It's been at least a decade, maybe two, since I've heard that song. I could've done a bit better with…
Florice's physical appearance is very far down on the list of problems we've had with her, so don't said that…
Maybe. Probably. Tony's 1443 votes ahead of his magic 50% goal, but how many votes will still be trickling in?
Willie the weenie is going to sleep happy. Florice “I look like [entertainment-related reference deleted]” Hoffman not so much.
hmmm... yeah that is one way to look at it, LOL! Maybe. I'm not sure who the Briscoe voters are.…
Who can keep Strickland under 50%? - Only that nitwit John Briscoe.
Follow the results here... so far it looks like this WILL go on to April Strickland vs. Pham!
Stephanie writes in: "Last Friday the City of Imperial Beach approved its own tenant protection ordinance in response to complaints…
Football Brandman needs air time.
R Scott Moxley Archive
Meet Mike Jacobs, the “Third” D.A. Candidate.
Posted on April 5, 2022 | 19 CommentsFor the consideration of those voters who think Hardin is too liberal... -
Police Shootings: How to Make a difference
Posted on August 20, 2014 | 23 CommentsYou can contribute to understanding the scope of the Police shooting problem in America by contributing to this crowd sourcing project. And you never have to leave your keyboard! -
Jesús Aguirre has Sentence reversed, Re-sentencing July 18… Let’s hope for the best!
Posted on June 8, 2014 | 17 CommentsThis press release was just put out yesterday by the family of Jesús Aguirre, the 16-year old (now 21-year old) sentenced to life in Pelican Bay prison, for what should have […] -
A Rackauckas Retrospective: Is This the County we want to be?
Posted on May 29, 2014 | 29 Comments. . . Ah, Orange County. California’s ruling bastion of rich white privilege. Populated largely in the 70’s by post-Watts riot White Flight, Orange County has long boasted a voting […] -
The Truth about the Great Park Audit lies somewhere between Moxley and Dan C (pt 1)
Posted on January 12, 2014 | 24 CommentsThe truth about the implications of Irvine’s “Forensic Audit” — technically the “Great Park Forensic Contract Performance Review,” but I’ll call it “the Audit” — lies somewhere between what you’d […] -
Did Cicinelli’s Lawyer REALLY Say That Kelly Thomas ‘Killed Himself’? (That Question Isn’t Rhetorical)
Posted on December 8, 2013 | 26 CommentsThe OC Weekly posts its most popular article of the past week on (at least some) Sundays; this week it was Scott Moxley’s provocatively titled report on the first day […] -
Orange County’s Biggest Losers! Election 2012 edition.
Posted on November 21, 2012 | 23 Comments. It’s been a busy two weeks at the Registrar’s office as Neal Kelley’s staff went through a painstaking task of verifying individual signatures on over a quarter of a […] -
Norby and His Protectors: Why I Filed a Public Records Request about His Actions
Posted on October 10, 2012 | 41 CommentsOrange County Democracy This is the long-delayed* story about Chris Norby that I have not wanted to write. Within it, I acknowledge rumors that I heard about Assemblyman Chris Norby […] -
Moxley’s Apparent Brain Damage Worsening; Professionalism Circling the Drain
Posted on October 8, 2012 | 44 CommentsAnd again — R. Scott Moxley comes out with another column responding to my reply (which, allegedly, “no one read”) to his first column trashing me for, uh, being a […] -
Apparently, I Somehow Broke Poor R. Scott Moxley’s Brain and Left Him Gibbering
Posted on October 4, 2012 | 80 CommentsWell now. Though I’d planned on working on other things tonight, mostly this new Facebook page of mine agitating for people to do something about an actual scandal (which I welcome […]
You know what, Tardif? Your tears are pretty tasty too! Anyway, how are things in Sacramento? I presume that you're…