Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
I'll presume that you meant to write: "Completely independent authority over its borders." OK, by that definition, is the USA…
Completely independent and authority over its borders. That sounds about right. Not wrapped in tin foil.
What exactly do you think that the word "sovereign" means? Maybe we're getting to the root of the problem here.
If it can’t guarantee its own safety it is not much of a sovereign nation is it?
frank barbaro Archive
Melahat Plea Deal: Squeeze Out some OC History! (in progress)
Posted on January 20, 2023 | 30 CommentsOh, the stories she could tell! -
California’s insurance industry secretly drops $13,641 against Julio – watch for the hit pieces!
Posted on May 16, 2012 | 11 CommentsI always notice when the name of my pal Julio Pérez, candidate for Assembly District 69, pops up on the Nooner. And yesterday, I saw that an Independent Expenditure of […] -
Is the OC’s tumor John Williams leaving or not? Carlson out in AD-74; and Loretta backs Julio!
Posted on January 26, 2012 | 42 CommentsA few interesting things that happened in the OC, around the same time as President Obama’s very encouraging Occupy-influenced State of the Union Address: Worst Public Administrator Ever (John S […] -
An ‘Informed Outsider’ Perspective on Monday’s DPOC Meeting
Posted on December 1, 2011 | 17 Comments. . . This post is long — even by my standards. If you’re not interested in the topic, don’t feel that you have to read it. (Even if you […] -
Business Partner of Developer Tied to Alvarez Flap Pumped $5,000 into DPOC Chair Barbaro’s ‘Victory Fund’
Posted on September 3, 2011 | 24 Comments. . . MONEY TALKS: According to campaign finance reports available online at the Federal Election Commission website, the “Orange County Victory Fund,” an independent committee controlled by Frank Barbaro, Chair of […] -
The Orange County Register offers compelling evidence that DPOC Chair Frank Barbaro is an ‘arrogant buffoon’
Posted on September 25, 2010 | 19 CommentsOn the left is Frank Barbaro, Chairman of the Orange County Democratic Party. On the right is Scott Baugh, Chairman of the Orange County Republican Party. Isn’t this proof […] -
Where is the proof that Cecilia Iglesias is involved in a Republican Party plot?
Posted on September 19, 2010 | 21 CommentsCecilia Iglesias poses with State Senator Lou Correa There is an incredible amount of hullabaloo being made about Ms. Cecilia Iglesias, an Independent candidate running in the 47th Congressional District, […] -
Barbaro bullies Cecilia Iglesias, but Sanchez and the DPOC have only themselves to blame
Posted on September 17, 2010 | 18 CommentsFrank Barbaro, the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Orange County, had a fit today because independent Congressional candidate Cecilia Iglesias got caught in a picture with Meg Whitman, the […] -
O.C. Democrats marching in a big 4th of July parade this Sunday
Posted on July 2, 2010 | 3 CommentsPicture Courtesy of Act Blue Happy Fourth of July! Important Events for Democrats Join and/or support the OC Democratic Party’s entry in the biggest Fourth of July Parade in the […] -
DPOC hires Long Beach Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske as their new Director
Posted on February 16, 2010 | 18 CommentsThis just in from the Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC). They have finally hired a new Executive Director, Long Beach Council Member Gerrie Schipske. What this means for Henry […] -
Longshots Have Surprise Up Sleeve?
Posted on January 18, 2010 | No CommentsIn today’s Register our old amigo Martin Wisckol cobbled together a piece about, well, hard to say exactly what it was about, but among other things it contained some gems […] -
The Carona-ization of Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has begun
Posted on January 7, 2010 | 21 CommentsEditor’s Note: We ran this post exactly one year ago. Now, some are saying that disgraced former Sheriff Mike Carona’s supporters are backing one of the current candidates for O.C. […] -
Past DPOC Chair Jim Toledano charged with $350,000 extortion
Posted on June 30, 2009 | 5 CommentsJim Toledano, former Chair of the DPOC (Democratic Party of Orange County) “Jim Toledano, the 65-year-old former chairman of the Orange County Democratic Party and a three-time losing state assembly […] -
O.C. Democrat Chair Frank Barbaro still shilling for disgraced Republican ex-Sheriff Mike Carona
Posted on May 10, 2009 | 4 Comments[poll id=”154″] No wonder the DPOC sucks. According to Gustavo Arellano, over at the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing blog, the Chair of the DPOC, Frank Barbaro, had this to say […]
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?