Now you see Farrah. She identified herself as a business owner on her candidate statement for supervisor also. She doesn’t…
I dunno she's California enough for me. And of course she couldn't win in Iowa, it's too Republican. I'm still…
Volunteers of OC journalist Noah questions Kuo’s business owner designation on his candidate statement. Which begs the question: was…
She is from Iowa. Or is it Kansas. No it’s Iowa. Hello??? She didn’t arrive in Irvine until 2011. What…
Iowa? Probably not. What does that mean?
She couldn’t win a governor’s race in Iowa.
She still living in subsidized government housing?
Katie Porter has a blind spot for Armenians. It may not affect her in Orange county. But, she had an…
I thought of a better analogy than what I used before. These are the sorts of people who, as schoolkids,…
No on Measure H Archive
RSM City Council Adopts Resolution In Opposition To Measure H
Posted on September 24, 2010 | No CommentsI just received the following Press Release from the City Cerk of the city of Rancho Santa Margarita. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: September 23, 2010 Molly McLaughlin […]
Save the oysters!!! And the blue cheese. Make yourself some Rockefellers!!