[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
[…] the whole Sidhu debacle. And remember that, limited as his charges may have been, this was the mere iceberg-tip…
At least Sidhu has two months to get through this nonsense. Do you guys work?
And do we recognize any of the names on C3's team? Sincerely asking!
I found this on one of my Facebook tabs. Thought people might enjoy reading it.
Also: https://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/story/2022-05-21/angel-stadium-sale-arte-moreno-harry-sidhu-corruption
This is sickening. I hope that many others will join me in following that link.
And this: https://voiceofoc.org/2022/05/la-angels-back-off-on-stadium-deal-after-anaheim-cancels-refocuses-efforts-on-baseball-season/
Also in my tabs for that month: this story that I was using to work on the draft (before I…
NBA Archive
Don Sterling needs a nutritionist.
Posted on July 18, 2014 | 10 CommentsDon Sterling…..you know…the crazy jerk that owns the LA Clippers? Donnie has been riding on his personal railroad in his back yard and thinks its a bullet train! The NBA […] -
Time to play Hard Round Ball with Sterling!
Posted on May 27, 2014 | 5 CommentsThe slimy moves of Donald and Shelly Sterling know no bounds! They obviously think they are smarter than everyone else and have no qualms or proprieties regarding their own abysmal […] -
A Sterling End to the Clips Season!
Posted on May 13, 2014 | 7 CommentsCongratulations to the LA Clippers for one heck of a season. Congratulations go to Doc Rivers, the Clippers players and their viable effort for NBA stardom. No doubt that the […] -
Jim Buss and Don Sterling phone home!
Posted on April 26, 2014 | 10 CommentsFor those that have never heard of the NBA…….we will explain: National Basketball Association. This is a group of very rich owners that have 18 guys they pay huge money […] -
Thunder Road……it seems we have been down this road before!
Posted on August 10, 2012 | 10 CommentsSuperman has replaced Captain Marvel for the Lakers 2013 season. Just days before we find out whether our Olympic Men’s Basketball team can pull out the Gold Medal, the Lakers have […] -
Lakers get a Nash Rambler for 2013
Posted on July 5, 2012 | 2 Comments. Choices…..that is all you get in life….they say! Hey, Kobe is off to the Olympics in London. God bless him. Bring home the Gold for the USA Kobe…..we know […] -
The Lakers need to go Fish!
Posted on May 23, 2012 | No Comments. We love Kobe so much. Even though he has had one heck of a year, losing Vanessa….losing a couple of houses……losing Lamar Odom……..losing Fisher……and finally losing to the Oklahoma […] -
The Laker Angst
Posted on April 8, 2012 | 3 CommentsYou take a shortened NBA season, add a rather acerbic and non-likeable new coach, make stupid errors in judgment at the higher levels of the organization and trade Lamar Odom […] -
The days of the NBA and NFL are numbered!
Posted on March 6, 2012 | 4 CommentsAs a life long Laker fan we can simply say: Time for Mike Brown to go. He has a weird style. We don’t exactly know what that “style” is, but […] -
The Land of Unresolved Issues
Posted on July 21, 2011 | 1 Comment. . . Perhaps it all started with Natalee Holloway. A missing body, an organized crime connected killer whose father was a local judge in the Time Share and Gambling […] -
Slam dunk contest Sac. tells Anaheim to halt Honda Center Bond sales
Posted on March 28, 2011 | 5 Comments. . . . . Sac Bee is reporting that the city of Sacramento is demanding payment on $77 million owed to the city before Sacramento Kings, Anaheim Royals or Basketball […] -
No respect. OC Register “dish’s” Clippers, again
Posted on January 18, 2011 | 14 CommentsLast week I pointed out that the Orange County Register downplayed the Clippers stopping a consecutive victory run by the Miami Heat. In today’s register the front page of the […] -
OC Register shows no respect to LA Clippers
Posted on January 13, 2011 | 2 CommentsWhile the bulk of our Orange Juice posts are to focus on Orange County politics, there surely is politics in professional sports. Furthermore the NBA’s LA Clippers have played pre […] -
King James gives president Obama the day off
Posted on July 8, 2010 | No CommentsThe ultimate gift for a president in trouble is to have King James, also known as “LeBron”, taking the spotlight for the past 24 hours. At 6 p.m. on the west […]
Apparently #ocislikeLA when it comes to dealing with public officials. But don’t go stealing any pizza slices or anything.