Oh, now I feel better.
Greg asked me to attach the image of the above Florice statement:
I think you're arguing with claims I didn't make. No worries about the comment. I still have access somewhere .…
I expect that she could, but why should she want to? She's been very successful and consequential in government work…
It’s not that she is pretending. She is not like us. She couldn’t earn a living without being on the…
His plan is to back down on something previously thought to be very important to him at least once each…
Ryan, first I apologize for your post going to spam; the system has been doing that sometimes of late. Happens…
I'm sorry that I had to miss it, but having not sought membership in the Anaheim Dems Club this year…
What Bullockus said at the meeting (invoking society's stereotypical view of Twain's character of N____ Jim) was a bad choice,…
paycheck protection Archive
The First Big Poll is out on the Newly Numbered Props
Posted on July 20, 2012 | 1 CommentWe have eleven mostly interesting ballot propositions in store in November. The first poll on the whole batch, so far as I am aware, just came out — and it […] -
November’s Propositions Numbered! Which ones Suck, Which ones Rock?
Posted on July 13, 2012 | 5 CommentsI love this shit! There are so few candidates to be excited about, what with Julio not making it and all. (Okay, sorry, there are a FEW good ones.) But […] -
Occupy the INITIATIVE Process – Three Great Propositions Next Year for the 99%
Posted on December 20, 2011 | 71 Comments. . . Yes, my proposal is now “staffed,” which will be the first question I get asked when I propose at the next General Assembly that we at Occupy […] -
Henceforth, California’s initiatives will only be on November general election ballots. Ooh. Hurts, huh? Dirty pool. I know.
Posted on October 10, 2011 | 19 Comments. . . I’ll tell you this much, Governor Brown had to think long and hard, and weigh several heavy pro’s and con’s, before finally giving in and signing Loni […] -
Shawn Nelson on Tea Parties and the Paycheck Protection Initiative
Posted on February 12, 2010 | 1 CommentChris Norby has endorsed Shawn Nelson for the 4th Supervisorial District Shawn, please explain to our readers how you got involved in the Tea Party movement? Shawn: To begin with, […] -
OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh to hold a paycheck protection rally in Fullerton
Posted on January 29, 2010 | 5 CommentsAn Important Message From Chairman Baugh (Citizen Power Rally – Feb 13th at 10:00am) Hello Friends, I need your help. Last week I delivered a speech to the Orange County […] -
Is OC GOP Chair Scott Baugh serious about wanting a revolution?
Posted on January 19, 2010 | 9 CommentsScott Baugh loves his fellow consultants and lobbyists… [poll id=”257″] So, is OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh really looking for a revolution? Or is he just spinning using tea party […] -
Poizner Endorses Citizen Power Initiative
Posted on January 7, 2010 | No CommentsThe Citizen Power Campaign continues to gain momentum, garnering the endorsement of Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner. Poizner joins Chuck DeVore and Tom Campbell in endorsing the Citizen Power Initiative. The measure will end the public employee unions' death grip on state government by prohibiting those unions from using forced member dues for politics. The Campaign recently launched a revolutionary iPhone application for gathering signatures to qualify the measure for the November 2010 ballot. -
California gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell endorses Citizen Power Initiative
Posted on December 31, 2009 | 14 CommentsCalifornia gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell today endorsed the Citizen Power Initiative as one of the most important reforms for turning around California’s troubled state government. Campbell is the first gubernatorial candidate of either party to endorse the measure, which will end the practice of allowing taxpayer money to be funneled to political causes through public employee unions’ paychecks. “Fixing our broken state government is priority one,” he said. “That’s why I am running for governor." -
DeVore Leads GOP in Fighting Union Corruption
Posted on December 22, 2009 | 17 CommentsU.S. Senate candidate Chuck DeVore this week endorsed the Citizen Power Initiative, a California ballot measure and proposed constitutional amendment that will end the corrupt practice of allowing taxpayer money to be funneled to political causes through public employee unions. DeVore said, “California’s fiscal crisis will continue unless we can break the political machine. The political alliance created by legislators and the powerful public employee unions who bankroll their campaigns results in bigger government, more spending, and taxpayers are shut out of the process. Nothing will change until we get the government out of the business of collecting union members’ dues that are used for politics.” -
Paycheck Protection Campaign Gathers Signatures
Posted on December 10, 2009 | 2 CommentsThe Citizen Power Campaign to end public employee union corruption is now officially gathering signatures to qualify the Citizen Power Initiative for the November 2010 ballot. Campaign leaders expressed pleasant […] -
Help Stop the Big Labor Slush Fund Cover-Up
Posted on December 4, 2009 | No CommentsTaxpayers must stop Obama’s Big Labor slush fund cover-up. Big Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is helping cover up Big Labor slush fund contributions by not requiring Big Labor to complete […]
Yeah, it looks dumb down here on its own. I think Greg wanted me to add it as an illustration…