mismanagement Archive

  • . Back in the mid-90’s when mismanagement by the County Treasurer, coupled with the Board of Supervisors being asleep at the switch (or worse), every meeting of the Supervisors was attended by […]

    Where is the Outrage???

    . Back in the mid-90’s when mismanagement by the County Treasurer, coupled with the Board of Supervisors being asleep at the switch (or worse), every meeting of the Supervisors was attended by […]

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  • Well, that was an interesting morning in the courtroom, albeit a long, tedious and ultimately unsatisfying morning.  We walked in, a little over a dozen of us, with John S. […]

    John Williams Agonistes

    Well, that was an interesting morning in the courtroom, albeit a long, tedious and ultimately unsatisfying morning.  We walked in, a little over a dozen of us, with John S. […]

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  • FISCAL IRRESPONSIBILITY WITH TAXPAYERS MONEY!!! “At least 120 municipalities spent a combined $700 million in housing funds from 2000 to 2008 without constructing a single new unit, [an LA] Times […]

    $700 Million Housing Funds Spent – Not a Single Unit Built!

    FISCAL IRRESPONSIBILITY WITH TAXPAYERS MONEY!!! “At least 120 municipalities spent a combined $700 million in housing funds from 2000 to 2008 without constructing a single new unit, [an LA] Times […]

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  • “Cash for Clunkers” came to a screeching halt Thursday, after only six days on the road. In a shocker, the government announced it would suspend the program at midnight because […]

    Getting ready to trash your Health Care?

    “Cash for Clunkers” came to a screeching halt Thursday, after only six days on the road. In a shocker, the government announced it would suspend the program at midnight because […]

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