And do we recognize any of the names on C3's team? Sincerely asking!
I found this on one of my Facebook tabs. Thought people might enjoy reading it.
This is sickening. I hope that many others will join me in following that link.
And this:
Also in my tabs for that month: this story that I was using to work on the draft (before I…
Yeah yeah, we were there too, just been too busy to write down all my notes. Spencer did better at…
From OCR - “ Defense attorneys during Sidhu’s sentencing hearing argued that it was effectively an obstruction, not a corruption,…
Now that I reflect further I realize that the charges were miniscule compared to the REAL offenses. We can lay…
Disclose Act Archive
UPDATED! Memories of Newport’s Allan Beek, 1927-2024.
Posted on February 13, 2024 | 16 CommentsEulogy for a great American and a great maverick conservative Republican! -
Update on Three Good Bills, and Talks with The Moorlach!
Posted on September 22, 2016 | 6 Comments. . . When we last left the “Bills We’re Rooting For in Sacramento,” some of them had passed (Citizens United Repeal), some had been killed (Open Police Records, More Funds […] -
Transparency finally a bipartisan issue? California DISCLOSE Act gets 9 GOP votes!
Posted on February 7, 2016 | 3 Comments. . . Two years ago, last time the California DISCLOSE Act was working its way through the state legislature, and was stymied in the Senate by all Republicans including […] -
Huff, Mimi and Wyland block Lou’s “DISCLOSE Act” – Why do Republicans hate transparency?
Posted on March 20, 2014 | 34 CommentsIt’s a question I keep not getting an answer to, try as I may. I mean, the Republicans I know here in the OC, my Republican friends on this blog […] -
The Poison Pill in Lou’s Pot Bill
Posted on February 27, 2014 | 56 CommentsBefore we give Senator Lou Correa his regularly-deserved shellacking, let’s take a few moments to grant him kudos for his fine transparency bill, popularly known as the “DISCLOSE Act,” which […] -
DISCLOSE Act sails through Lou Correa’s Elections Committee with his support! Yay Lou.
Posted on May 4, 2013 | 25 Comments. Good news this week for Californians who care about clean fair elections and transparency: SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act, authored by Mark Leno and Jerry Hill and pushed […] -
DFA meeting Wednesday night Dec. 1 focuses on making the most of Democrats’ final weeks.
Posted on November 29, 2010 | 1 Comment. . . You Are Invited Wednesday, December 1 Karl Strauss Brewery, Costa Mesa (on South Coast Drive near South Coast Plaza) Monthly meeting of Democracy for America-OC Focus on […] -
Urge DC elected officials to vote NO on H.R. 5175 (S. 3295) the DISCLOSE Act
Posted on June 22, 2010 | 4 CommentsI have just received this “press release” from the Institute for Justice Friends: Say goodbye to anonymous speech and political participation: If you give money to an advocacy group […]
At least Sidhu has two months to get through this nonsense. Do you guys work?