For more evidence of rapid consolidation of a European response to the US abandonment of Ukraine, see on YouTube: Europe’s…
Those HB Latino trespassers were bullies just ask Dave Min. There peaceful civil disobedience was not justified. Lol!!!
It's interesting how often we get new insights into the considerations that go into creating Eric's prejudices.
Well, watching that episode was certainly an hour not wasted!
Watch Servant of the People. You might learn a few things
You seem to be running out of anything resembling actual shit to fling.
There are generations of scholars who have pondered the relationship between Kievan Rus and Muscovite Rosya. Your position is both…
If you'll vouch for all the details, that's fine. If Matt Cunningham (or whatever anonymous person wrote that comment) "vouches"…
"Genocide begins with the denial of a people’s identity. Every Armenian should know that!" True. But knowing something and owning…
Bill O’Connell Archive
Who’s going to jail for Disney’s record $233 million WAGE THEFT?
Posted on January 27, 2025 | 7 CommentsThis crime had 51,000 victims. Meet a few of them! -
Harry Sidhu and Child Molesters: The Documented Facts.
Posted on October 24, 2018 | 4 CommentsThe Orange Juice Blog can no longer keep silent about this. -
Fitzgerald, vindicated by jury, plans to sue Gail Eastman cabal for $158 million!
Posted on June 8, 2015 | 24 CommentsFirst off, let me not insult or bore the reader or myself by spending more than one sentence distancing myself from William Denis Fitzgerald’s more obnoxious rhetoric. There, done. What […] -
OCCORD’s Loss to Anaheim re. GardenWalk Giveaway translated into understandable terms.
Posted on May 27, 2015 | 14 Comments. . . (1) Case Dismissed, Merits Remain Yesterday, OCCORD lost its lawsuit against the City of Anaheim’s giveaways to Bill O’Connell, owner of the GardenWalk hotel project in front […] -
It’s just the tip of the iceberg – Anaheim Council majority gives away even MORE taxpayer money, in secret!
Posted on May 14, 2013 | 14 Comments. SHHH – Can you keep a secret? You’re not supposed to know this. I’M not supposed to know this. But I really think you should know this, if you […] -
Handy FAQ Sheet for speaking out against tomorrow’s Gardenwalk Giveaway
Posted on May 13, 2013 | 1 Comment. Anaheim residents! When you show up early at 4:30 tomorrow to Anaheim City Hall, to speak out against the $158 million “Gardenwalk Giveaway” of THAT MUCH TAX MONEY to […] -
ANA-HEIST 2013: Hold onto your wallets, it’s the GardenWalk on Steroids!!!
Posted on February 13, 2013 | 4 Comments. “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” – […] -
Anaheim: The Mishegas and the Desmadre. Your January 2013 edition.
Posted on January 19, 2013 | 9 Comments. 1. What Could (Theoretically) Make the GardenWalk Giveaway Worth it? Affirmatively answering Cynthia Ward’s question of whether or not multi-millionaire developer Bill O’Connell still has his “mystery investor,” the […]
Evidently Serbia has apologized to Russia for the condemnation of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Oops. It was supposed to have…