And don't you think the the fact that the most self-serving, do-nothing, corrupt SOB in OC showed up for Lopez?…
Mark was removed last night. Short meeting starts at 1:12 Speakers were a student from Gilbert that likes Mark, then…
Evidently Serbia has apologized to Russia for the condemnation of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Oops. It was supposed to have…
For more evidence of rapid consolidation of a European response to the US abandonment of Ukraine, see on YouTube: Europe’s…
Those HB Latino trespassers were bullies just ask Dave Min. There peaceful civil disobedience was not justified. Lol!!!
It's interesting how often we get new insights into the considerations that go into creating Eric's prejudices.
Well, watching that episode was certainly an hour not wasted!
Watch Servant of the People. You might learn a few things
You seem to be running out of anything resembling actual shit to fling.
GHG Archive
High speed rail. No GHG reduction if powered without renewable energy
Posted on February 7, 2011 | 5 Comments. . . While I will edit their report let me quote from page 29. “High-speed rail proponents have recently acknowledged the need to augment any new train infrastructure with investments in […] -
Achieving CA Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets AB 32
Posted on October 2, 2009 | 1 CommentThe University of California Berkeley has just released a 117 page report for the California Air Resources Board and the California DOT entitled “Achieving California’s Land Use and Transportation Greenhouse Gas […]
Don't you thin (it telling) that...