[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
At least Sidhu has two months to get through this nonsense. Do you guys work?
And do we recognize any of the names on C3's team? Sincerely asking!
I found this on one of my Facebook tabs. Thought people might enjoy reading it.
Also: https://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/story/2022-05-21/angel-stadium-sale-arte-moreno-harry-sidhu-corruption
This is sickening. I hope that many others will join me in following that link.
And this: https://voiceofoc.org/2022/05/la-angels-back-off-on-stadium-deal-after-anaheim-cancels-refocuses-efforts-on-baseball-season/
Also in my tabs for that month: this story that I was using to work on the draft (before I…
basketball Archive
Pyramid Schemes, Donald Sterling and the NCAA
Posted on August 12, 2014 | 1 CommentMark Emmert is the President of the NCAA. That’s the National Collegiate Athletic Association. They are charged with being the governing body of all amateur sports for colleges and universities. […] -
Jim Buss and Don Sterling phone home!
Posted on April 26, 2014 | 10 CommentsFor those that have never heard of the NBA…….we will explain: National Basketball Association. This is a group of very rich owners that have 18 guys they pay huge money […] -
The Witless Winless Lakers…….
Posted on October 30, 2012 | 13 CommentsMike Brown has to go. The Princeton Offense has to go! This is junk science and junk basketball. This is not Laker’s Championship Basketball. The Laker’s opened the 2012 Season […] -
Thunder Road……it seems we have been down this road before!
Posted on August 10, 2012 | 10 CommentsSuperman has replaced Captain Marvel for the Lakers 2013 season. Just days before we find out whether our Olympic Men’s Basketball team can pull out the Gold Medal, the Lakers have […] -
The Lakers need to go Fish!
Posted on May 23, 2012 | No Comments. We love Kobe so much. Even though he has had one heck of a year, losing Vanessa….losing a couple of houses……losing Lamar Odom……..losing Fisher……and finally losing to the Oklahoma […] -
The Laker Angst
Posted on April 8, 2012 | 3 CommentsYou take a shortened NBA season, add a rather acerbic and non-likeable new coach, make stupid errors in judgment at the higher levels of the organization and trade Lamar Odom […] -
Jeremy Lin’s triumph and Xi Jinping’s American visit: the Taiwanese View!
Posted on February 17, 2012 | 5 Comments. . . (This should get a lot of hits.) With so much China-related happening in the American news this week, you know our weird Taiwanese animator friends at Next […] -
Should Mission Viejo taxpayers subsidize outside team tennis?
Posted on March 4, 2010 | 30 CommentsMission Viejo’s Capitol Improvement Project #501 calls for the addition of one tennis court at the Marguerite Tennis Center which currently has seven courts. After receiving multiple calls from taxpayers […]
Apparently #ocislikeLA when it comes to dealing with public officials. But don’t go stealing any pizza slices or anything.