[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
At least Sidhu has two months to get through this nonsense. Do you guys work?
And do we recognize any of the names on C3's team? Sincerely asking!
I found this on one of my Facebook tabs. Thought people might enjoy reading it.
Also: https://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/story/2022-05-21/angel-stadium-sale-arte-moreno-harry-sidhu-corruption
This is sickening. I hope that many others will join me in following that link.
And this: https://voiceofoc.org/2022/05/la-angels-back-off-on-stadium-deal-after-anaheim-cancels-refocuses-efforts-on-baseball-season/
Also in my tabs for that month: this story that I was using to work on the draft (before I…
carts Archive
Aloha was hit by a car last week
Posted on January 16, 2009 | 1 CommentSome people just can’t buy a break. You may recall the saga of Aloha, a homeless woman in Santa Ana who lost her cart, got a new one and presumably […] -
Christmas for Aloha!
Posted on December 25, 2008 | 1 CommentSanta Ana’s “Aloha” received her new cart last night, according to our reader Rob Cook, who also sent me the above picture. Kudos to Cook for his help in securing […] -
Aloha gets a new cart for Christmas!
Posted on December 23, 2008 | 13 CommentsOrange Juice reader Rob Cook reports that Aloha, the homeless lady in Santa Ana whose cart was taken from her, has a new cart – courtesy of the Catholic Workers […] -
Help Aloha get her cart back!
Posted on November 23, 2008 | 2 CommentsRegardless of who is to blame for the seizure of Aloha’s cart and worldly belongings, the fact is we are headed into Thanksgiving week and Aloha needs our help. Donate […] -
Did Carlos Bustamante tell the City of Santa Ana to go after Aloha?
Posted on November 21, 2008 | 66 CommentsThe homeless lady made famous by a picture that showed her holding up a sign saying she would kick Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante’s ass for food needs our help. […]
Apparently #ocislikeLA when it comes to dealing with public officials. But don’t go stealing any pizza slices or anything.