She couldn’t win a governor’s race in Iowa.
She still living in subsidized government housing?
Katie Porter has a blind spot for Armenians. It may not affect her in Orange county. But, she had an…
I thought of a better analogy than what I used before. These are the sorts of people who, as schoolkids,…
Just be happy that you're not the worst, even if you're the pushiest. Attracting people who would like to disrupt…
Palestine would definitely come up if he looks viable. The issue will heavily influence Jewish voters and donors, given that…
I was talking about the mailers, not all the obscene blog comments. (And apparently mailed objects too.) And you're referring…
Personally I don't think his stance on Palestine makes him crazy, but I just don't think the general electorate will…
By the way, I skipped over the question of whether Katie would make a good Governor. I think that she…
Tony Bushala Archive
Shocked, Shocked, at the Political Hijacking of the Fullerton Recall!
Posted on May 29, 2012 | 54 CommentsOver the transom comes a link to an open letter by Fullerton Recall candidate Matt Rowe, who has discovered that the Fullerton Recall has been … you will hardly believe […] -
My Exchange with a Vicious and Bigoted FFFFwad
Posted on May 4, 2012 | 12 CommentsI find Friends for Fullerton’s Future (FFFF), which most people seem to call “Tony Bushala’s blog” so I’ll do the same, to be important reading for understanding Fullerton and OC […] -
Failures of California’s “First 5” Commissions (and other additions to our Blogroll!)
Posted on April 23, 2012 | 8 CommentsYou may have noticed – well probably not – that I added a few new blogs to our “blogroll” at the bottom of our front page (and removed a few.) […] -
Happy Birthday to Three of our Fringiest Bloggers – John Earl, Gabriel San Roman and Tony Bushala!
Posted on December 26, 2011 | 1 Comment. . . I was very sad to learn that, not only was our good friend Gus “OC Progressive” Ayer born on Christmas itself, but three of our favorite bloggers […] -
Another Fowl Fullerton Observer Plop
Posted on October 6, 2011 | No CommentsI really don’t know why I bother communicating with the feather-headed Sharon Kennedy and her wretchedly incompetent Fullerton Observer. When she wrote an unsigned “article” last month alleging that […] -
OJ Multifecta: ACKERMAN taps DAVE ELLIS to smear BUSHALA in defense of Councilmen who cover-up KELLY THOMAS murder.
Posted on August 31, 2011 | 30 CommentsSay you’re Dick Ackerman. No, stop making that silly face. And pull that right eyebrow back down. Seriously, pretend you’re crooked former California Senate Minority Leader and long-ago Fullerton Councilman […] -
CNN Showdown: Bushala v. McKinley
Posted on August 10, 2011 | 32 Comments. . . By Mr. Peabody Two interesting videos were just sent to us. First, FFFF blogger Tony Bushala: And now, former Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley: Read the rest […]
Iowa? Probably not. What does that mean?