[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
At least Sidhu has two months to get through this nonsense. Do you guys work?
And do we recognize any of the names on C3's team? Sincerely asking!
I found this on one of my Facebook tabs. Thought people might enjoy reading it.
Also: https://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/story/2022-05-21/angel-stadium-sale-arte-moreno-harry-sidhu-corruption
This is sickening. I hope that many others will join me in following that link.
And this: https://voiceofoc.org/2022/05/la-angels-back-off-on-stadium-deal-after-anaheim-cancels-refocuses-efforts-on-baseball-season/
Also in my tabs for that month: this story that I was using to work on the draft (before I…
Election 2008 Archive
Imagine President Palin.
Posted on September 25, 2008 | 18 CommentsONE … HEARTBEAT … AWAY … -
“W. With Tits”
Posted on September 20, 2008 | 8 CommentsYOU know what it’s like, I’m sure. The perfect phrase, the perfect metaphor, occurs to you because your mind is open that way, the perfect demolishing description of an important political […] -
The “Other” VP Candidate – Joseph Biden
Posted on September 6, 2008 | 6 CommentsWhat do you talk about when you have nothing to say? Joe Biden
Apparently #ocislikeLA when it comes to dealing with public officials. But don’t go stealing any pizza slices or anything.