From the "Fear and Loathing / Closer to the Edge" substack blog : Senator Jeff Merkley walked into the…
So, good thing he was killed, you're saying?
Daniel DID do drugs. Report below shows he had METH in his system and an extensive criminal history that included…
Greg, You can think what you want. Criminals, illegal immigration and neighboring countries can all erode countries sovereignty. But war…
My definition is ... irrelevant to this discussion, counselor. (I'd look up case law if I needed one.) You're the…
Wait what is your definition of sovereign nation? And I don’t think you understand what independence is. Entering into treaties…
But maybe you did mean (1) "Completely independent" and (2) "authority over its borders" as two separate things. In that…
I'll presume that you meant to write: "Completely independent authority over its borders." OK, by that definition, is the USA…
Completely independent and authority over its borders. That sounds about right. Not wrapped in tin foil.
O.C. sheriff Archive
Demand Justice for Deaths in OC Jails – Tuesday morning!
Posted on June 23, 2019 | No Comments. . . From our friends at the ACLU Orange County: Rally with impacted families, Orange County Racial Justice Collaborative, and the ACLU of Southern California at the OC […] -
California League of Cities wants to shut down medical pot dispensaries
Posted on June 28, 2010 | 13 CommentsVictims of the war on medical marijuana… Why are so many local elected officials complete nuts when it comes to medical marijuana? Well, there are a lot of reasons for […] -
O.C. public employee unions blew it with lame Primary candidates, again
Posted on June 13, 2010 | 3 CommentsNick Berardino and the OCEA ended up with egg on their faces again after this year’s Primary Election I almost feel sorry for Nick Berardino and his Orange County Employees […] -
Maniacal Sheriff candidate Bill Hunt attacks immigrants again
Posted on June 3, 2010 | 20 CommentsPicture courtesy of the OC Weekly Bill Hunt appears to have completely lost it. Check out this insane message he emailed to his supporters today: While my opponents Sandra Hutchens […] -
New campaign mailer rips Bill Hunt and his union agenda
Posted on May 17, 2010 | 8 CommentsPrivate investigator Bill Hunt got RIPPED today in a mailer sent by appointed O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, to Republican voters. Hunt looks like a total sleazebag in the mailer, with his […] -
Ariz. Gov. signs law allowing CCW without a permit
Posted on April 17, 2010 | 3 CommentsAn NRA member just provided the following A/P article. CCW, “carry concealed weapons, ” has been a major campaign issue in the June 8th election of the next OC Sheriff. The […] -
Leading O.C. Sheriff candidate Craig Hunter announces new fundraisers
Posted on February 25, 2010 | 19 CommentsMayor John Anderson and Mayor Pro Tem Nancy Rikel cordially invite you to join us to meet and support Deputy Chief Craig Hunter for Orange County Sheriff 2010 At Gloria’s […] -
Sordid Cop Tales: Former Police Chief McKinley Loves Sheriff; Climbs Into Bed
Posted on January 8, 2010 | No CommentsA recent Fullerton Observer article reported on some sort of “Women in Leadership” event and started out describing how Fullerton’s former Chief of Police introduced “surprise guest, ” appointed OC […] -
Even Arizona Republicans Agree: Joe Arpaio is America’s Most Incompetent Sheriff
Posted on November 9, 2009 | 15 Comments“Hello? This is Sheriff Joe! What? An armed robbery in progress, you say? Several men in ski-masks carrying machine guns? And they’ve taken hostages, too? I’m sorry, but all of […] -
Sheriff Sandra Hutchens hires a consultant and gets ready for a rough campaign
Posted on May 26, 2009 | 7 Comments[poll id=”170″] O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has hired Republican consultant Dave Gilliard to run her reelection campaign, according to the L.A. Times. Here are a couple of excerpts from their […] -
It turns out that Sandra Hutchens is another lying Sheriff
Posted on April 20, 2009 | 14 CommentsR. Scott Moxley is at it again! He has busted yet another lame O.C. Sheriff. This time he caught O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens lying through her teeth! Here are some […]
Is Zelensky an American asset??