Dems did horribly in this race. They couldn’t find one strong candidate to run against Strickland so they ran two…
I’m talking about him fleeing.
The real story is Trump is promoting nalevo and blat as means of survival in America. Soon there will be…
Good response. I thought that the commenter might have be trying to get me to say "herpes," but I wouldn't…
I remember when that fat fuck had to conduct a forensic investigation only to find out that Henry Lipton was…
More pink toad touching.
I remember your "post" (comment.) It was stupid. You thought Greg was ridiculing Florice's appearance because you're a shitty reader…
It makes Eric not the main writer. The main writer here is clearly me. I was saying "Bob" contributes more…
Volunteer journalists react er report.
SAUSD Classified Archive
Moving into 2013: NEW Santa Ana USD Thread!
Posted on November 26, 2012 | 42 Comments. Oh, look at the calendar! A new school year’s been going on for three months, and the SAUSD board has a new member – Ceci Iglesias taking the place […] -
What do SAUSD’s School Administrators REALLY Do?
Posted on November 16, 2010 | 2 CommentsAfter the release of the OC Register’s article “Public School paychecks hit six figures for 3,300,” I was curious as to what our SAUSD School Administrators really do? What do […] -
New federal bill may not end up saving many teacher’s jobs in Santa Ana
Posted on August 11, 2010 | No CommentsThe new federal bill that is supposed to save teacher’s jobs may not, in the end, do much for teachers in California. And I don’t think this funding can be […] -
SAUSD News 11/09 (2)
Posted on October 30, 2009 | 22 CommentsThis is the latest in our SAUSD threads. It is for posting up NEWS. Unlike the other threads, this one will be devoted to keeping track of the interesting stories that […] -
2009 SAUSD Corruption Thread
Posted on July 22, 2009 | 1,651 CommentsOnce again we have had to set up a new SAUSD corruption thread as the last one started to run slow with all the comments on it. Our schools are […] -
Diane Lenning: Can she clean up the CA School Mess?
Posted on July 19, 2009 | 18 CommentsDiane Lenning has announced her candidacy for California Superintendent of Public Instruction 2010. Please leave your comments here for Diane Lenning. She is reading this and she wants to hear […] -
Our SAUSD corruption thread has had over 14,000 unique visitors this year!
Posted on June 13, 2009 | 14 CommentsOne of our readers reacted angrily today because we have, yet again, exposed more corruption at the SAEA (the Santa Ana Educators Association). So our reader wrote that most teachers […] -
Why not cut administrators’ pay and consultants before cutting teachers’ wages?
Posted on April 5, 2009 | 8 CommentsShouldn’t we but administrators’ pay before we cut teachers’ wages? “More than 3,000 educators in Orange County were notified last month they could be out of a job in June, […] -
Classified SAUSD Employees – new SAUSD thread!
Posted on March 31, 2009 | 27 CommentsWelcome to our newest SAUSD thread – “Classified SAUSD Employees!” We have added this thread by popular demand. Our 2009 SAUSD thread already has over 400 comments. Now we are […]
Dems didn't "run two candidates." Diep, like Briscoe, is a perennial who's just gonna run no matter what. And it…