So they’ll promote two clubs in Irvine and rally at Irvine City Hall like they are all big and bad…
Finally getting around to recording all ten of my "Songs of the OC Homeless" in a studio with good singers:…
The unofficial consensus of the DPOC, and to a lesser extent, CADEM, is that HB is basically lost and thus…
Do you have any court worthy evidence that "Putin told Trump not to sign" the rare earth minerals agreement? For…
Duane Roberts I do not see how this is the least bit relevant to Friday’s Oval Office obscenity. Of course…
Yeah I saw lotsa SD 36 Democrats on social media going, at the last minute, "What? There's an election going…
Thanks. It’s kinda like they didn’t run anyone. And then didn’t get anyone to the polls.
Mr. Myovich has failed to provide any background context behind the rare earth minerals agreement that Ukrainian President Vlodymyrr Zelenskyy…
It's also a bit on CADEM for not having a quorum to properly endorse, along with DPOC for not picking…
fiestas patrias Archive
Santa Ana’s Fiestas Patrias draws a huge crowd to Calle Cuatro
Posted on September 18, 2010 | 4 CommentsI stopped by the Fiestas Patrias event in downtown Santa Ana today. Boy was it crowded! Everyone was having a great time. The exhibits are set up all along Fourth […] -
Santa Ana City Manager moves this year’s Fiestas Patrias to Sep. 18
Posted on April 4, 2010 | 9 Comments“A downtown celebration honoring Mexico’s bicentennial that was initially set to kick off Sept. 11 and sparked a firestorm of protests has been moved to the following weekend. The date […] -
Lupe Moreno curses in Spanish at Minuteman protest in Santa Ana today
Posted on March 31, 2010 | 17 CommentsThe Minutemen showed up to protest today at the Mexican Consultate’s office in Santa Ana, at 7 a.m. They were led by Lupe Moreno, a Republican activist who lives in […] -
Minutemen protesting at the Mexican Consulate in Santa Ana on Wednesday
Posted on March 30, 2010 | 30 CommentsThe Minutemen are in an uproar because the City of Santa Ana decided to hold this year’s Fiestas Patrias event on September 11. They are protesting tomorrow, March 31, at the […] -
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez gives twice as much to Viet charities, compared to others
Posted on December 22, 2009 | 6 CommentsCongresswoman Loretta Sanchez is seeing double when it comes to her Vietnamese constituents Even when Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez donates to charities, she can’t stop pandering to Vietnamese voters. Sanchez announced […] -
Why does Loretta Sanchez walk in parades in Huntington Beach and Little Saigon, but not in Santa Ana?
Posted on December 21, 2009 | 46 CommentsCongresswoman Loretta Sanchez loves parades. She shows up every year at the Tet Festival, in Little Saigon, and even dresses up for the festivities. And she shows up in Huntington […] -
Santa Ana politicians show up for Fiestas Patrias parade
Posted on September 14, 2008 | 2 CommentsThere was a huge crowd this afternoon at the Fiestas Patrias parade in Downtown Santa Ana. Predictably, the politicians showed up en masse. Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido led the […] -
Don’t miss “Fiestas Patrias” in Santa Ana today
Posted on September 14, 2008 | No Comments“As many as 300,000 people are expected downtown this weekend to celebrate Mexican independence with games and live music, a gala parade and the centuries-old cry: “Viva Mexico!” Fiestas Patrias […] -
Dina Nguyen apologizes to the Mexican Consul
Posted on June 7, 2008 | 10 CommentsFailed Supervisorial Trannie Dina Nguyen stopped by the Mexican consul’s office to apologize for her trip to the border with Assemblyman Van Tran. You remember that don’t you? A plane […]
Zelensky doesn't need America to help them fight Russia. The Europeans have $300 BILLION in frozen Russian assets, which they…