From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
I'll presume that you meant to write: "Completely independent authority over its borders." OK, by that definition, is the USA…
Completely independent and authority over its borders. That sounds about right. Not wrapped in tin foil.
minutemen Archive
The anti-immigrant nonsense of Amanda Edinger, the Brandman-Kring appointee to Anaheim’s districting commission.
Posted on May 9, 2013 | 61 Comments. Save Anaheim‘s Jason had the bombshell scoop this morning, the morning of this evening’s final Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting, where the Council’s appointees will vote on whether to […] -
OC Legislator Follies: Harkey, High-speed Rail & Genocide; doomed Minuteman legislation and Mansoor comatose?
Posted on April 10, 2011 | 17 Comments. .. . Callin’ em like she sees ‘em: Diane Harkey. Hold on a second. If indeed Orange County’s major export to Washington and Sacramento consists of dunderheads, jackanapes, and […] -
Trannies and Minutemen go wild at Bill Clinton rally in Santa Ana
Posted on October 16, 2010 | 27 Comments. . . . . A bunch of Van Tran’s rude supporters, including a Minuteman contingent, showed up at yesterday’s Bill Clinton rally in Santa Ana. Santa Ana resident Naui […] -
Facebook friends of the Santa Ana Meg Whitman page include Lupe Moreno
Posted on October 11, 2010 | No CommentsMeg Whitman just doesn’t get it. She opened an office in Santa Ana, ostensibly to reach out to Latino voters, but now her new Meg Whitman Santa Ana Facebook page includes […] -
Mayor Miguel Pulido may have already won
Posted on August 6, 2010 | 22 CommentsIn a stunner, four challengers qualified today to run for Mayor of Santa Ana, perhaps dooming the campaign of Alfredo Amezcua, the former Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee who was the […] -
Benavides goes after Mayor Pro Tem Alvarez while defending Moreno and the Minutemen again
Posted on August 2, 2010 | 17 CommentsTonight’s Santa Ana City Council meeting blew up again as a few of the haters that Councilman David Benavides honored at the last meeting showed up to cry about the […] -
When Mexican kindergarten students punked the Minutemen, in Santa Ana
Posted on July 27, 2010 | 19 CommentsNaui Huitzilopochtli is famous today for his video showing Lupe Moreno and her Minutemen taking over this year’s Independence Day event. But my favorite Naui video is the one after […] -
Can Councilman David Benavides survive the Hatergate scandal?
Posted on July 24, 2010 | 41 CommentsCouncilman David Benavides has been desperately trying to quell the firestorm that erupted when we broke the story that he honored a group of Minutemen and extremist Republicans who were recruited by Mexican-hater […] -
Lupe Moreno declares jihad on Mexican civil rights activist
Posted on July 23, 2010 | 23 CommentsThe Benavides Hatergate scandal blew up again today as Minuteman Lupe Moreno began a libelous jihad against Mexican civil rights activist Naui Huitzilopochtli. Moreno forwarded a letter asking her hater […] -
Benavides Hatergate: The missing Independence Day video emerges
Posted on July 23, 2010 | 39 CommentsDavid Benavides caught with Minuteman Lupe Moreno I met last night with Naui Huitzilopochtli and he graciously allowed me to borrow his video clips of the footage he shot at […] -
The O.C. Register piles on the Benavides Hatergate scandal
Posted on July 22, 2010 | 3 CommentsIt has become the scandal that won’t go away. This time the Orange County Register piled on the David Benavides Hatergate scandal with a new article that is very illuminating. Here […]
Is Zelensky an American asset??