I'd read that elsewhere, Samuel, but I hadn't thought to copy that here. Thanks for preserving that gem here. Merkley…
The asshole "reporter" who asked him about his wardrobe is the boyfriend of that hideous Margorie Taylor Green creature. So…
Icymi proud oc county republicans like Willie the Weenie, Sheriff Don Barnes and Supervisor Don Wagner endorsed racist, business license…
You remember that?? Lol. Anywho. Mexico is still a country and not a protectorate pretending to be one. And, yes,…
The OC Press Club is dead.
You've never heard of the Mexican-American war? You still don't seem to understand the concept of sovereignty, but I'm willing…
Mistrial on Judge Ferguson case. 11-1 in favor of conviction.
Perhaps of Interest - https://youtu.be/EXwT_7HVmys?si=VNxBy6dDtYKr9usu
Election 2012 Archive
If You Believe In Equality, Romney Is Not Your Man
Posted on October 24, 2012 | 2 Comments. As a child I was a big fan of the Republican Party, sort of in the way that people root for a sports team like the Dodgers. And that’s […] -
No Choice for You: We Want You to Vote for Obamney
Posted on August 31, 2012 | 5 CommentsJust as how the Establishment took away the ability of Californians to vote for third parties in November with the “Top Two: primary, Republican Party nominee Mitt Romney wants to silence supporters […] -
Neglecting Ron Paul Can Be Bad For Republican Party Future
Posted on August 10, 2012 | 3 Comments. As we see it right now presidential candidate Ron Paul will not be speaking at the Tampa Republican National Convention. Romney and his allies may have invited Rand Paul, […] -
No Party for Young Men: Fletcher Flees Fleischman’s Phlegm.
Posted on March 29, 2012 | 18 CommentsIt seems that the Republican Party in California has completed its transformation into an irrelevant political institution. I have written previous articles on how to transform the party to relevance […] -
Guide to California Republicans on how to ‘Play to Win’
Posted on January 23, 2012 | 17 Comments. . . Tired of the Republican Party revolution not touching California? Tired of Democratic Party dominance? Well have no fear; I come up with some solutions in how the […]
The Shah sends his regards!!