The asshole "reporter" who asked him about his wardrobe is the boyfriend of that hideous Margorie Taylor Green creature. So…
Icymi proud oc county republicans like Willie the Weenie, Sheriff Don Barnes and Supervisor Don Wagner endorsed racist, business license…
You remember that?? Lol. Anywho. Mexico is still a country and not a protectorate pretending to be one. And, yes,…
The OC Press Club is dead.
You've never heard of the Mexican-American war? You still don't seem to understand the concept of sovereignty, but I'm willing…
Mistrial on Judge Ferguson case. 11-1 in favor of conviction.
Perhaps of Interest -
A Day in the Life of Tenants United Anaheim Last week a tenant messaged us on Facebook asking for help,…
Brown Act Archive
Why CATER is Suing Anaheim Over the Angels Stadium “Negotiations”
Posted on February 24, 2014 | 3 CommentsLabor Day weekend, 2013, kicked off with the late Friday afternoon posting of the Anaheim City Council agenda, disclosing that the Angels lease of our taxpayer-owned stadium was up for negotiation. […] -
Did Council Majority Meet Privately to Discuss Public Policy at Anaheim Chamber’s Office? Body Parts and Trash Testify!
Posted on August 21, 2013 | 78 CommentsEditor’s Note: Anaheim has a million stories, most of them untold. This is one of them. This is Cynthia’s story, you understand. I’m just narrating it. In italics. ======================== Picture […] -
Return of Anaheim’s Jedi: Tom Tait’s Splendid Tirade.
Posted on May 3, 2013 | 4 Comments. Other blogs have already covered last night’s Anaheim City Council meeting and Mayor Tait’s unforgettable demolition of Kris Murray’s mendacious Register editorial during closing Council Communications, so I need […] -
Talley-gate, Race, and the GardenWalk Brown Act violation
Posted on February 8, 2013 | 77 Comments. My old nemesis Matt Cunningham has penned what he seems to consider a righteous demolition of my first piece on the firing of Cristina Talley, in which the thesaurus-toting […] -
Secret Poseidon Desal meeting stymied by Brown Act complaint.
Posted on May 15, 2012 | 3 Commentsby John Earl, Surf City Voice General Manager Nixes Secret Desal Talks with Poseidon After Brown Act Complaints Confronted by complaints of illegality, the Municipal Water District of Orange County […] -
At the Crackdown of Dawn: SA Police Bust Homeless in last 15 minutes of Occupy Protest
Posted on April 17, 2012 | 10 CommentsOccupy Santa Ana’s “Necessity Village” protest action — designed to push the argument that people have biological needs to sleep and eliminate body waste and that the City should facilitate […] -
Prosecutorial Misconduct – OC’s Hapless District Attorney
Posted on May 11, 2011 | 19 Comments. . . . . . So, just how bad is the Orange County District Attorney’s office? If you’re following what’s happening at Capo USD and in Costa Mesa, the […] -
Should We Really Run Government Like the Private Sector?
Posted on April 19, 2011 | 4 Comments. . . There seems to be considerable talk in conservative circles from time to time about the concept of running government like the private sector. Currently that issue seems […] -
Does Mission Viejo city attorney speak with a forked tongue?
Posted on January 24, 2011 | 2 CommentsIn the San Bernardino County City of Upland questions on RW&G billings were raised by Stephen Dunn, their Finance Director, who sent a note to city manager Rob Quincey regarding […] -
While it’s a New Year in MV, Frank Ury’s hatred hasn’t stopped
Posted on January 3, 2011 | 16 Comments. . . . . . In addition to annually selecting the mayor and vice mayor in General Law cities, we also select council member city commissioners and appoint representatives […] -
Amezcua gets punked as State Attorney General exonerates the Santa Ana City Council
Posted on August 19, 2010 | 1 CommentCensorship? The State Attorney General doesn’t think so! Santa Ana Mayoral wannabe Alfredo Amezcua announced on Facebook this week that he had just appointed his photographer and mime, Ruben Alvarez […]
I'd read that elsewhere, Samuel, but I hadn't thought to copy that here. Thanks for preserving that gem here. Merkley…