Now you see Farrah. She identified herself as a business owner on her candidate statement for supervisor also. She doesn’t…
I dunno she's California enough for me. And of course she couldn't win in Iowa, it's too Republican. I'm still…
Volunteers of OC journalist Noah questions Kuo’s business owner designation on his candidate statement. Which begs the question: was…
She is from Iowa. Or is it Kansas. No it’s Iowa. Hello??? She didn’t arrive in Irvine until 2011. What…
Iowa? Probably not. What does that mean?
She couldn’t win a governor’s race in Iowa.
She still living in subsidized government housing?
Katie Porter has a blind spot for Armenians. It may not affect her in Orange county. But, she had an…
I thought of a better analogy than what I used before. These are the sorts of people who, as schoolkids,…
Terry Crowley Archive
Hey Vern! ACORN is bankrupt!
Posted on March 21, 2010 | 10 CommentsSuffering from mismanagement along with a severe loss of government and other funds, ACORN is filing for bankruptcy. Acorn is holding a teleconference this weekend to discuss plans for a bankruptcy […] -
They’ll vote against it before they vote for it.
Posted on March 21, 2010 | 10 CommentsMarch 21, 2010 3:15 pm Eastern FLASH: Senate Republicans found a provision in the new House health care bill that likely makes it ineligible for expedited ‘reconciliation’ procedures in the […] -
No Up or Down Vote, and Doctors will quit
Posted on March 20, 2010 | 36 CommentsI’m so tired of talking about it. What we are seeing from Democrats in Congress is the full force of the virtuous in action. They know better and they […] -
Remember on Signing Day
Posted on March 19, 2010 | No CommentsSo Democrats in the House have been drinking the Kool-Aid, so much so that they are about to have their Jim Jones moment. “The enemy is at the gate, […] -
Hey Vern! ACORN kicked out of Ohio!
Posted on March 15, 2010 | 11 CommentsVern asked for it. He gets it. With a lot more credibility than a “stuck pedal” theory that shamed Toyota into apologizing, ACORN has agreed to give up its business […] -
Bankrupt Air America paid Maddow for nothing
Posted on March 14, 2010 | 9 CommentsAir America paid Radio personality for no-show. Even while the Boys and Girls Club “funded” company was going bankrupt! That’s right. Seems when the MSNBC host left radio in 2008 […] -
The New Senator speaks out
Posted on March 13, 2010 | 3 CommentsScott Brown gave the GOP address today, and had plenty to say about the Chicago thug tactics of our teleprompter in chief. Despite the fact that health care by Democrats […] -
Democracy, the Progressive way
Posted on March 12, 2010 | 32 CommentsThank god Murtha the Despicable is gone. But that is really not just compensation for the travesty the Democrats have wrought on our fighting men and women, individual freedoms […] -
The Truth About ObamaCare – From Democrats
Posted on March 11, 2010 | 1 Comment -
Hispanic Caucus now threatening “NO” vote on Obamacare
Posted on March 11, 2010 | 3 CommentsFrom A group of Hispanic lawmakers on Thursday will tell President Barack Obama that they may not vote for healthcare reform unless changes are made to the bill’s immigration […] -
Virginia first state to ban Health Care Mandate
Posted on March 10, 2010 | 8 CommentsVirginia became the first state this week to pass a state constitutional amendment banning a federal mandate on health insurance.These legislative roadblocks to the federal government have been filed or […] -
Dan Rather: Obama couldn’t sell Watermelon
Posted on March 9, 2010 | 4 CommentsDan Rather: One, part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be President Obama’s leadership. And the Republicans will make a case and a lot of independents […] -
Wisconsin AG charges ACORN with election fraud
Posted on March 8, 2010 | 6 Commentsposted at 2:20 pm on March 8, 2010 by Ed Morrissey MILWAUKEE – Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced today that the Milwaukee Election Fraud Task Force has brought additional […] -
Striking the heart of the beast
Posted on March 8, 2010 | 1 CommentACORN Housing Boom By Matthew Vadum on 3.2.10 @ 6:08AM As ACORN gears up to use your tax dollars to influence future elections, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban […]
Save the oysters!!! And the blue cheese. Make yourself some Rockefellers!!