[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
At least Sidhu has two months to get through this nonsense. Do you guys work?
And do we recognize any of the names on C3's team? Sincerely asking!
I found this on one of my Facebook tabs. Thought people might enjoy reading it.
Also: https://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/story/2022-05-21/angel-stadium-sale-arte-moreno-harry-sidhu-corruption
This is sickening. I hope that many others will join me in following that link.
And this: https://voiceofoc.org/2022/05/la-angels-back-off-on-stadium-deal-after-anaheim-cancels-refocuses-efforts-on-baseball-season/
Also in my tabs for that month: this story that I was using to work on the draft (before I…
Yeah yeah, we were there too, just been too busy to write down all my notes. Spencer did better at…
godinez high school Archive
Ward 6 candidate Helen Martinez refuses to talk about immigration and the Dream Act, while addressing Godinez High students
Posted on October 14, 2010 | 18 CommentsHelen Martinez, a candidate for Ward 6 on the Santa Ana City Council, showed up today at Godinez Fundamental High School, where she spoke to a combined group of students […] -
My son James has joined the new Navy Junior ROTC program at Godinez High School!
Posted on August 20, 2010 | 10 CommentsMy son James, who is 14 years old, just joined the Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) at Godinez High School on Friday! I am so proud of him! Click […] -
Santa Ana leaders play hard in Nutrition Fair basketball game at Godinez High School
Posted on May 8, 2010 | No CommentsThe Santa Ana 714 Nutrition and Fitness Fair was held today at Godinez High School, located adjacent to Centennial Park. The highlight of the event was the basketball game between […] -
Support Santa Ana baseball players at Godinez High School
Posted on November 12, 2008 | No CommentsThe baseball team at Santa Ana’s Godinez High School is raising money by selling advertisements for local businesses on their t-shirts. You can bet that the Orange Juice Blog will […] -
Eat a dog for charity!
Posted on June 7, 2008 | No CommentsHungry? Come by the 2nd Annual softball game fundraiser today at Godinez High School. The money raised will help pay for a summer school program. It will start at 9:00 […]
[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…