Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
I'll presume that you meant to write: "Completely independent authority over its borders." OK, by that definition, is the USA…
Completely independent and authority over its borders. That sounds about right. Not wrapped in tin foil.
What exactly do you think that the word "sovereign" means? Maybe we're getting to the root of the problem here.
If it can’t guarantee its own safety it is not much of a sovereign nation is it?
Recession Archive
Chuck DeVore on the Cutting Edge!
Posted on November 27, 2008 | No CommentsChuck DeVore (pictures above, on the right) has thrown his hat into the ring for the U.S. Senate in 2010 against the venerable Barbara Boxer. Chuck is one of 30 Republican […] -
Developer Robert Bisno trying to sell his house for over $29 million
Posted on November 23, 2008 | 5 CommentsDeveloper Robert Bisno, who recently pulled out of an attempt to reshape the City of Baldwin Park’s downtown area via eminent domain, has now put his Beverly Hills home up […] -
The Grinch would be proud of Westfield Mainplace Mall’s Santa policy
Posted on November 23, 2008 | 3 CommentsWe are in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression – and how does the Westfield Mainplace Mall react? By not letting parents take their own pictures […] -
Team Bisno’s eminent domain plans in Baldwin Park fail!
Posted on November 21, 2008 | No Comments“City officials say Bisno Development Co. is pulling out of a contentious, multimillion-dollar plan to revitalize more than 100 acres of downtown Baldwin Park, citing the economic downturn,” according to […] -
Remember….He beat Hillary & Bill!!!
Posted on November 2, 2008 | 6 CommentsThis blog has been a fun place to meet and greet a variety of self flaggelating, overbearing nerd cakes! If you take a look at various viewpoints on the Statewide […] -
When can we Devalue our Real Estate?
Posted on October 25, 2008 | 1 CommentWho is responsible for identifying the market value of Real Estate in the United States, California and in Orange County in particular? Orange County has been Redlined for almost a […] -
Hank Paulson on Charlie Rose!
Posted on October 22, 2008 | 1 CommentLast night Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson appeared on Charlie Rose regarding the current application of over $700 Billion dollars into the banking system….to extracate us from the on-going credit squeeze […] -
Today’s American Hero: Chicago Sheriff Tom Dart refuses to evict.
Posted on October 10, 2008 | 5 CommentsBalzac wrote, “Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.” If the big flies today are, as they seem to be, the […] -
Draining the Swamp…won’t help this time!
Posted on October 3, 2008 | No CommentsThinking that the actions of the House of Representatives and the Congress is going to help – get another idea! The US Treasury influxed $700 Billion dollars into the system – […] -
Why T. Boone Pickens wants a bail-out?
Posted on September 30, 2008 | 2 CommentsT. Boone Pickens has picked up the mantle of pumping for a version of the failed House Bail-out….from yesterday. Why in the world would our urban hero Pickens…throw his weight […] -
We don’t need no stinking compromise!
Posted on September 28, 2008 | 22 CommentsThe Congress says …they have arrived at a viable Bail Out compromise….that they are ready to vote on Monday! They continue to harp…endlessly…that unless they pass the “Fed Money for Bogus […] -
Too Big to Fail?? Wait a second
Posted on September 23, 2008 | 2 CommentsIn response to the current events taking place in the banking industry I want to take a look at a statement that has been presented to us: “We cannot allow […]
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?