I don’t understand the kuo/khan connection. But there is one.
This guy and Bilodeau point to a complete ethical lapse at the County. Somehow both these boys get paid (a…
W'happen? Here is the VOC's good article about Kuo. Shady as any Irvine republican, but I have no hope of…
Why would you delete the article about kuo??
I’m sure there will be dissent were ever his tour takes him. May it turn into a series of raucous…
We agree on this one. This was a time to avoid complicity -- and if Trump would have had more…
Dc Dems are dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. They should have gone all public enemy and shut it down. But, instead,…
What's wrong with that? It's a perk that universities sometimes use to attract faculty, in lieu of an even higher…
It’s doesn’t make him any less of a charlatan now does it?? He isn’t threatening me with a defamations suit.…
California Taxpayer Protection Act Archive
Hater Republicans working on another Prop. 187
Posted on July 13, 2009 | 31 CommentsThe GOP Latino haters are at it again… “Activists have begun collecting signatures for a proposed ballot measure designed to block some benefits to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants […] -
Is this the return of Prop. 187?
Posted on April 11, 2009 | 64 CommentsCalifornia’s Republican Party is almost dead. So what do these guys decide to do to restore the GOP? Some of them are bringing back Prop. 187, via a new state […]
We had a great Anaheim Dems Club meeting Thursday night, with two special guest speakers - Chris Kluwe and Ali…