George Zimmerman Archive

  •   A crowd of around 60 people came out tonight in Santa Ana, to express their anger over the Trayvon Martin verdict. There are similar marches and protests happening across the U.S. […]

    Trayvon Martin Protests in Santa Ana

      A crowd of around 60 people came out tonight in Santa Ana, to express their anger over the Trayvon Martin verdict. There are similar marches and protests happening across the U.S. […]

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  • The pundits have been weighing in on who Mitt Romney should pick as his VP running mate.  So here’s my suggestion (don’t laugh). It’s George Zimmerman, the  “Neigborhood Watch”  vigilante […]

    A Perfect Running Mate for Mitt Romney?

    The pundits have been weighing in on who Mitt Romney should pick as his VP running mate.  So here’s my suggestion (don’t laugh). It’s George Zimmerman, the  “Neigborhood Watch”  vigilante […]

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