From OCR - “ Defense attorneys during Sidhu’s sentencing hearing argued that it was effectively an obstruction, not a corruption,…
Now that I reflect further I realize that the charges were miniscule compared to the REAL offenses. We can lay…
I took out that paragraph near the end about Trump (and the image) when I found out that Judge Holcomb…
Two months and $55K.
American justice.
$415k divided by 30 years, divided by 12 months = $1,100.00. Can’t get a studio apartment for that.
OK, I checked and I do see LibOC being archived there. (I stand by my observation about the sometimes evanescent…
Nope. At least if you're not logged in -- are you? -- there's no search function in the upper-left-hand corner.…
dishonorable judge hoffer is a disgrace, unethical and corrupt. he violates peoples rights and the law. hold him accountable for…
Teabaggers Archive
Surf City Commissioner pushes Jewish-Marxist Conspiracy Theory.
Posted on December 7, 2016 | 5 Comments. . . by John Earl, cross-posted from Surf City Voice In his “darker days,” Michael Hoskinson thought seriously about building a 10 by 10 shack in Montana to write […] -
The Existential Teabag Threat to OC Schools: Why we’re backing Parker and Boyd.
Posted on June 2, 2014 | 4 Comments. . . Somehow I recently ended up on the e-mail list for the OCBC, the Orange County Business Council. And I’m not complaining – I would like to […] -
Is Young Kim Advising Ed Royce to Continue Holding the U.S. Economy Hostage? Ask Her!
Posted on October 9, 2013 | 14 CommentsEd Royce could end the government shutdown and prevent government default. Our guy, right here in OC, could do it. Royce is the Chair of the prestigious House Foreign Affairs Committee, […] -
The Republican Party shuts down…
Posted on October 1, 2013 | 83 Comments…didn’t have the energy to finish that sentence, being without a government today and all, but makes good enough sense as it is. Maybe our local Republican friends can weigh […] -
Election Edition: “Family Guy” Explains the Tea Party
Posted on June 3, 2012 | No CommentsA propos of nothing — not necessarily, anyway — but very funny. This is an open thread. Discuss whatever you’d like, starting with: given Romney’s Mexican heritage, shouldn’t we be […] -
OC Supervisor Shawn Nelson Endorses ‘King of Corporate Welfare’ for President
Posted on September 9, 2011 | 34 Comments. . . PHONY AS A THREE DOLLAR BILL: Supervisor Shawn Nelson, a self-described “Republican with lots of libertarian views” and “grandfather of the tea party in Orange County”–a […] -
Babies, Bathwater and Unions
Posted on February 24, 2011 | 15 Comments. . . The Guild and Trade Systems of the 13th Century ended with lost jobs for the lion share of Europeans and the great beginning of outsourcing to the […] -
Teabaggers launch California ballot measure campaign that targets immigrants
Posted on November 24, 2010 | 21 CommentsGood news for the Teabaggers, the Minutemen and Santa Ana’s “Usual Suspects.” The California secretary of state’s office on Tuesday authorized a signature drive by a tea party activist to put […] -
The US can’t even make a Coo Coo Clock.
Posted on August 31, 2010 | 2 CommentsSwitzerland has about 8 million people, Sweden about 9 million. When you look on the actuarial tables of the world’s Insurance Companies, you will always find both of these countries right up […] -
Peas in a Pod: Van Tran and Sharron Angle
Posted on August 2, 2010 | 9 CommentsPeas In A Pod: Van Tran And Sharron Angle (press release from DCCC) With his welcome embrace last week of the Tea Party Express endorsement, Van Tran’s proven to be […] -
Tran Welcomes Tea Party Express Endorsement Proving He’s On The Fringe
Posted on July 30, 2010 | 3 CommentsDemocratic Congressional Campaign Committee For Immediate Release, July 30, 2010 CONTACT: Jennifer Crider & Andy Stone (202) 485-3440 Tran Welcomes Tea Party Express Endorsement Proving He’s On The Fringe Van […] -
Calvert in extremis: The King of Pork goes a-Teabagging!
Posted on July 7, 2010 | 5 CommentsNow, THERE is some cognitive dissonance, I innocently thought. How would an incumbent like Ken Calvert be received by a group ostensibly built on opposition to government waste and corruption, […]
Yeah yeah, we were there too, just been too busy to write down all my notes. Spencer did better at…