Rackauckas ran on a platform of not prosecuting politicians for their sundry campaign […] -
How widespread is the John Lewis “Octopus?”
Posted on March 29, 2009 | 4 CommentsHow many tentacles does GOP consultant John Lewis’ machine have? (Picture Courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures) Our blogger Larry Gilbert wrote a story this week about a water board in […] -
Diane Harkey has been paying Jerbal to shill for her since 2006!
Posted on March 26, 2009 | 3 CommentsYesterday I wrote a post about the hackery going on at the Red Clownty blog, where former editor Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham has been working overtime shilling for troubled GOP Assemblywoman […]
Greg asked me to attach the image of the above Florice statement: